Chapter 936 Those Saints

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  Chapter 936 Those Saints
  But to the Star Lord’s words, Xuanyi nodded.

  He has put away the Emperor Tian Ancient Sword and extinguished the flames on his body.

  He finally proved that the power he had regained after all the hardships was still not comparable to the power Ning Xiner or Lin Wei had given him.

  After all, the power Lin Wei gave him at the beginning was almost equivalent to the power of a saint, but now, he is only equivalent to a strong man in the Taiwei realm.

  The difference between them is really huge.

  Xuanyi stopped and stood there, and the Star Lord also did not attack the boy. Although according to the Star Lord, in his dark starry sky world, in this prototype of the Kingdom of God, in the illusory realm, the Star Lord will Becoming more powerful than ever, Xuan Yi was no match for him.

  The Star Lord has just proved this to Xuanyi. If it is not proved, there will be no need to continue talking about many things.

  Xuanyi will definitely choose to see if he can kill the Star Master directly.

  "I have a few questions to ask you." Xuanyi said standing there. He had been seriously injured, but after all, because of the blood of Nihuang in his body, all injuries were quickly transformed in his body. Then business as usual.

  "You can ask." Star Lord said.

  The old man answered under his starry sky-like cloak.

  In fact, many times, Xuanyi would have the illusion that the Star Master didn't have what he wanted or liked at all.

  He is such a simple and strong person, a person who can move forward at all costs.

  "Does my birth have no meaning?" Xuanyi asked.

  Star Lord smiled.

  Xuanyi could hear the cold laughter of the Star Master.

  Yes, Xuanyi has never heard such cold laughter from Star Master.

  "Life has meaning from the moment you are born, why do you need to deny your own meaning." Star Lord said.

  Xuanyi nodded: "Okay, second question, what exactly were you thinking about when you took me away from the palace in Aos?" "Os

  Yusheng and I have always thought that you have a very special relationship. A terrible conspiracy, but until now, Osyuyu has been trapped in the new world, and now that I have become Osamu's walking companion, we still don't know what your terrible conspiracy is." "I have been waiting for the unfolding of your conspiracy

  . , have been waiting for you to take action behind the scenes, but you have always stood here and never done anything." "

  I originally thought that I might not come here to ask you these questions for a long time, but now, I have to Don't ask questions." The boy said many things in one breath without pausing, because once some words are stopped, there will be no future.

  "Now that you see me, you see that I actually want to kill you, but the reason why you are unwilling to kill me is."

  Star Master looked at Xuanyi, who was now very close to Xuanyi.

  He is tall, but the Star Lord who appears in reality is only about two meters tall, but in this illusory world, the Star Lord is about four meters tall and can look down at Xuanyi. Looking at the young man in front of him like this, his eyes were still extremely cold and indifferent.

  "I said, you are my cause and effect."

  Star Lord indeed said that Xuanyi is his cause and effect.

  Now the reason why Xuanyi knows this sentence is because the Star Lord brought Xuanyi out of the palace of Aos, and then used his flesh and blood to make Aos Yusheng of the same size and age as him, and then made the "fake" Aos Yusheng Si Yusheng returned the favor, leaving the real master Xuan Yi behind in Star City.

  However, as a member of the orthodox royal family of Os, Xuanyi did not receive treatment that matched his background.

  In other words, Xuanyi felt that he deserved to die when Osyusheng was sent back, because in this case, Osyusheng was the only right person and would not be confused by his own existence.

  But Xuanyi survived. Although he was sent to Dark Star's weapons project, he became a devil boy as precise as a screw. Moreover, due to the lack of sufficient resources and guidance from good teachers, Xuanyi's potential and talent were far behind. be adequately developed.

  Because of Qixi Zizhen's poisonous hair, he ultimately needed his sister's help to survive.

  I have to work hard just to stay alive.

  But - why was I born, why did I have such a life?

  Star Lord is the cause and effect of Xuanyi.

  But it was also because of Star Lord that Xuanyi was born and grew up in Star City.

  Without this mysterious and powerful man in front of him, there would be no existence and appearance of Xuanyi.

  Even though Xuanyi was so close that he could kill the terrifying man in front of him, he didn't do it.

  Not only did he fail to do so, the person who can kill him now is Star Lord, not the other way around.

  "I know I am your cause and effect." Xuanyi said.

  The young man raised his head and stared into Star Lord's eyes.

  "Life is a river and a flame. The river needs to flow and the flame needs to burn." "

  But you changed the course of my river and brought my flame to another fire pit." "

  What does this mean to you?"

  Star Master looked at it . Xuanyi said: "Because I need the blood of the Nihuang clan, your magical and interesting blood."

  This is the answer that is closest to the truth from the Star Master. In other words, Xuanyi did not expect that the Star Master could be so honest.

  "Did you succeed?" Xuan Yi asked.

  "It's close to success, but there is no real success." The Star Lord said: "My authority is time and time, and I control the flow of time. I also hope to become a saint, but the understanding and price required for becoming a saint are very huge. ."

  "What's more, in front of me on the road to sanctification, there is the existence of the Xitian clan leader who has the same authority as me and is even more powerful." "I have heard too

  many legends about that clan leader, and I also know what his power is. Place is the real end."

  "So I never thought about being able to surpass him."

  "But I need the right blood of Nihuang. Because of the brother and sister, the entire Nihuang family has far greater talent for space and time. Much taller than ordinary people, but there is no blood I need in this world."

  Star Lord said.

  The starry cloak around him shimmered silently.

  "Can't the Star Master get the blood of the Nihuang clan?" Xuanyi asked.

  He tentatively believed Star Lord's explanation, because Star Lord seemed to have no reason to lie to him.

  Or necessary.

  Star Lord could refuse to answer, or simply kill him here.

  What good would it do Star-Lord to give him a wrong answer? Xuanyi didn't know.

  Now he just asks the other party seriously.

  "Xitian is a saint." Star Master looked at Xuanyi and said, "You have now seen a real saint." "

  Then tell me, in your mind, are those saints scary?"

  (End of chapter)

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