Chapter 73 Outline

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  Chapter 73 Compilation Outline

  Xuan Yi is sitting in a small cell with dazzling white light, writing the test report for the seventh time.

  There were a total of ten people who participated in the seventy-fourth standard test. Except for Aos Jiaoyue, who was the monitor herself, the remaining eight people died in the forest.

  The dead cannot speak, only the living can.

  And Xuan Yi is the only living person.

  But it is a bit strange to say that after Xuan Yi was arrested, there was no trial that followed, and he was not even tortured. He was neatly taken to this small cell of only three square meters, and was beaten over and over again. People everywhere asked him to recount everything he had experienced since he entered the Forest of Death.

  Each report requires more than 10,000 words.

  Although there was no actual physical torture this time, there were still a lot of small interrogation techniques.

  The big lamp above his head, which is twice as bright as the normal sun, hangs above his head all night long, making it impossible for him to sleep normally. Even if he finally falls asleep, there will be a hoarse and harsh sound within an hour. It rang out from all directions and lasted for a full half hour, keeping me awake.

  If he fell asleep, it wouldn't matter. Xuan Yi was good at high-intensity combat. If he was really sleepy and couldn't eat, he could also call Xuan Er to help him take over the body and dive into the depths of his consciousness, covering his head and falling asleep. After all, for that person To the devil, these are nothing but trivial appetizers.

  I'm a little troubled just about the food.

  The other party only provided him with two kinds of food, which were beef floss that had been pressed and compacted, and toasted and dried whole-wheat bread slices.

  To be fair, this kind of food is quite good as prison food.

  But Xuan Yi hasn’t eaten a bite until now.

  Because the other party only gave me food, not water.

  You can live for about seven days without eating and only drinking water, and you can only live for about three days without drinking water.

  Although for Xuan Yi, this time period can be roughly doubled, this doubling is meaningless.

  In fact, Xuan Yi didn't know how long it had been since he was caught. The sun never sets here, and the time for delivering food is irregular. Besides, he hasn't even tasted a bite.

  The only thing that could help Xuan Yi judge the time were the test reports he wrote.

  He started writing when he entered the Forest of Death, where he selected items to bury supplies, climbed up a big tree and used a sextant to confirm the longitude and latitude of the test site, and then ate, took apart the sextant and hid it in the trunk.

  Then he wrote that he tried to contact Jiu San but found that the communication was blocked and could not be carried out. He could only leave passwords along the way to conduct a human flesh search and encountered the Qianli brothers and sisters during the search.

  After gaining some trust from the Qian Li brothers and sisters, he wrote about his encounter with Lan Liuyan and truthfully recounted the conversation at that time.

  Compared with the vague words before, this was an extremely important turning point, so Xuan Yi did not omit even a single punctuation mark from the conversation at that time.

  Everything that happened after that was also written in it, including his further explanation of the nature of the test to Qian Li and his sister, as well as Qian Li's words that night, which were almost too much.

  Everything continued like this, and it wasn't until he met Xinghedu that Xuan Yi began to hide the first thing.

  That was the tacit conspiracy between him and Jiu San that night.

  The current situation was something Xuan Yi had anticipated before he came in. This was the best situation he could create.

  That is to say, Xing Hedu died but he did not die, and no evidence of his involvement in killing Xing Hedu was left behind.

  So from the moment he came in, he was a wolf disguised as a loyal dog.

  From the time he met no one, to the encounter with the Qian Li brothers and sisters, to the killing of Xie Junhao, and the safe delivery of the remaining Qian Ying to Xing Hedu, during this period, his loyal dog character was unshakable .

  Although in terms of acting level, he is still far away from Oskar Yue, but at least they have one thing in mind.

  That means Xuan Yi is loyal to Xinghedu from the bottom of his heart and does not hide any selfish motives.

  As for the interaction with Qian Ying after conspiring with Jiu San, there was no need to hide it, but now Xuan Yi had to brush it off.

  After all, it's okay that Qian Ying is just Qian Ying. Now that she knows that Qian Ying is Ao Jiaoyue, and she is spreading the news all over the world, is she challenging Ao Xing's good temper?

  Besides, Xuan Yi clearly understood that Jiao Yue's temper was not that good.

  Lan Liuyan attacked early the next morning, and in the chase after the battle where the rabbit rose and the falcon fell, the emperor intervened. After the two sides reached a subtle balance of power, they began to involuntarily start plotting against the Black Tooth Beast.

  There was nothing to hide here, and the battlefield left that day was so big that you could find it even with your eyes closed. He was forced to jump into the deep stream and knew nothing about what was going on outside.

  There he first met Qian Ying who also jumped down, and then used a trick to trap Lan Liuyan and then resolved the misunderstanding with the young knight. Then Zhao Xingduo joined in, allowing them to form a third alliance with a total of four people underground. .

  What is hidden here is the meeting with Jiu San. Anyway, Jiu San's body has completely disappeared between heaven and earth. Even if the investigators search again along the path he took, they are destined to find nothing.

  Of course, Xuan Er's existence must be concealed. Fortunately, these are all unproven things, and the time wasted is also insignificant time. After all, they waste more time doing nothing in the underground cave.

  After Xuan Er's existence was concealed, the funny evil god naturally couldn't say a word. Xingcheng hated evil god sacrifices extremely. Moreover, he was praying to a real evil god. This incident alone was enough to execute him seven or eight times. Found it.

  It's just that I can achieve enlightenment by myself. After all, I have been stuck in the perfection state for so long. It is because I can't achieve enlightenment that I am famous in the Seven Parts. Now that I have succeeded in attaining enlightenment, it is just a matter of course.

  The only problem is how they get up there.

  Xuan Yi put a lot of thought into this matter. Everything he wrote, the investigators would go to the original site to explore, so the methods that need to leave traces cannot be used to cover up, including but not limited to using daggers to climb rocks alone, or in Stupid methods like cutting steps into the stone wall.

  In fact, it is somewhat feasible to let Lan Liuyan fly up by himself, and then find a long enough rope to throw down and bring others up.

  But first of all, there is no such a long rope, and secondly, even if the rope is found - then, after Xuanyi and the others went up, did they burn it to ashes and then spread it with fertilizer?

  This is the problem that Xuan Yi spent the longest time thinking about, but in the end he used the simplest solution.

  Lan Liuyan, the only one who could fly, carried one person at a time and sent everyone up three times.

  This is the simplest and crudest method, not to mention whether Lan Liuyan can do it or not.

  Xuan Yi personally sent away the ashes of the young knight, so if he said he could do it, Lan Liuyan would definitely do it.

  (End of chapter)

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