Chapter 757: The Vision of a New World

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  Chapter 757: The Longing for a New World
  Is there a medicine without a name?
  Xuanyi stared at the small porcelain bottle until it disappeared silently into Xitian's hand.

  He Xuanyi understood that if Luo Xi said there was no way, then there really was no way, and there was no need for him to lie.

  And the medicine in the small porcelain bottle in Xitian's hand should not fall into the category of methods.

  It might be useful though.

  Seeing Xitian put away the small porcelain bottle, Luo Xi also answered Lin Wei's question. The old patriarch of the Guijian clan sighed leisurely: "So you can't control your sister now, right?"

  If If Xitian can take care of it, Xiying should still be sleeping in her mausoleum now. She has been sleeping for thirteen hundred years, and of course she can continue to sleep.

  Xitian smiled: "Grown up."

  "All girls will grow up."

  But he himself has not grown up yet.

  The patriarch is still nineteen years old. He has been sitting on the throne of the patriarch for thirteen hundred years, watching the sun rise and set for his tribe and city.

  And my sister who has grown up can finally make some choices of her own.

  Even if she chooses to die, it is her choice.

  Luo Xi nodded, no one around him spoke.

  Because there is actually nothing to say about this matter.

  Just listen.

  "Things about those people's new world." Roche continued.

  This time, the words "New World" aroused the interest of Xuan Yi and Ye Ya at the same time, but Lin Wei was actually very uninterested.

  Regarding the new world, it is a very important thing for both Ye Ya and Xuanyi. Ye Ya is interested because Ye Xuan is actually in the new world at this moment. As a giant sitting there, after all, the new world represents new dangers and challenges. , without a superpower of Ye Xuan's level sitting in charge, in fact, no one can stand stably in that new world.

  For Xuanyi, on the one hand, it is because Osyusheng is in the new world at this moment.

  Although the first batch of new worlds opened up was not just one, nor just three or four, but almost ten new worlds with exploratory teams dispatched at the same time. Some of these teams mysteriously disappeared during the exploration process, and some encountered cruel cruelty. They fought, and then were eliminated, but there were still some parts. After exploring the climate in the new world and determining that it was suitable for most people in the main world to live and survive, the beacon was turned on.

  Then these beacons are like heavy anchors for each ship, fixing their information there, and then through the beacons, the main world can open up more channels, and then send more ships.

  In the end, it was time to fully move in and establish a frontline base, and have a head-on confrontation with the natives of the new century.

  In most cases, these confrontations are unilateral crushing and destruction. After all, if you don't confirm that you are stronger, or even stronger than one or two points, who would be willing to take the initiative to provoke and attack?

  But there are exceptions to everything.

  Some new worlds are very powerful and dangerous.

  This is the information that Xuanyi knows so far. When he was walking in Star City, he learned some information, but it was very one-sided.

  He was then cut off from news of the new world.

  Later, after he became the crown prince of Os, he gradually recovered information about the new world. As the most important plan of the Star Lord, he even formed an unprecedented Star Sea Alliance through this Star Sea Project, which is equivalent to bringing together the entire world. The forces are all connected together to go on this expedition that may last for centuries or even longer. But at that time, Xuanyi's main thoughts were not in the new world.

  Because first, as Osyuyu's shadow, he tried to stabilize the crown prince's position, and then came Luoyan's visit. Yaoyao's survival became the boy's only concern.

  And when all of this passed, Xuanyi discovered that the new world was probably something he could never get around, as if many things actually started because of the Star Lord's Star Ocean plan.

  "I'm not interested." Xitian looked at Luo Xi and said calmly.

  "So when the Lord of the Stars sent someone to invite me, I clearly refused." Xitian continued.

  "I don't think anyone can refuse the temptation of a wider world." Losey said.

  "That's because they haven't seen the higher sky. No matter how high the sky is, there is an invisible cage." Xitian said quietly: "And if I remember correctly, you should also have done that in that meeting." No one is sent to participate."

  Send someone to participate, or participate yourself.

  However, since the two people talking to each other are both saints, the possibility of participating in person is really very small.

  "I wanted to participate, but I held back in the end." Luo Xi said calmly, even a little honestly.

  "There is a saying that is right. The older you get, the less courage you have."

  "People have lived for too long, so they really don't want to die. Even if they know that the end of all things is destruction and death, before destruction and death come, I still want to stay comfortably in my little nest, thinking that the flood has nothing to do with me."

  Facing Xitian, Luo Xi spoke obviously more.

  "I don't actually support any behavior that wants to break the cage." Luo Xi continued: "But I won't interfere." "

  After all, there are so many cages in this world, even those golden humans. They are the poor people who are bound in a cage." Xitian said with a smile.

  Luo Xi glanced at Xitian, a little surprised, because there was someone else here.

  More than one other person.

  But Xitian didn't care.

  "The world is changing." Xitian continued.

  Luo Xi nodded and repeated the words of the boy in front of him: "The world is changing."

  "Because of the change, I am afraid." Xitian continued to smile lightly: "Because of the fear, I have the motivation to look at the sky."

  Xuan Yi In fact, it was a bit difficult to understand the conversation of these two saints, even though they did not use a language that only they understood for secret purposes, so Xuan Yi could actually understand every word they said.

  But now, every sentence is almost unintelligible.

  "So I don't have anything to say to you, right?" Luo Xi smiled and said, "After all, you have been watching, even more often and longer than me." Xitian did not deny it

  . , but he shook his head: "I have something that I need your help with."

  Luo Xi was a little surprised. Because in his impression, Xitian rarely asked him for any help.

  The last time he helped, it was more than a thousand years ago because of Xiying's incident. Xitian hoped that he could help seal Xiying.

  That's why Luo Xi rushed over after Xiying's seal was broken today, and asked this young man if he needed help.

  Xitian said he didn't need it.

  But Xitian also said that he needed it.

  But Luo Xi was not confused.

  He turned his attention to the three people around him.

  "Yes." Xitian nodded: "Can you take him?"

  Xitian pointed at Xuanyi.

  "Bring it to the Guardian City."

  "If I remember correctly, your trial is about to begin."

  (End of Chapter)

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