Chapter 945 The Girl of the New World

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  Chapter 945: Girl in the New World
  New world, Hyrule continent.

  The originally blue sky was now gloomy. A castle was built on the highest point of the mountain. A girl in black stood there, looking towards the earth.

  This is a defensive position.

  Hundreds of fortresses were built around the mountain peaks, and trenches were formed in circles like annual rings on the earth. Flames were burning in the distance, and black smoke billowed into the sky.

  But there are no shouts or shouts to be heard here.

  "Is there still no news about the contact with the main world?" The girl in black has long black hair and the same deep eyes. Her face is delicate, even though she is a bit dusty and haggard, but even without makeup, she is still the most beautiful in the world. One of the women.

  Someone knelt behind her: "Princess Huiyue, we are unable to contact you." "

  So where is the Ninth Princess Ye Xuan? Can Ye Xuan send reinforcements to our side?" Jiao Yue looked at the flames of war under her feet. Calm asked.

  "His Royal Highness Xuan cannot be contacted. The enemy has divided and surrounded us, just like ants surrounding an elephant." The man lowered his head and said: "But in fact, although we are stronger than them, we are not as strong as the elephant. "

  So we will all die here, right?" Jiaoyue smiled and asked.

  "It will only be us who die." The kneeling subordinate lowered his head and said, "Your Royal Highness, Princess Yue, is the crown prince of the Aussie Empire, and you cannot die here easily." "Besides, without our drag," he said

  . With.

  Jiaoyue's smile became brighter: "What does it mean not to be burdened by you?"

  She turned around and looked at the other party.

  The girl's figure was tall and tall. The moment the sun emerged from the clouds in the distance, the sunlight cast her shadow in front of her. It was just a translucent shadow.

  "Winter is coming. A lone wolf dies, but a pack wolf lives."

  "When did you have the illusion that if I leave you, I will live a better life."

  Jiao Yue's voice said from her word by word. It came out from the pure white lips, and it seemed that when it landed on the ground, it would have the illusion of being dropped on a jade plate.

  "However, Goshawk Castle will no longer be able to be defended." said the subordinate.

  Jiaoyue tilted her head and smiled: "How long do you think we can hold on?"

  "Probably less than a month, our supplies are seriously insufficient." The subordinate lowered his head and said: "If this situation continues, I'm afraid only human flesh can be used as food. Army rations."

  "Then we have to consider whether the taste of human flesh is delicious enough." Jiao Yue looked at her subordinates: "As for the military rations, I will think of a solution for the time being." At this moment, Jiao Yue's eyes suddenly rose

  . A trembling light curtain appeared. The background of the light curtain was the burning sky. A twisted man's face appeared there. At the same time, behind him was a deafening shout of killing: "Your Highness, the Horse Shoe Heights cannot be defended. The enemy has launched an attack." General attack, they are coming!"

  "That's why you came to call me, right." Jiaoyue replied slowly.

  The smile on the girl's lips never stopped.

  "I'll go first and come back soon. Remember to prepare people to accept the Horseshoe Highlands."

  The girl said.

  In the next moment, the girl in black turned into a burst of black smoke and disappeared silently.



  Horseshoe Highlands, as its name suggests, is a horseshoe-shaped highland.

  The soldiers who came to this world from the Ossian Empire couldn't understand the language of most of the residents of this world, so when they saw something, they would give it a new name.

  Except that the name Hyrule Continent is a transliteration of the other party's pronunciation, other than that, Goshawk Castle and Horseshoe Fortress are all named after themselves.

  After all, the name needs to be remembered by everyone. It doesn’t need to be too literary or nice, just the image.

  Goshawk Castle is because that place is so high that only eagles can fly up.

  Horseshoe Highlands is a horseshoe-shaped highland.

  This high ground is covered with trenches and high bunkers. The soldiers wearing imperial uniforms have short knives on their waists and long guns in their hands.

  The gun here is a gun that can be fired, not a gun that simply stabs out.

  Because of the magic revolution, the application of magic in this world has already reached a rapid stage. However, the finalization of firearms technology began as early as a thousand years ago in the Orchid Patriotic War. With the Ossian Empire, the Orchid Empire included business Countries including the Federation developed excitation devices based on magic power during that war, and have continued to develop them to this day. They use firearms made from magic crystals that can be repeatedly charged and switched freely. , unlike Star City and the Republic of Ste, which mainly use live ammunition firearms.

  Now, thirty soldiers using thirty guns in their hands can effectively create a cross fire space on the battlefield, thereby harvesting the lives of enemies in batches.

  In fact, the art of war has been developed among the three empires for a long time. It is just because of the shadow of the Patriotic War a thousand years ago and the long-term balance of power between the three empires that peace can be allowed on this earth. Stayed for so long.

  That's why when the horn of the new world sounded, every empire couldn't wait to respond, wanting to win the land under the blue sky with their own hands.

  To build new empires and propagate new civilizations.

  However, in this continent of Hyrule, everyone soon discovered that this was actually a nightmare place.

  Although at the beginning, Hyrule was the most potential and largest world among the ten first batch of explored new worlds, because all parties invested more than one-third of their exploration efforts here, including the Ninth Legion. Ye Xuan led the suppression. The original idea was to turn this place into a model colonial world. The reason was because Hyrule continent has the climate and geography closest to the main world, and - there are humans here. world.

  But now this place is nightmare and hell.

  On the Horseshoe Highlands, the momentary stream of light emitted by the magic firearms instantly turns into burning flames, frosty cold air, exploding wind blades and heavy stone bullets after contacting the object. Such firepower is so fierce that it can almost make this person The highlands became a pure meat grinder, but their enemies were not humans.

  But a vicious dog.

  Vicious dogs are the name given to these creatures by the Oss Empire, although strictly speaking they are not dogs.

  But they have limbs that can run quickly, sharp and tough claws and teeth, hard scales - and almost endless numbers.

  If the previous ones were all advantages, then the saddest thing is probably that the meat of these vicious dogs is inedible.

  In front of the position, there were vicious dogs as black as the ocean, swarming towards the Horseshoe Heights in the form of a skirmishing formation.

  This highland will be destroyed in an instant.

  (End of chapter)

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