Chapter 175 The sand crocodile slipped away

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  Turning his head suddenly, Sand Crocodile saw the unharmed Chen Tian appearing behind him. At this moment, his expression instantly became solemn.

  At this moment, just like when Chen Tian appeared in the room just now, he didn't notice the other party's movements at all, not even a bit!
  "Desert sword!"

  With a loud shout, Crocodile's arm directly turned into a sand blade. After becoming huge, he swung out and slashed open the ground in front of Chen Tian.

  But at the next moment, his eyes suddenly changed: "How is this possible? Boy, how can you be so fast?" The reason why he

  asked this question was because he saw with his own eyes that Chen Tian was killed by his own desert. The sword split into two.

  But the next moment, the body that had been cut in half gradually disappeared from the same place, turning into a shadow left by Chen Tian.

  Because Chen Tian's speed was so fast, he was able to leave a lifelike shadow behind after he left, which deceived his sight.

  "It's not that I'm fast, but that your domineering power is too weak." Chen Tian smiled, Garp's speed was even faster than his own!

  Then he walked towards Crocodile holding an ordinary long sword.

  He used Armament Haki to completely cover the entire long sword, so that he could slash natural entities.

  In this way, this ordinary long sword can be made as hard as those famous swords.

  Seeing the other party walking towards him, Crocodile frowned and used the Desert Diamond Sword.

  Although this move is more powerful than Desert Treasure Island, it has no effect on Chen Tian.

  Under the extremely fast speed, Crocodile could not touch him at all, and could not achieve any results with powerful attacks.

  "One billion and ten million Baileys? It seems that it's not all because of O'Hara's identity as a survivor!" Crocodile thought to himself.

  "Hey, do you, as a Qibukai, only have this ability, are you going to stand there and wait for me to take off your head?"

  Chen Tian said in an unusually casual manner. He himself did not regard this sand crocodile as that powerful. opponent.

  Although Sand Crocodile is very powerful in itself, if you are not proficient in the Haki of Knowledge and Armed Color, there is no good way to deal with him.

  He and Garp are of the same type, both physically invincible and strong.

  Except for not having the wide-range moves of those with Devil Fruit abilities, no matter it's attack, defense, speed, domineering, etc., they are not weak at all.

  Without obvious weaknesses, he is just a smelly, hard rock with a terrifying ability to survive.

  "Haha, take off my head? That requires you to have this strength! No matter how fast you are, as long as I bring the entire surrounding area into the attack range, you can't dodge it no matter what, right? "

  As he said that, the Sand Crocodile put one of his hands on the ground, and then the terrifying power exploded at this moment: "Erosion Reincarnation!" Erosion Reincarnation, the Sand Crocodile's special skill, is also the ultimate thing he learned not long ago. Killing move.

  A wide-area attack unique to natural fruits. After touching the ground with your right hand, use Dry Cracking to absorb the moisture from the creatures or objects in contact and gradually spread it to the surroundings.

  After it is activated, it has the terrifying power to pulverize even rocks into sand. After being used, the surrounding buildings will gradually become sandy and sink, and the ground will become dead and turn into a dry and cracked wasteland.

  However, this move is still useless against Chen Tian, ​​although this kind of super-wide attack will be included in the attack range no matter where he is.

  But as long as it is fully covered with armed domineering, the attack power of this move cannot hurt him at all.

  But being beaten passively was not his style. The long sword in his hand was suddenly completely wrapped in black energy, and the huge and powerful weapon shone brightly, making it look very powerful.

  Chen Tian covers the long sword with his own weapon color, which can greatly enhance his attack. If combined with his sword skills and physical fitness, it will be even more terrifying.

  Just when he felt that the power of corroding reincarnation spread to his feet, he jumped up directly, spun in the air, and shot towards Crocodile like an arrow.

  Seeing the morning sky approaching him, Crocodile felt an inexplicable sense of crisis in his heart.

  He felt that if he allowed the other party to attack him like this, then maybe he would really tell the truth here.

  Reacting almost subconsciously, Crocodile gave up on using Corrosion Reincarnation and quickly took a step back.

  At the moment when he retreated, the long sword with the aura of armed domineering slashed down, and the sharp sword light left a beautiful trace in the air.


  The sound of blood spurting sounded. Although Crocodile took a step back, he still did not completely avoid Chen Tian's slashing attack.

  The chest was directly struck by the sharp knife, and blood spurted out.

  Moreover, the appearance of his own blood actually affected the performance of his fruit ability.

  As a user with the ability of the natural-type Shasha Fruit, his body will materialize when it comes into contact with water and blood, even his own blood.

  "Desert Sword!"

  In anger, Crocodile turned his arm into a sand blade and rushed from the ground through a special path to attack Chentian. Compared with the Desert King Kong Sword, this move was much faster.

  But the purpose of him using this move was not to kill Chen Tian.

  He himself knew very well that the demon species in front of him, Chen Tian, ​​was not something he could deal with now.

  If Hao had not been injured and fought with him carelessly, he might still have a certain chance of winning.

  But now that he was injured, he was no match for the purple-haired man in front of him!
  The moment the desert sword came towards him, Chen Tian took two steps back, and then slashed out with the long sword in his hand. The dark sword energy instantly split the sand blade into two.

  And when he looked forward through the cut sand blade, he discovered that Crocodile, who should have been in front of him, had disappeared.

  "Did you merge into the desert and escape after being elementalized? What a troublesome ability. In this desert kingdom, unless the crocodile takes it lightly, it is almost impossible to kill him." It was confirmed that the sand crocodile had escaped

  . After that, Chen Tian put away the long sword. The battle was over, and the result was that he won and the sand crocodile ran away.

  If it wasn't for the purpose of practicing his swordsmanship and hoping to break through to the realm of great swordsman, he would actually have the ability to keep Crocodile.

  When he explodes with all his strength, he should be able to kill Crocodile directly on the spot before he can react.

  As a result, he didn't even have a chance to resist, let alone escape.

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