Chapter 801 The road goes astray

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  Chapter 801 The road goes astray.

  Ye Ya actually didn’t walk very fast.

  Because her whole body was in severe pain, the kind of pain that penetrated deep into the bone marrow, Qianye Liubi circulated clear blue light, surrounding the girl's body, and repairing Ye Ya's body together with the Blue Wings.

  The Hengtian Formation places a huge burden on the user, and this is Ye Ya's first time trying to hit the output power like this. If she guessed correctly, Ye Ya even suspected that the limit she had reached just now was actually close to the ethereal Tai Micro environment.

  Only the unparalleled Taiwei Realm can crush those source beasts like ants.

  But Ye Ya also paid a corresponding price. The world is not fair, but the Hengtian Formation is really fair.

  How much you get from it is what you need to pay out.

  Just like Ye Qing back then, she was the one who created the Eternal Sky Formation and created the Green Wings based on the Eternal Sky Formation, and she finally reached the end of her life at the age of twenty-four.

  Ye Ya didn't know how long she could survive if she got close, but she believed that she should at least survive longer than Ye Qing.

  Although the longer she uses the Blue Wings and the Everlasting Formation, the girl becomes more and more able to understand what the princess did.

  As for why he suddenly made such a stupid move, after all, even if he did nothing, the Guijian clan could still slowly digest these source beasts. After all, they would kill each other, and their rationality was also very high. Low, a beast that basically relies on instinct and brute force to exist in this world.

  But Ye Ya still did this, probably because the world essence she absorbed in the past two days was of special benefit to her, or maybe this world gave her more insights, or maybe it was just because she was angry with Xuanyi, So there was a slight change in my state of mind.

  Sometimes, the reason is not important, but the result itself.

  The result this time is that Ye Ya has taken another step forward on the road of the Eternal Sky Formation in one fell swoop, almost surpassing the achievements of any previous Ninth Princess at the age of seventeen, and only slightly inferior to that one. First generation half chip.

  The result was that with the help of the large particle of world origin, Ye Ya completed a hearty massacre. In just five minutes, she solved all the origin beasts that were seduced, and she was also able to capture the very attractive one before. Ye Jibei's presence was greatly brushed in front of him.

  The price of this is that when Ye Ya walks back now, she feels as if every bone in her body is shattering and in severe pain, but she still has to move forward because everyone is looking at her.

  And although Ye Ya walked slowly on the ground, everyone consciously followed the girl. If Ye Ya walked slowly, they walked even slower, including Ye Jibei.

  At this moment, Ye Ya suddenly noticed something. She raised her head and saw a red light drawing a trajectory in the sky and then landing in front of her.

  "I never thought that you were such a brave person." Xuan Yi restrained his flame wings and said in front of the girl.

  "So I can only let you show off your strength?" Ye Ya raised her head and said.

  Then he lowered his head and took a step forward.

  But before she took this step, she felt a lightness all over her body and was hugged by Xuanyi.

  Xuanyi is tall, while Ye Ya is very petite.

  Ye Ya struggled in Xuanyi's arms and said, "Put me down."

  Even though Xuanyi's arms were very warm, the omnipresent flame was healing Ye Ya's severe pain little by little, and the cooperation with Qianye Liubi was perfect.

  But Ye Ya still refused.

  "I often hug Yaoyao like this, but I rarely hug you like this." Xuan Yi said this, and did not put Ye Ya down from his arms because of her protest.

  After all, Xuanyi is almost the best doctor in the world. He noticed the pain Ye Ya was suffering at this moment at a glance.

  "I don't want you to worry about it!" Ye Ya heard the name Yaoyao and bit her lip gently: "Did you know? The more passionate you are at this time, the more pain you will cause us in the future." "This is

  not I'm being sentimental, if you don't want me to hold you, then I'll carry you on my back instead." Xuan Yi walked briskly on the dark red ground.

  He still didn't put Ye Ya down. The illusory tentacles composed of Qixi Ziwei's breath were carefully conditioning Ye Ya's body, which was actually in a bad state.

  "In fact, I think if the original Ge Sheng had half of my medical skills, then I don't think Ye Qing would have died so early." Xuan Yi continued to smile.

  Ge Sheng is the first-generation hero and the fiancé of the Ninth Princess.

  Ye Ya gave up her struggle, partly because Xuanyi's arms were really warm, and because she had been walking on the road for so long, her whole body really hurt, and it hurt so much that she could hardly hold on.

  Although the girl was ready to go alone, Xuan Yi took the initiative to hold her in her arms and repaired her body so carefully. With this warmth and softness, Ye Ya thought about it and found that she really It's a bit hard to let go.

  But she still raised her head and looked at Xuanyi's face looking forward.

  Viewed from below, the young man's face is still sharp and meticulous.

  This boy has been trained as a weapon and machine since he was a child, so even now, he still cannot erase those traces of his past.

  But Ye Ya felt inexplicably friendly.

  "You have to know." Ye Ya said softly. Her whole body was warm. The unbearable pain had been strangely relieved with the help of Xuanyi's flames and those strange illusory tentacles. Ye Ya suddenly believed it. , if Ge Sheng had half of Xuanyi's medical skills, then although Ye Qing might still die, he would not die so early.

  "You can't accompany two girls to where they want to go."

  "After all, our destinations are not exactly the same."

  "We only occasionally go the same way, but more often, we go to different places. Destination."

  Xuan Yi lowered his head and looked at the princess's pale lips and her aqua-blue eyes that were as clear and bright as the ocean.

  "I know."

  "But this doesn't hinder me. I can help you along the way when I'm on the same road with you." "

  It's like you never mind. When I'm on the same road with Yaoyao, I choose Holding her in my arms and walking through it like that."

  "Because you don't need to make a choice. When you need help, I hope I can be by your side." "

  Even if I don't like you, at least, you are all liked by me. Someone you care about."

  The former like and the latter like have different meanings.

  "Okay." Ye Ya nodded and curled up in Xuan Yi's arms.

  Like a sleeping baby bird.

  (End of chapter)

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