Chapter 309 Ending

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  "Didn't Red-Haired Shanks fight the Golden Lion in the New World? Why did he suddenly appear here?"

  Kizaru finally stood up holding on to the ruins, his expression extremely ugly.

  They have almost been defeated by Chen Tian now. If red-haired Shanks joins this battle again, the navy will probably be removed from the sea today.

  Of course, even if red-haired Shanks does not participate, just the members of the Bankai Pirates
  , not just the girl named Lux, have the power to completely destroy the navy.

  "Everyone of the Ten Thousand Worlds Pirates, don't continue fighting, let this end here!"

  Shanks walked step by step towards the direction of Chen Tian at this moment, surrounded by pirates with varying degrees of injuries. Or the Navy.

  "If the fight continues like this, it will be difficult for either side to end it, and if we continue to fight, let us be our opponents!" "Haha, he

  is indeed the most domineering man in the sea. I am more courageous than him. However, you must be mentally prepared when you appear here. If you start a war with our Bankai Pirates, you and your companions may be left here forever and buried in the sea!"

  Chen Tian looked at Shanks with a lively expression and spoke slowly.

  He has the confidence to say this. The navy, Whitebeard Pirates and Blackbeard Pirates lying on the ground have already proved the strength of the Bankai Pirates.

  Although they have already gone through a big war and everyone in the Bankai Pirates has been exhausted, let alone the war with the Red-haired Pirates, even if there is another Yonko, Chen Tian will not have any fear. .

  Will someone with Tsunade be able to heal the injured pirate in a short time? It can be said that the combat power of the Bankai Pirates has not been weakened much.

  What's more, there is Lux here, what does a mere red-haired Shanks mean?

  To take a step back, even if Lux can't take action, isn't there still Metkai?
  Although Metkai has not awakened the self-healing fruit, with his current level of mastery, he can open the Eight Doors of Dunjia Death for three to five minutes.

  After fighting in such a destructive manner for three to five minutes, I'm afraid no one in the red-haired pirates could survive!

  "If that is my final destination, I will never complain. Now I am just doing what I should do. Whitebeard is dead, and the navy has also suffered heavy losses. Is there anything else you are dissatisfied about? Chentian!

  " Kes stared closely at Chentian, holding the handle of the famous sword Griffin tightly in one hand.

  He was ready to go to war at any time, and at the same time, he knew very well that if he really wanted to go to war with the Bankai Pirates, he would never get the slightest benefit.

  Whitebeard's death will cause waves in the sea. If this battle continues, the entire sea will not be as simple as lifting up Poland, but will be turned
  upside down!

  Before Chen Tian could speak, Lux whispered: "Summoner, the people in this world are so annoying. How about I just break this world? I will take you to Valoran!" What she

  said The words shocked Chen Tian. The eldest lady started to act petty. It seemed that the beating could not continue.

  Otherwise, if this young lady really breaks the whole world, who can she ask to reason with?
  Although Chen Tian was not a good person and even had blood on his hands, he could not destroy a world for no reason.

  And today is almost enough. The navy is now severely weakened. More than half of its lieutenant generals have died, and other elite officers have suffered countless casualties.

  Half of the Whitebeard Pirates were also killed in the battle, and the pirates under his command were also in pieces, and could not become a big deal at all.

  What's more important is that in the Navy, Karp's injury was extremely serious, Sakaski had been killed, and other generals were also seriously injured.

  As for the Whitebeard Pirates, Whitebeard, one of the Four Emperors, was personally killed by Chen Tian.

  The Bankai Pirates were the only victors, and after Lux appeared, they could be said to have won a crushing victory.

  Earning more than two million points in one breath is already very good. Instead of continuing to kill, it is better to go back and draw slowly.

  What's more, before this war started, he had no intention of killing all these people.

  Even if their Bankai Pirates succeed in overthrowing the World Government, they will still need the navy to suppress this sea, so the existence of the navy is very necessary.

  Their only mistake is to regard the World Government and the Celestial Dragons as their justice!
  This war was originally meant to establish prestige, to eliminate some people who were not good for them, and to avenge the Bankai Pirates.

  With the death of Whitebeard and the defeat of the navy, no one dares to provoke the Bankai Pirates anymore, and the Bankai Pirates are now qualified to overthrow the World Government.

  Similarly, the Whitebeard Pirates and the Navy were pressing hard against the Bankai Pirates before, and now they have paid a sufficient price.

  Finally, if Chentian wants to control the navy in the future, he must step on the navy into the dirt and let them know how powerful he is.

  In some novels that Xiang Chentian read in his previous life, the protagonist just talked to the navy about overthrowing the world government together, and the navy simply agreed. In Chentian's opinion, it was simply impossible.

  How could the Navy work with you to overthrow the World Government before you showed your ability to crush everything? Do you really think that the Navy are all fools?

  Now that I have demonstrated my power to crush everything, in the future I will tell the Navy my sincerity. I believe the Navy will consider it carefully.

  Survive or die, this is a simple multiple choice question!
  So far, Chentian's three goals have been achieved, so let's end this war.

  "There's nothing dissatisfied about. Overall, the result is pretty good. At least it's much better than the battle three years ago!"

  Chen Tian smiled and said softly: "I said just now This war is over, but I just left a little gift. This time the whole world should understand that we, the Bankai Pirates, are not someone who can be provoked by anyone!" "Let's go, today's battle is about to begin

  . That's it." After saying these words, Chen Tian left directly with the members of the All Worlds Pirates.

  Shanks and the red-haired pirates stared closely at the members of the Bankai Pirates, fearing that they would suddenly turn around and take action.

  Only when everyone in the Bankai Pirates disappeared from sight did these people heave a sigh of relief.

  To be honest, when facing the Bankai Pirates, they didn't have the slightest confidence in their hearts.

  Just the current tragic situation of Marinfando was enough to destroy their confidence.

  The Whitebeard, Marines and Blackbeard Pirates could not defeat the Bankai Pirates, and their Red Haired Pirates were not that powerful.

  After Chentian and the Bankai Pirates left, Shanks set his sights on Navy Marshal Sengoku.

  Then he said: "The war is over, and Whitebeard's body will be taken away by us. Do you have any objection to this?"

  Then, regardless of Sengoku's dark expression, he stepped forward and left with the white-bearded corpse and the seriously injured Marco and others.

  Several hours after the red-haired pirates left, Sengoku stood up with a staggering effort.

  Seeing the miserable state of Hai Zhong Headquarters, the Warring States Marshal felt a strong sense of regret at this moment.

  If he hadn't taken advantage of the situation three years ago and wanted to destroy the All Worlds Pirates in one fell swoop, the Navy wouldn't be in this situation today.

  Or if I hadn't wanted Chen Tian because of the order of the World Government and forced him to become a pirate, there wouldn't have been such a scene!
  It's a pity that there is no regret medicine in this world. Even if you regret the Warring States Period, there is nothing you can do.

  However, Sengoku was still determined in his heart. After regretting for a while, he forcibly cheered up and began to deal with the mess at the Navy Headquarters.

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