Chapter 52 Moving

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  Soon, the three of them arrived above the Hokage Rock.

  "Five hundred meters further, it's in the woods." Kai pointed to the woods in front of him and glanced at Kakashi with a look of disdain.

  Kakashi rolled his eyes, completely ignoring Gai's childish behavior.

  Now, although Kakashi's father committed suicide and his good friend Obito died in the battle (he thought), he was changed by Chentian on the night of the Nine Tails. He did not lose his master and his wife, and he also gained a friend, Chentian.

  So it didn't fall into darkness like the original work.

  Although some things were forcibly restored to their original state, the butterfly wings of Chentian caused some waves.

  The distance of five hundred meters was quickly reached at the feet of the three Jonin.

  The picture that appeared in front of Chen Tian was beyond his expectation and satisfaction.

  The surroundings are lush and green, surrounded by trees on all sides; in the middle is a flat ground, also covered with flowers and plants.

  What's rare is that in the center of this open space is a lake that is not very big, which can be said to be picturesque.

  "This is it!" Chen Tian confirmed with a slap in the face.

  The next step is to build a house, which Chentian, Kakashi, and Kai can't do.

  Although earth escape is good, it is not suitable for building a house.

  After all, it's just dirt, not bricks and cement. Not only is it unsightly, it also poses a safety hazard.

  Who knew that one day it would collapse while sleeping? You can't just make a power bank yourself in Chentian and input chakra into the house from time to time.

  But this matter is not difficult. When Orochimaru joined the Chentian team, he also provided information about a child.

  That child is Tenzo, or Yamato.

  After knowing that this child had Wood Release, he was brought over by Minato and Sandai so that he could be used at any time.

  Do you think Chentian will call Yamato? Of course not.

  It’s just a wooden escape, but Chen Tian doesn’t know it, and it’s no different from the first generation.

  "Wooden Escape - the art of villa construction!"

  After constructing the model in his mind, Chen Tian started to do it without hesitation.

  Logs grew on the ground, forming a luxurious villa in thirty seconds.

  Kakashi and Kai on the side looked stunned, stammering and unable to speak.

  They all know that Chentian has many blood inheritance boundaries, but they were not on the battlefield at the time. The rumors were not as shocking as seeing them with their own eyes!

  After a while, the three of them had almost completed the construction, and the next step was to install the glass and other trivial matters.

  Kai volunteered to go to the village to move things, saying it would help him exercise.

  Under the declaration that this is youth, Kakashi and Chentian instantly agreed.

  In less than two hours, everything in the villa was installed, and Chen Tian's move came to an end.

  After calling the Konoha Sannin and Minato Kushina, as well as Kakashi and Gai who helped him to have dinner at night, this matter came to an end completely.

  When they were gathering, they didn't know that Konoha's rebel Hiruhu, who was far away in the Land of Grass, was currently paying attention to Chentian.

  After several years of hard work, his forbidden technique Kiyaro no Jutsu has been successfully developed, just when the boundaries of blood inheritance are needed.

  Originally, he was still thinking about other people's ideas, but at this moment, he heard the news about Chen Tian.

  Regarding Chentian's strength, he had the same idea as the Fourth Raikage Ai, but he believed in the limit of blood inheritance.

  Exaggerating Chentian's strength can intimidate other ninja villages, but exaggerating the boundaries of blood inheritance is completely unnecessary.

  "Very good, God is really helping me. After I developed the Oni Yaluo Technique, he sent such a person to me!"

  Although he has not yet obtained Chentian, Bei Liuhu has already regarded him as his own.

  In order to improve his strength as soon as possible, Beiruhu brought some random things and headed towards Konoha.

  Although it was a bit dangerous to do this, Chen Tian couldn't just send him to his door stupidly, so he could only find a way to kidnap him.

  After a night of silence, I woke up the next day, ate something, and headed towards Jiraiya's house in the morning.

  With Konoha booming, Jiraiya had settled down and stopped traveling.

  First, Konoha is growing and needs manpower.

  Second, Tsunade is in Konoha. If he wants to see Tsunade, he must stay in Konoha.

  Third, Konoha has developed to this day and has become the most prosperous place in the Land of Fire and even the Ninja World. There are the most beauties here and the bathhouses are the most luxurious!

  Well, the second and third points are the most important, but in any case, he just didn't leave.

  "Bang!" Pushing open the door of Jiraiya's house, Chentian shouted: "Are you ready? Can we go to Mount Miaomu now?" As early as last night

  , Chentian had discussed it with Jiraiya. this matter.

  But Jiraiya had to obtain the consent of the toads, so it was delayed until today.

  "Why did you get up so early?" Jiraiya, who was wearing pajamas and a sleepy face, walked out and said, "The great toad sage agreed, please wait for me to change clothes!" In less than three minutes, the toad sage

  Jiraiya He appeared again and took Chen Tian to Miaomu Mountain without saying a word.

  When he opened his eyes, Chentian saw the environment of Miaomu Mountain, which was completely the same as in the original work.

  "Little Jiraiya, is this boy coming to Mt. Myoboku? The Great Toad Sage wants to see you."

  Suddenly, an old male voice came from Chentian's feet. When he lowered his head, he saw that it was Fukasaku and Shima the two sages.

  After saying hello to the two immortals, Chen Tian went with them to meet the big toad immortal.

  Originally, the purpose of his coming was to see the Great Toad Immortal, so what could he refuse?

  "Here you are, the boy who changed the ninja world!"

  The Great Toad Sage narrowed his eyes, as if he hadn't woken up.

  "I wonder why you want to see me?" Chen Tian tilted his head curiously.

  He knew from Jiraiya that his portrait had been circulated in the three holy places, looking for him.

  "You are a variable in the ninja world. Because of your appearance, I have lost the ability to predict the future, so I want to sign a contract with you." "

  Yes, no problem at all!"

  Chen Tian agreed on the spot. He understood that The meaning of Toad Immortal.

  He can change the ninja world and make it impossible for the Great Toad Sage to predict the future.

  In order to prevent Miaomu Mountain from being invaded, it is obviously appropriate to let the toad of Miaomu Mountain become his own psychic beast.

  In this way, they are bound to themselves, and they will never hurt their psychic beasts.

  The Great Toad Immortal nodded with satisfaction, just talk to smart people, don't explain so much.

  Jiraiya on the side had already dislocated his jaw. How could the Great Toad Sage be unable to predict the future because of the morning sky?

  Why doesn't he believe this so much?

  After struggling to install his chin, Jiraiya stuttered and asked, "Big Toad Sage, do I still want to look for the Child of Destiny?" "Who are you?" "That's little Jiraiya! Little


  !" Jiraiya!"

  Seeing the big toad-sage becoming confused again, Shima-sage couldn't help it. The little toad's loud voice was completely out of proportion.

  "Oh, little Jiraiya! I understand." After answering Shima Sage, the Great Toad Sage said to Jiraiya: "When variables appear, the future of the ninja world will be controlled by variables!"

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