Chapter 865 Rule

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  Chapter 865: Ruling
  : Xuanyi raised his hand and killed a robber, because killing the robber was not more difficult for Xuanyi than killing a chicken.

  Psychologically, it is no more difficult than killing a chicken.

  During Xuanyi's boyhood, he had been learning how to kill completely innocent people without any psychological burden.

  As for now, Xuan Yize prefers to judge the other party's guilt first.

  Even if the standards for conviction are perfunctory.

  After the robber's body fell to the ground, the surroundings were quiet for a moment.

  Because such a death is too understatement.

  Because of the understatement, it seems shocking.

  But after a while, the villagers who originally shrank their heads like quails began to make a noise.

  They stood up one after another and told Xuanyi which of their relatives had been killed by these bandits.

  The number they reported soon exceeded the total number of robbers here.

  Xuanyi looked at Zhou Xing. Zhou Xing was not too surprised that Xuanyi suddenly killed someone.

  Because to him, the pain Xuanyi made him endure before was more terrifying than death itself.

  But for these villagers who were accusing them of crimes one by one, Zhou Xing suddenly became uneasy.

  "Look, they want you all to die." Xuan Yi said to Zhou Xing with a smile.

  At that moment, Zhou Xing didn't even know who Xuanyi was from.

  But Xuanyi then looked up at the villagers who were angry and accusing them, even though they were still afraid of Xuanyi and only dared to stand in the place where they were previously imprisoned.

  But everyone was dancing and making loud noises.

  "After you tell me, I will count the bodies here." The young man's voice was soft and cold.

  "If the number of you killed exceeds the number of corpses here, and you can't find new fresh dead corpses." Xuan Yi looked at each other: "I don't mind turning you into corpses." Angry and manic,

  thinking Thirty years in the west of Hexi and thirty years in the east of Hedong. The villagers suddenly became silent.

  Xuanyi looked at them: "Now you can talk again."

  So this time, the villagers finally began to be cautious. They discussed with each other to confirm that the dead relatives did not overlap, and finally told Xuanyi the identity of the dead person. and gender, and brought in their dead bodies one by one.

  When they saw these corpses, many women couldn't help but burst into tears. Only Xuanyi remained calm.

  He also killed a corresponding number of robbers.

  Regardless of whether those robbers actually killed anyone, the fact that they appeared here with knives was a crime in itself.

  "Okay." Xuan Yi looked at them, and then asked softly: "Do you have the expenses to bury them, or will the people here have difficulties in life after losing these men?" Everyone looked at Xuan

  Yi Yi's expression was a bit complicated to the extreme.

  Because what this young man did is difficult to describe as good or bad.

  Overall, of course, he did good things. He saved the village that was being ravaged by bandits, but he refused to kill all the bandits as the villagers wanted, and even said that if there were too many accusations, he would Kill villagers to atone for their crimes.

  He is only one person, but he easily controls all situations here.

  Now, he began to ask the villagers what difficulties would be caused to their lives if these people were killed.

  So eventually, many people began to complain to the young man. Xuanyi seemed to be listening, but also seemed not to be listening.

  Because these people can't finish listening to their bitterness, and they may have to listen for three more days and three nights.

  But Xuanyi really only listened for ten minutes.

  Then he looked at the villagers: "Where is your village chief?" The

  chief of this village turned out to be a woman in her forties. It may be that she avoided the first wave of killings.

  And she seems to know a little bit about spiritual practice, but really very little.

  "I asked you to send three young men to me." Xuanyi said to her.

  There was no intention of asking her name.

  "May I ask, young hero, what do you want these men to do?" the village chief asked.

  Although Xuan Yi doesn't think he is a young hero.

  But he still answered.

  "Moving things, of course, and bearing witness."

  After saying this, Xuan Yi looked at Zhou Xing again.

  "Next, how about we go to Yelang Village?"

  Zhou Xing trembled: "What are you going to Yelang Village for? You should know that there is nothing you want there."

  Xuan Yi looked at him and smiled. Smile: "Debt collection."

  "Of course, if you go, you can survive."

  ...   Zhou Xing does not believe that Xuanyi will let him survive, but Zhou Xing believes that Xuanyi can make his life worse than death



  So Zhou Xing has no choice.

  These bandits had horses, and after Xuanyi executed nearly half of them, they still had many more.

  So the extra horses were left to this small village called Xiliu Village, while the others, including the villagers of Xiliu Village, and Xuanyi, led by Zhou Xing, headed towards Yelang Village with the surrendered bandits. .

  Even the bandits who surrendered now respected the boy like a god, or were afraid of him like a god.

  In their eyes, this young man who came here like a god is really extremely powerful.

  He is far more powerful than their leader. There is no doubt that following him will definitely have a better future.

  Even though everyone knows that Xuanyi doesn't need them.

  Yelang Village is not far away, but the road is a bit steep and very remote.

  After all, if it was right next to the main road and the terrain was good, this cottage would have been wiped out by the heavenly soldiers long ago.

  And there is such a small village hundreds of miles away from Qing'an City. The important reason should be that they are really sensible and do not commit crimes.

  Now they have committed a crime.

  It takes about two and a half hours to ride a horse from Xiliu Village to Yelang Village. Therefore, those villagers in Xiliu Village who are not used to riding horses are basically screwed up in the saddle, and some even have to fight with these bandits. Ride together.

  But no matter what, two and a half hours later, Yelang Village was right in front of us. It was a camp made of wood, with a tall watchtower made of stone, and indeed, the terrain was quite dangerous.

  "Is this here?" Xuan Yi turned around and looked at Zhou Xing.

  Xuanyi is the only one who is not riding a horse.

  But he was more relaxed than any man on horseback.

  Almost everyone already believed that he was a god.

  But the boy didn't think so.

  Because he had just seen a real god.

  "It's almost here." Zhou Xing nodded repeatedly.

  Then he looked at Xuanyi: "I don't know why a big shot like you came here. We obviously don't have anything you like."

  Xuanyi shook his head: "No, at least there is one thing, I still Need to learn."

  Zhou Xing couldn't understand.

  The young man looked at him and softly uttered two words.


  Saying this, Xuan Yi stretched out his hand and pushed forward.

  The entire Wild Wolf Village had a fence made of wooden stakes as thick as the mouth of a bowl. At that moment, they all fell down in front of the young man.

  (End of chapter)

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