Chapter 763 City of Guardians

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  Chapter 763: City of Guardians

  The experience in Roxi’s Kingdom of God is not particularly long.

  This saint from the Guijian clan came from thousands of miles away in a cloud boat just to see Xi Tian.

  Come with interest and return after completing the work.

  He took away two young men by the way. The saint's behavior is always so unpredictable.

  Xuanyi and Ye Ya chatted for a moment in the world of the Kingdom of God, but had no desire to explore this world together, because the Kingdom of Saints is like the palm of the Tathagata Buddha's hand. Even if you can fly thousands of miles away, you will eventually escape. It cannot reach the palm of its hand, and every move is under its control, as if it is aware of every detail.

  This makes people very unhappy.

  It seemed like two hours had passed. Xuanyi felt that the surrounding scenery had changed, just as suddenly as when he was captured by Luo Xi into the world of the Kingdom of God. When he came back to his senses, the two people were already standing on the cloud boat. Above, Luo Xi was standing in front of them with a gentle expression.

  "Welcome to the City of Guardians." The saint said: "Because the location of the City of Guardians cannot be known to the world, I feel sorry for you to stay in my Kingdom of God for a while longer." Xuanyi clicked

  . Nodding to express understanding, after all, where the Guijian clan lives is a real mystery.

  Since the other party doesn't want him to know, then of course he won't know.

  In front of this huge Guijian Clan Yunzhou is a transparent screen. Through the screen, you can see the

  huge white city in front of it.

  All the Yin people are hidden in a barrier as huge as mountains. Now that Xuanyi can see this white city, it means that this time he has directly crossed the barrier and arrived at the City of Guardians. internal.

  Probably because of this, Luo Xi released him and Ye Ya.

  "Excuse me, what kind of trial is the so-called trial of the Xitian clan leader?" Xuan Yi asked immediately.

  Xuanyi and Ye Ya had a discussion in the Kingdom of God. Although they judged that this should be something beneficial and harmless to themselves, because there was too little valuable information about the Guijian clan, even Ye Ya did not hear about it. Pass this so-called trial.

  Luo Xi narrowed his eyes and smiled. The most powerful thing about this saint is probably that he can always make you forget that he is actually unmatched.

  "A trial is a trial."

  ...   Yunzhou stopped in a corner of this huge white city. Unlike in the Forgotten City, the Forgotten City did not give Yunzhou a special parking place, but in this


But there are.

  Xuanyi followed Luo Xi and walked out of Yunzhou, together with Ye Ya, because Luo Xi told them not to leave his sight.

  Because this place called the City of Guardians is a strange and dangerous place even for Ye Ya. It may be the most mysterious place in the world. Neither Xuanyi nor Ye Ya want to challenge its mystery. .

  So they followed Luo Xi closely and followed the saint through the streets of this white city. There were only a few pedestrians on the streets. They didn't know whether it was because of the saint's passage or because there were only a few people in the original city of guardians.

  Xuanyi also carefully observed the so-called Guijian clan and found that their appearance was quite different from what he imagined. In fact, most of the Yin clan had relatively fixed physical characteristics. For example, the Xingche clan had silver hair and silver eyes. The thin and handsome appearance of an elf, or the white hair and red eyes of the Snow Eye clan, and the almost translucent skin.

  But the Guijian clan's experience was completely different from usual.

  They actually look closer to ordinary people in the outside world. Among them, Xuan Yi can see a black-haired black-eyed girl similar to herself on the street, and can also see a girl with long aqua-blue hair similar to Ye Ya, so Xuan Yi Yi and Ye Ya followed Luo Xi, but they didn't actually look very conspicuous.

  In fact, the class status of the Guijian clan is different from other Yin clans that Xuanyi has come into contact with. In other Yin clans, due to the pressure of joining the world, most of them have developed a very strict class consciousness, such as Star City, or the Forgotten City. The four major castes, in this way, can effectively avoid the dilution of the bloodline caused by intermarriage between one's own clan and ordinary people, and the disappearance of the hidden clan's abilities.

  But the Guijian clan may not have this problem, because the Guijian clan has been a strictly self-enclosed community until now, so there is no need to consider the issue of intermarriage with foreigners. Therefore, when walking on the street, there are even people He recognized Luo Xi, came up to chat with the saint, and asked about Xuanyi and Ye Ya who were following him.

  In Xuan Yi's opinion, that man's strength might not even be able to defeat him.

  But Luo Xi talked to him very calmly. As mentioned before, Luo Xi's biggest characteristic is that he is so ordinary that almost no one can guess his true identity if he doesn't explain himself.

  The city streets of the Guijian clan are almost all made of pure white marble. It is like being in a world of ice and snow, and the roads are also spotless. Xuanyi has actually been observing carefully, and then discovered that this place still seems to be there. Using metal currency, for example, the child buying bread at the door of the store took out a handful of copper coins with body temperature from his pocket, and then took away a small bag of steaming white bread.

  In fact, from Xuanyi's point of view, the Guardian City unexpectedly resembles a city in the mortal world, except that it is more ancient and primitive. Correspondingly, although Xuanyi has lived in the Forgotten City for a longer time, the Forgotten City The characteristics of strict barriers between castes and obvious differences in residential areas are not seen in this city of guardians.

  There is always the illusion that this is a paradise.

  When going back and forth to farm, men and women dress like outsiders.

  His yellow hair hangs down, and he is happy.

  But I don’t know that there was a Han Dynasty, regardless of the Wei and Jin Dynasties.

  However, Xuanyi and Ye Ya have been silently observing everything around them, because these are not places that they can usually see.

  Probably as long as you keep it in your mind, it is very useful information and information.

  In the process, they arrived at their destination.

  At least Roxy stopped here.

  At the end is a small house with a sky blue roof, three floors, a steeple, and a beautiful yard and balcony. There are beautiful flowers and bamboo forests in the yard, and a small pond with fish in the pond.

  A very warm and homely house.

  "This is where I live. If you don't mind, you can sleep here for one night." "

  Tomorrow morning, the trial will begin." Luo Xi said.

  Xuanyi and Ye Ya looked at each other, their eyes full of disbelief.

  After all, in contrast to Roxy, Xitian lived in a majestic palace that was so tall and big that it almost touched the dome.

  Xiying is also sleeping in a luxurious and exquisite mausoleum.

  He is also the leader of a clan, not to mention that Luo Xi has been in charge of the Guijian clan for tens of thousands of years, but does he live here?

  Looking at the eyes of the two people, Luo Xi smiled: "Why, isn't it nice here?"

  (End of Chapter)

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