Chapter 75 Prison

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  Chapter 75: Prison
  In the investigation book for the participants in front of them, Qian Ying was naturally included as a dead person. Apart from Xuan Yi, the only witness who could tell all the truth about this trial was a witness who could It has to be said that it is a pity that the big shot cannot make her speak.

  As the sole person responsible for this investigation, Xuan Yi must believe everything he says and writes. But if you really want to believe everything he says, he is treating people like a three-year-old child. Again, he was trained by Dark Star. Commissioner, don’t you still know the nature of Xing Huai Yao?

  Especially what happened in Xuan Yi's report during the three hours he struggled underground was completely blank. Although the first group of people had already surveyed the terrain of the final battlefield, specific back-reduction work still needed to be done. More professional staff.

  At this time, Lan Ye's messenger had already read the lengthy preliminary investigation report, then closed the report and said calmly: "If your ministry can only provide such vague things, please forgive me for being unsatisfied." As soon as he said

  this , everyone present agreed, knowing that this meeting was just for ANBU to give an explanation to all parties first, but such an explanation was too perfunctory.

  In addition to Ye Ye's messenger and his own people from the Anbu, the meeting was also attended by colleagues from the Ministry of Justice and a soy sauce official from St. After all, the identity of Emperor Ziheng was there, and it was somewhat difficult for the Republic of St. to completely ignore it.

  It's just that compared to the attitude of the Lanye Empire, the Republic of Sturt is not so enthusiastic about the truth of the matter.

  Xing Huai Yao shook his head - the reason why he needed to set aside time to host such meetings in person was that the people on the other side had quite a lot of backgrounds, and the temporary explanation given by Dark Star was indeed not convincing enough.

  So I had to ask someone of equal weight to suppress these people.

  "I said that this is only a preliminary investigation. Our professionals have entered the Forest of Death and will follow the road map given in this report to investigate the authenticity of the contents written in the report one by one." The Dark Star

  reporter The leader smiled calmly.

  "I'm just telling you."

  "We still need a little time."



  It's really uncomfortable to not eat or drink water and not be able to sleep, but Xuan Yi doesn't really have nothing to do.

  When he wrote his report for the seventh time, no one asked him to write it for the eighth time.

  If someone can endure hunger, fatigue, and thirst and write something seven times in a row, except for a few details, it will be in vain no matter how many times you ask him to write it.

  In the past few days, besides writing reports, he spent more time practicing.

  As a human being, you naturally have to take a long-term view.

  Now that he can't pass this level today, if those big shots insist on his death, then he really has no choice but to die.

  But if you are still alive, then you have to think about the future.

  Xuan Yi sat on the hard and cold bed, looking at the unusually bright headlight above his head, but thinking clearly in his mind.

  He didn't know how long it had been since he had eaten or drank water. His physical strength had already reached its limit. Compared with when he first came in, Xuan Yi didn't even need to look in the mirror to know that he was as haggard and weak as a skeleton, but this was far from that. question.

  No one is better at surviving in desperate situations than Xuan Yi. Even if there is still no water and food, Xuan Yi can still survive for the same length of time.

  But there's no point in just holding on.

  If he did not die during this investigation, the best case scenario would be to be acquitted. Xuan Yi was confident that even if the most elite Anbu commissioner went to investigate, they would not be able to get any evidence that he acted in the decisive battle, because he did not Taking action was just a few extra words.

  The poison remaining on Xuantooth Beast and Xinghedu has also been blunted by his own hands. Xuantooth Beast's fatal injury was not originally caused by the poison, and Xinghedu did not leave any scars on his body. There is no evidence to point to his murder. His only and biggest crime was to come back alive after Xinghedu died.

  But this kind of crime has always been a big or small crime.

  Of course it would be good to be acquitted, but this possibility is slim. In fact, Xuan Yi is pursuing the second possibility.

  If he admits his responsibility for dereliction of duty and failing to protect the young master, then he will be wiped out of all the rewards for this trial, and even temporarily frozen as an ANBU commissioner. In this way, not only will his quota for the Thousand Stars Trial fly away before his eyes, he will also will become truly destitute.

  As for the punishment of being expelled from ANBU, there has never been such a generous reward since the founding of Dark Star.

  This is not unacceptable to Xuan Yi.

  He participated in this trial firstly to ensure that he survived, and secondly to get a spot in the Thousand Star Trial, which meant killing Xinghedu without leaving any trace.

  Now that he has done it, there is only one result he wants to keep - to survive.

  The quota for the Thousand Stars Examination no longer mattered to him at this time.

  Because this Thousand Star Trial already has a place for him, Dark Star's erasure of the quota only erases his normal way to enter the Thousand Star Trial, just like those who come from various major forces and obtain quotas through various trials. Like all the elites from around the world, they entered through prepared channels in Star City.

  However, the Thousand Star Examination quota that was born from the 74th Standard Test has been bound to him, just like during the exam, you cannot enter without the admission ticket.

  But your seat has been arranged there first.

  Therefore, even if the admission ticket is cancelled, as long as Xuan Yi can finally reach the examination room within the stipulated time and by any means, no one can prevent him from taking the examination.

  Because his seat is still there.

  What Xuan Yi needs to do most now is to prepare for this crucial exam. The first thing to do is to improve his own strength.

  He successfully attained knowledge as soon as he woke up in the cave, and when he first attained knowledge, he transcended perception and entered the realm of first awareness. This could not be hidden from those big shots, but it was not a big deal.

  After all, he has been perfect in studying things for so many years, and it is easy to achieve knowledge.

  In the following time, Xuan Yi never had time to calm down and practice. He had the complete path to avoid confusion provided by Xuan Er, and had all the insights of Yong Yao Supreme's advancement to the realm of knowledge. In addition, he had spent eleven years with him. The strange poisons on the body are life and death, no matter how deep the accumulation is, no matter how thick the accumulation is, no one in the world can be as good as him.

  If Xuan Yi is given enough time and leisure, Xuan Yi is sure to push the realm to no confusion within ten days. In fact, this is what he is doing now.

  The so-called prison is actually a kind of seclusion to a certain extent.

  For example, at this time, Xuan Yi is no longer the first acquaintance of Zhizhi, but has reached the stage of Zhizhi and painting.

  (End of chapter)

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