Chapter 983 Mystery

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  Chapter 983 Mystery
  In that situation, Xuan Yi was indeed unstoppable and had no way to escape.

  But he didn't need to block it, because the young man's Dharma Realm allowed all things to flow.

  Although this red laser beam is sharp and high-temperature, in the final analysis, it is still a part that all things can absorb.

  What's more, Xuanyi has reached the perfect state of all things flowing. Basically, any energy attack hitting him will be easily absorbed and transformed by him.

  Before the next round of attacks came, Xuanyi had already stretched out his hand, and a ray of red light shot out from the tip of his finger. The flow of all things was originally a method of returning the favor to others in the same way. At this time, Xuanyi completed the flow of the red beam. , and removed the rough parts to extract the essence and re-radiated it, destroying the distant turret that had just launched the attack with one blow, watching its armor being melted through, and a wisp of green smoke slowly emerged.

  "In comparison," Xuanyi said, "This is not as powerful as the main gun on Emma's Perseus." "

  But this is just a passive defense measure for the base?" Jiao Yue still stayed in the void, her room After witnessing Xuan Yi's smooth counterattack, I have to admit that in the past few years, this once weak young man has grown up so much.

  At the next moment, the metal walls on both sides of the corridor in front opened, and golden streamlined humanoid beings walked out. They all had slender limbs that were completely out of proportion to the human body. There were no facial features on their faces, only a simple head-like figure. A metal body with two gem-like eyes on it.

  In a way, they look more like anthropomorphic metal mantises than humans.

  Especially after walking out of the metal wall, their arms burned with light blue flames at the same time, as if both arms had turned into dangerous light blades.

  "I'll go meet them." Before these metal mantises rushed up, Xuanyi had already held down the ancient sword of Emperor Tian and said calmly to Jiao Yue. At the same time, his whole body turned into a stream of light.

  Jiao Yue stood there, looking at Xuanyi's back, her mind filled with helplessness and a little happiness.

  The helplessness is because I am really not suitable to take action now, so I can only watch on the side without any room for rebuttal.

  But I am happy because once upon a time, the little boy who needed to be protected by me can now really stand alone and even protect myself behind him.

  Although I am a little reluctant, I still feel a sense of satisfaction in cultivating success.

  Xuanyi didn't think so much at all. He pulled out the Emperor's Ancient Sword. Although the young man's current strength was not entirely in his fighting skills, as a warrior in the Perfection Realm, he was worthy of any opponent in close combat. .

  On the contrary, Xuanyi has long been an assassin-type player who pursues close distance and close combat.

  But now he was facing eight metal mantises that looked armed to the teeth.

  Xuanyi swung his sword to slash at one of them, but facing his sharp edge, the metal mantis actually chose to flexibly roll back to avoid it. And when Xuanyi wanted to pursue, the other three metal mantises raced towards each other. Xuanyi's head, waist, and ankles were in danger. If Xuanyi really wanted to exchange injuries for injuries, his body would be chopped into four parts in an instant.

  Jiao Yue watched from the side, not at all worried about the crisis Xuanyi was facing. After all, Xuanyi had seen countless more dangerous situations than he was now, and the young man was no longer what he used to be.

  Xuanyi actually missed the move.

  His first sword attack on the metal mantis was originally just a test, but who would have thought that such a narrow metal tunnel was not suitable for group battles. Xuanyi had an advantage in fighting alone, but these metal mantises The attack and attack methods between them are as exquisite as one person's control. You attack one, and the one who is attacked avoids it. The three nearest ones choose to attack the vital points you must save, and the other four are fully armed waiting for you. flaw.

  If there are other situations where one enemy is more than one, only those who are experienced in group battles can fight. If the terrain is advantageous, there will often be situations where one plus one is less than two.

  But now, as soon as Xuanyi fought, he knew that the opponent was more than one plus one than two. He was almost a factorial opponent. Seeing that he couldn't take advantage of melee fighting, Xuanyi could only choose the blood-burning technique, and the red flame burned from his body instantly. At this time, the blue light blades of three metal mantises had also struck Xuanyi's body.

  The flame of the light blade was extinguished after it came into contact with the body-protecting flames of Xuanyi's Nihuang Fire, but the original sharp blade blocked the high temperature of the Nihuang Fire and continued to cut into Xuanyi's body and Xuanyi's neck. A thin line of blood appeared instantly when the lower waist and ankle were cut.

  But at the next moment, the flames around Xuanyi burst out instantly, covering all eight metal mantises around him. The extremely high temperature destroyed their joints and cores, and they could only fall to the ground with a crackle. When Xuanyi When the Neon Fire was put away, their remains were still burning with embers on the ground.

  Xuanyi reached out and touched his neck. The thin blood marks just now had been instantly repaired by the self-healing power of Nihuang's blood.

  However, this also frightened Xuanyi. He has always treated every battle with the most cautious attitude. However, because he is now close to the completion of his cultivation, and the level of power in the world of Hyrule is really not high, Xuanyi is not interested in this. There is also a bit of contempt in Secret Base.

  However, I didn't expect that the attacks of these metal mantises would be so sharp. With Xuanyi's fighting skills, after a failed move, he could never find a chance to recover. He could only use force to defeat the skill, flipping the table and violently breaking through.

  "It's amazing, isn't it." Jiao Yue had already floated in front of Xuanyi and looked at the eight metal mantises that were instantly burned to charcoal by Xuanyi.

  "If these things are used alone, it feels like they are just Zhizhi realm things, but if they are strangled together, even a strong Dongxuan might fall here if they are not careful." Jiao Yue commented.

  Of course she is the exception.

  "Except for monsters like Custer who have invisible sword bodies." Xuanyi nodded and said: "It is difficult for other Dongxuan realms to survive in this kind of combat environment where they lose the opportunity." "But if you use long-range attacks carefully

  , , the result will be much better."

  "But for long-range attacks, what about laser turret attacks?" Jiao Yue asked.

  The two fell into silence at the same time.

  The ballistic speed of the laser turret reached the point where Xuanyi was completely unable to dodge and could only use his body to resist, and the melee attacks of these metal mantises were so powerful and sharp.

  So, what kind of existence created them?
  Where are those beings now?
  "I think the answer lies ahead." Xuan Yi said.

  "I'll clear the way."

  (End of chapter)

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