Chapter 884 Cynthia

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  Chapter 884

  The little girl crying Cynthia has gray eyes, like dove gray feathers.

  Red hair, crying pear blossoms with rain.

  Xuanyi stood in front of her, and she didn't even raise her head.

  In fact, many people here are looking at the sobbing girl, but only Xuanyi came here.

  Because most people don't want to cause unnecessary trouble in this prosperous place in a foreign country.

  The girl raised her head: "Do you want to help me?"

  she asked directly.

  The girl was dressed in tatters, her face was covered with dirty mud, and tears shed clear mud marks on her face.

  But even so, it can be seen that she is actually a very rare beauty.

  "Not necessarily." Xuan Yi said lightly while looking at her face.

  "What's your name?"

  "My name is Cynthia." The girl whispered.

  "What happened?" Xuan Yi continued to ask.

  "Someone attacked my friend. I ran here desperately trying to get help, but no one helped me. I was scared and sad for a while, so I started crying." Cynthia whispered.

  She used the local language of the Commercial Federation, not a dialect that was too difficult to understand.

  "Are you telling the truth?" Xuan Yi asked.

  The boy's expression remained unchanged.

  He now has the image of a lone traveler. Although his disguise skills are not as skillful as Jiao Yue's, he is definitely not an easy person. For most people, he is simply indifferent. Not wearing the disguise of a teenager.

  The remaining small part, Xuan Yi should not be considered a disguise.

  Without showing his true face, Xuan Yi is really just a young man in his early twenties with dark skin and ordinary appearance and no apparent strength.

  Cynthia bit her lip: "I thought you were a good person."

  Saying this, Cynthia covered her face, turned around and separated from the crowd and walked away.

  Xuanyi looked at the girl's back. She was wearing a shabby and dark red dress, and her back looked very thin.

  But Xuanyi never followed.

  ...   Cynthia was accosted by Xuanyi, but left because of the young man's vigilance. After she left the crowd, she immediately suppressed her tears, and then continued walking deeper into the alley outside the train station

  .   This is a winding and deep alley. There are rat corpses and sewage flowing across the road. Cynthia is wearing a pair of worn-out red shoes, but she still carefully avoids the sewage.   Just like that, when they finally reached a dead end, the girl stood still and a voice came from behind her: "What, you are empty-handed again?" The voice was   impatient and cold.   Cynthia bit her lip: "I was pestered by someone. They wanted to ask me my details, but I couldn't pester them, so I had no choice but to come back." "   Asking you for details?" The person behind her said coldly: "And you, Cynthia can't handle it. Someone?"   "That person is very strange." Cynthia lowered her head: "I originally thought there was nothing wrong with him, but after saying a few words, I felt that he was scary, so I had no choice but to run away." "Escape   . ?" The other party repeated Cynthia's last word.   "Then why did you escape here?" The other party lifted Cynthia's neck from behind, and the girl's thin body was lifted like a doll.   "Isn't this the place you want to escape from the most?"   Holding the neck from behind does not actually make people feel suffocated.   But this way, it is very convenient to crush the opponent's neck directly.   His hand was really strong, so he could easily break Cynthia's neck.   But the girl didn't struggle.   Instead of struggling, she just floated calmly in the air, like a cat being lifted from behind.   Therefore, Cynthia's performance made the other party feel very unhappy and boring.   He put down the other party and looked at Cynthia's back: "Turn around."   Cynthia turned around calmly. Her dove-gray eyes were completely different from the pitiful look Xuan Yi had seen back then. They were extremely cold. indifferent.   She just looked at each other indifferently, with no life in her eyes.   And Cynthia's eyes also reflected the person in front of her.   In front of him was a tall man with only one arm, covered in black tattoos. He had no eyebrows, but he had thick red hair, dirty and messy.   "You're still too young." His eyes slid down from Cynthia's face to her breasts and legs. The girl was really small and very thin. The only thing worthy of praise was the dirty but still beautiful face. The face of the sign cannot be concealed.   "I'm glad I'm still young," Cynthia said.   "You didn't bring back any prey today." The man looked at Cynthia and said.   "Well, I'm not allowed to eat tonight." Cynthia nodded and said. The girl's expression was calm and indifferent, and she didn't seem to feel any pain from being hungry.   "Not only are you not allowed to eat dinner, Mia is not allowed to eat either," the man continued.   Cynthia's expression collapsed for a moment.   The man looked at her expression, showing a happy emotion.   "So you don't always have such a cold expression like a corpse."   Cynthia nodded and reconstructed her disguise.   "What if I can find you prey before dark?"   It is now two o'clock in the afternoon, and there are still about six hours until dark in Cuenca.   "Then you will have something to eat." The man said with a grin.   Cynthia nodded, then turned and walked out of the alley.   It's like a lonely red cat looking for prey.   There are no red cats in this world.   But Cynthia has red hair, red clothes, and a pair of worn-out red shoes. Such a red dress should have been extremely bright.   But the impression she gave people was that of a dark spot that was so bleak that it was impossible to see clearly.   Only those dove-gray eyes make people feel a little gentle and angry.   The train station is the most crowded place in Cuenca City and the place with the most outsiders. All thieves and prostitutes, including more advanced decoys like Cynthia, like to work here.   It’s just that Cynthia had already shown up at the train station today, and it would be a little inconvenient to show up again, so she quickly came to the market in Cuenca this time.   Cuenca is a very large city, but in terms of area, it even surpasses Star City, which is itself a megacity, so there is not just one market here.

  Cynthia came to the most ordinary market.

  Then she skillfully took out a wooden sign and hung it around her neck.

  It says on the wooden sign.

  "Voluntarily sold into slavery."

  Cynthia was still young. Although she was a little thinner, she was really pitiable.

  So soon there were people standing in front of her sign.

  The man looked at her.

  "How much did you sell it for?"

  Cynthia looked at his face, turned around and ran away.

  Xuanyi looked at Cynthia's running back from behind.

  Still no pursuit.

  (End of chapter)

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