Chapter 844 The meaning of existence

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  Chapter 844: The Meaning of Existence

  Xuan Yi looked up at the sunset above his head.

  The red dress is floating in the cobwebs, the girl lowers her head, and her sleeping face is peaceful and peerless, charming the country.

  The girl is as quiet and beautiful as a sacrificial witch.

  It's so holy that people can't bear to desecrate it.

  Is this Yaoyao?

  The person who once kept saying that he loved him the most in the world.

  And when Yaoyao became Xiying, she did get her wish, just as she said.

  From the little girl who was regarded as a monster by the world, she became the most noble girl in the world, the young patriarch of the Nihuang clan, Xitian's sister, the most beautiful and powerful woman in the world.

  But Xuanyi knew that Yaoyao was not happy.

  Yaoyao has said countless times that if she had a choice, she would not want to come to the Forgotten City.

  It was Xuanyi who forced her to come for treatment.

  Like now.

  Xiying also said that she was willing to accept her fate and her own death.

  But the premise or price is that she hopes to spend three years in this world with herself.

  Is this Yaoyao's wish?
  Let’s talk about Xiying’s wish.

  But Xuanyi wanted to find a way to keep Xiying alive.

  The farthest distance in the world is not when I stand in front of you but you don’t know that I love you.

  But - it's really life and death.

  Only life and death are the distance that separates the two worlds. Xuanyi once experienced separation from her sister. Even though in the end it was extremely accidental that she was able to keep her sister's soul in this world, but that kind of experience, Xuanyi Really don't want to try it a second time.

  However, the saddest thing about this world is that no matter how much you want to avoid it, life and death are things that will eventually come.

  It will breathe coldly beside you, reminding you of its existence, and at a moment when you don't expect it, it will take away your life.

  Just like many saintly beings, even if they have been able to avoid the fate of death, they finally voluntarily ushered in the end of death. They seem to think that only when life and death exist, can they gain the unity of becoming human beings. .

  For example, Xiao, Yue Yisheng, and Xia.

  But for Xuanyi himself, he doesn't want to see that kind of perfection, he doesn't want to see that kind of unity.

  Now, he just doesn't like it and is even afraid of death.

  It can also be said that he was so afraid of life and death that he got to where he is now.

  Being afraid of death is not something to be ashamed of.

  Xuanyi is really afraid of death.

  So he was also afraid that Xiying would die in front of him.

  There was only Xuanyi in this temple. Xiying's red clothes hung over the boy's head, surrounded by white walls. Although it was sealed, there was an invisible wind echoing here, so Xuanyi didn't feel stuffy at all.

  As Xuan Er said before, this is a very suitable place to talk, and Xuan Yi understands.

  Although Xiying is sleeping, everything he says and does can be heard and seen by Xiying.

  Therefore, there is no need to go up and secretly give the girl an intimate kiss, because it is not necessary, even if Xiying may not refuse.

  "You said that your death is an ending that you are willing to accept." Xuan Yi looked up at Xiying, his expression serious and calm.

  Even somewhat solemn and solemn.

  "I am the person who has been most afraid of death since I was born." "

  Because I have seen the most death in this world. No matter how great, terrible or awesome you are when you are alive, you will be gone after you die. I will have nothing, and will fall like dust, ordinary and no one cares." "

  I don't want to be that meaningless person, and I know that there is someone who has been waiting for me to go home." "

  If she is waiting for me to go back, Then I must go back."

  "She is such a kind and useless person. If it were not for me, she would be very, very sad, and maybe she would do something stupid." "I didn't know

  until a long, long time later, In fact, that person also thinks so."

  "I am such a cold and bastard guy. Without her company, I will definitely fall into darkness completely and become the most unscrupulous and evil guy." "We are like

  this We supported each other to live, until one day she died in front of me, and I realized how much I hated death, and how much I wanted to be with her at all costs." "Then I started a long

  and Ku Lie's road to death, I didn't meet her again until the end of the road." "At

  that moment, I felt that my soul had been saved, and then I chose to wander in this world. When I was wandering, I When I met you, at that moment, I even believed that my sister felt the same way when she picked me up." "

  So, I also don't want you to die, not at all, not at all. See."

  Xuanyi's words were calm and quick.

  His voice echoed in the closed room, like countless transparent bats circling and flying in the room.

  In fact, Xuanyi has almost forgotten whether he ever told Yaoyao about his sister.

  Because in fact, people are often forgetful animals.

  But it doesn’t matter if I’ve said it before.

  Then let’s say it again here.

  Xuanyi looked up at Yaoyao's face, or rather, Xiying's face.

  She is indeed the most beautiful woman in the world, just like when Xuan Yi saw her for the first time and opened the red jade coffin.

  At a glance, it felt like the whole world was upside down and confused, and only Xiying's own existence remained.

  "I don't want you to die. Even if you don't care, I still care." "

  So I will use my best efforts to let you live in this world, because this world itself is meaningless to me. Originally, the only meaning was my sister. Until now, my sister told me that there may be other meanings of living. For me, being able to let you live in this world is one of the meanings of my existence."

  Dangxuan When Yi stopped talking, he heard a long sigh.

  Light as the sigh of a phoenix, sweet but deep.

  The sigh came from Xiying's red lips, and then the girl raised her head and opened her eyes in the cobwebs.

  The dazzling red eyes are like the sunset lake water.

  She is the most beautiful person in the world. No matter who sees her or how many people see her, they will feel this way.

  But Xiying only looked at Xuanyi.

  Yes, Xuanyi awakened this girl and made her think that she must have a few words with Xuanyi.

  "Me." Xiying stared at Xuanyi quietly.

  "I don't need your help."

  Xiying said.

  His expression was calm and unmoved.

  The transparent bats in her words also echoed and hovered in this room.

  (End of chapter)

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