Chapter 870 The Destruction of Black Tooth Mountain

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  Chapter 870: The Destruction of Black Tooth Mountain:
  Did anyone break into the mountain?
  Heitan has almost forgotten how long it has been since he heard this sentence.

  After all, he himself is a powerful existence in the Dharma Realm. Even if he only met the Dharma Realm for the first time, to most people in this world, he is already an inhuman existence.

  Yes, when the realm of Dharma begins to imitate heaven and earth, it is equivalent to an inhuman realm.

  He stood up and clenched the gloves in his hands.

  This is his weapon and his spiritual weapon.

  The treasure he has relied on to fight so far, but Heidan has a premonition that he will encounter the strongest enemy in his life.

  I can’t explain why, it’s really just a hunch.

  At this time, the originally closed door of the hall suddenly opened, and a tall and thin man walked in from the sunshine and breeze outside the door.

  With his bare hands, he glanced at the entire hall with his black hair and black eyes: "Who is Heitan?"

  Heitan couldn't help but stand up: "I am the one who dares to ask why you are here?"

  The reason why you are so polite. , because Heitan couldn't feel the depth of the man in front of him at all.

  Although he looks so young, Heitan has also heard that some powerful beings above the cave can distort his age and even gender, so he doesn't dare to look down on him because of this.

  Xuanyi glanced at Heitan and remembered the other person's appearance.

  "Qingyi Zhifeng came to see you, right?" Xuanyi said.

  Heitan denied it flatly: "How could I deal with the gang of traitors from Qingyi Zhifeng?"

  Xuan Yi was really amused.

  Yes, the names of those lunatics from Green Wings are still spread throughout the Ossian Empire and even the entire world, because they are an organization that has not completely given up on restoring the country after thousands of years. The big kingdom is constantly causing trouble within the Os Empire. However, many people suspect that Green Wings' ability to survive to this day is also due to the connivance within the Os Empire, because people always need someone who can clearly see the pressure on them anytime and anywhere. Enemy, and Qingyi Zhifeng is the best existence.

  This also made Qingyi Zhifeng's reputation extremely bad.

  But at the same time, almost every aspect of the empire needed the lubricant of Green Wings' Edge, just like when the Qian family used Green Wings' Edge to launch the assassination of Jiao Yue, or the subsequent sniper attack on Qian Ying.

  Just like when the empire is in civil strife now, Green Wings Front rushes over to fan the flames.

  "That's it." Xuan Yi smiled: "If you haven't seen it before, then you haven't seen it. Then can I ask you a favor?" The

  young man's tone was sincere.

  Heitan was a little surprised. He didn't expect Xuan Yi to be so polite.

  "What's the matter? You can tell me first."

  "I want to remove Black Tooth Mountain from this world from now on. Do you think that's okay?"

  When the young man said this, he had a sincere smile on his face.



  The wild wolf stayed where he was and really didn't move.

  Although he did have thoughts of running away, he was not stupid.

  The power that Xuanyi displayed really surpassed all the definitions of power in the minds of wild wolves. At that moment, the original desire to survive turned into a desire to become a powerful person like Xuanyi. .

  Yes, men's thirst for power is almost endless, but the wild wolf has never seen anyone who can lead him into this upright path of cultivation.

  I just walked on the road of life in a daze, and finally became the leader of Yelang Village inexplicably, and then I came here inexplicably within seconds.

  Only now did the wild wolf almost find a clear direction.

  Even though he is almost forty years old.

  But on this road of life, it is never too late to clearly understand what you really need.

  He is standing here now, watching Xuanyi disappear into the distant Black Tooth Village. He is not worried about Xuanyi's safety, even though he knows that the fighting power of Black Tooth Mountain is much stronger than that of his Wild Wolf Village. They say that their mountain master Hei Tan is even more terrifying and monster-like.

  But no matter how terrifying the monster is, it may not be as terrifying as one-tenth of Xuanyi.

  Wild Wolf has clearly distinguished the differences between realms for Xuanyi.

  Even if he doesn't know that there is knowledge above the investigation of things, there is the Dharma above the knowledge, and there is the mystery above the Dharma.

  And above the Dongxuan is the terrifying Dongxuan.

  Black Tooth Mountain was so peaceful that it even seemed as if the person who entered was not a person, but a fly.

  The fly buzzed towards the core building of the cottage. Someone may or may not have noticed him.

  But anyone who tried to stop him had fallen to the ground silently. Yelang believed that Xuanyi had arrived in front of Heitan.

  He couldn't imagine that battle because he lost all the courage to fight Xuanyi the first time he faced him.

  If he fought, he would definitely be crushed to death like an ant.

  The surrounding wind blew the leaves, and the wild wolf raised his head to glance at the sky.

  He did not bring a watch, but due to his long-term wilderness survival experience, he could roughly judge the current time.

  And about ten minutes have passed since Xuanyi walked in.

  Ten minutes shouldn't be too long.

  Maybe it takes Xuanyi half an hour to solve the problem of this copycat?
  While he was thinking this, in the wild wolf's field of vision, he saw the boy in black walking over calmly and without a smile on his face.

  His whole body was spotless, not stained with dust and certainly not stained with blood. It seemed that he did not come to destroy this village, but seemed to just attend a noble ball.

  "Master, is it finished?" Wild Wolf quickly ran up and asked.

  Xuanyi nodded.

  Xuanyi was actually a little surprised that the wild wolf didn't escape.

  But the wild wolf's escape means that he will die in the most painful way.

  Because the boy had already injected the poison of Qixi Ziwei into his body, which was the original purple drop of water.

  "From today on, Black Tooth Mountain will no longer exist."

  There are still many plundered female relatives on Black Tooth Mountain, but the young man has no time to take care of them for the time being. He will probably return to Qing'an City later to let the empire's The army came to receive relief.

  Again, Xuan Yi didn't have much time, so he could only choose the simplest solution.

  Thinking like this, Xuanyi raised his hand and grabbed the wild wolf's not-so-burly figure again.

  This man is basically the most barbaric form grown from grass roots.

  So this makes Xuan Yi vaguely have a good impression.

  "Let's go to the next cottage."

  Wild Wolf nodded.

  When he flew up in the air again, this man was no longer so afraid of heights.

  On the contrary, he took the initiative to ask Xuanyi a question.

  "Master, when this is over, whether you kill me or not, can I make a request to you?"

  Xuan Yi raised his eyebrows: "Request?"

  (End of Chapter)

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