Chapter 651 Fish in boiling soup

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  Chapter 651 The fish

  demon in the boiling soup opened his eyes and found that he was not immersed in the cold spring water, but lying flat in a ruby ​​coffin.

  There was a faint red light in the coffin, but Yaoyao himself could not move at all.

  As if she was trapped in a nightmare, her whole body felt extremely heavy. She wanted to call out Xuanyi's name, but after desperately opening her lips, what came out was a completely unfamiliar note.

  "Who am I? Where am I? What should I do?" Yaoyao murmured in her heart, but she could only lie quietly in the coffin, unable to even move her fingers.

  It was so quiet here that the girl couldn't hear any noise, not even her own breathing and heartbeat.

  She was scared and lonely.



  After an unknown amount of time, Yaoyao woke up leisurely in the dark underground palace illuminated by the dark red light radiated by the magma. His fair little face was illuminated by the red light reflected by the earth's fire.

  She quietly covered her cheek, only to feel the burning pain on her face, as if it was on fire.

  Although pain began to spread on the scales on his face since he saw Luoyan, it had never been as painful as it was now. Yaoyao intuitively believed that this might be related to the weird dream before, but he couldn't explain the reason.

  She just covered her face and struggled in the cold spring water, like a fish being put into boiling soup. Even if she immersed her whole body in the spring water, she could not feel the slightest pain.

  The girl hit her forehead hard against the rock at the edge of the hard spring, causing blood to drip from her head. However, the pain from the hit could not cover up the burning sensation coming from inside her body.

  Just when Yaoyao thought she was about to die, a warm current suddenly came from her chest, penetrating from her chest and flowing throughout her body like a snake. The warm current was worse than the burning sensation all over her body. The pain was like an ice cube, and it soon subsided. The girl slowly regained her awareness of the outside world. She stretched out her hand to hold her chest, only to find that it was the vermilion jade plaque with the phoenix spreading its wings. fly.

  Yaoyao wiped his forehead and found that the injury he had just suffered was also healing quickly.

  The girl now knew that the blood in her body was called the blood of Nihuang, and she also vaguely knew the root cause of her pain. She bit her lip. At this moment, she really wanted to die, but And he was afraid that if Xuanyi saw that he was dead when he came back, he would feel sad for himself.

  Even if he were to die, he should die somewhere where he couldn't see him.

  Yaoyao thought quietly, then propped up his body with both hands, lifted his body from the cold spring water, and truly saw the outside world.

  Hot magma was boiling and bubbling in the pool not far away, and dark red light filled the earth. The door to the exit was tightly closed, and the air was extremely hot, subtly distorting in the sight.

  Just breathing this air, Yaoyao didn't feel uncomfortable.

  There is peace in the magma.

  Just as Yaoyao thought, Xuanyi has not come back yet, or he may not come back, or he may come back later.

  But it’s okay if I don’t come back.

  The girl stepped on the hot ground with her bare feet, and the water droplets on her body either dripped onto the ground, causing mist to rise, or simply evaporated to dryness on her body.

  But Yaoyao didn't feel bad.

  She walked step by step to the edge of the magma pool, looking at the heavy red liquid that was thick and boiling like molten iron. She wondered if she would sink directly to the bottom of the pool if she jumped, and then her bones would turn into coke and the magma. The pool blends into one.

  In this case, no matter how powerful Xuan Yi is, he won't be able to find himself, right?

  If you can't see your own body, you probably won't be too sad.

  Yaoyao thought seriously. She lowered her head and looked at her whole body. Only the scarlet jade plaque hung on her chest. Then she reached out and took off the jade plaque. After thinking about it, Dingdong threw it into the spring.

  This should be a very valuable thing. It would be a bit sad if it was destroyed by yourself, wouldn't it?

  Yaoyao thought this way, then faced the hot magma pool, closed his eyes, and then took a step forward.

  At this moment, there was suddenly a rumbling sound of the door opening behind him. Yaoyao was startled and quickly retracted his feet. He looked around and thought carefully, confirming that if Xuanyi came back and saw him jumping into the lava, he would feel sorry for him. Death is not an option.

  Seeing that the door was still opening, Yaoyao made a quick decision, trotted two steps and dived, and plunged into the spring, causing a few splashes of water.



  Xuan Yi used the strange-shaped key to open the door to the sword-making pool, and Ao Jiaoyue did not follow behind.

  He only saw a splash of water in the red world.

  Xuanyi was a little strange, but this thick stone door that was even more strange sealed all the young man's previous perceptions. What he cared about most was Yaoyao, so he walked in quickly, only to see that there was no Yaoyao on the clear spring. That red hair.

  He instinctively felt that something was wrong, and rushed up to see what was going on, but he saw the demon suddenly jumped out of the spring with a sly smile on his face, and the blue scales on his cheeks remained in their original range: "Xuan Yi, why are you like this?" You'll be back soon."

  Xuan Yi knelt on the edge of the spring and stretched out his hand to explore Yaoyao's forehead. Although he could detect Yaoyao's condition from several meters away with his current cultivation level, the young man still put his hand close to his. Yaoyao's forehead was a little hot, and he put his spiritual consciousness into it to figure it out quietly, and then let out a long sigh of relief.

  As the emperor said before, the curse placed by the Xitian clan leader is not something that can be surmised by common sense. It is almost invisible and has no substance. However, it works subtly in the body. It is not something that medical skills can solve at all, or it is necessary to find Xitian personally. The leader of the Heavenly Clan lifted the curse, or simply exempted the demon, or found the phoenix remains collected in the Forgotten City and washed the marrow and cut off the demon's hair.

  All of this is extremely difficult, and what Xuanyi needs to do now is to first obtain the qualifications to go to the Forgotten City.

  He instinctively felt that something was wrong in Yaoyao's body, but the powerful healing power of Nihuang's blood had repaired the original wounds.

  "Is something wrong?

  " "

  Xuan Yi felt that Yaoyao was hiding something, but he couldn't tell what exactly he was hiding. He looked at the girl and scratched her nose: "Please hold on for a few days, I will definitely find a way to save you. Before I can Before giving up on you, you must never give up on yourself."

  Xuan Yi originally said something similar based on the previous situation, but when she saw Yaoyao burst into tears for some reason, she nodded while crying, He agreed softly.

  Xuanyi touched Yaoyao's head and suddenly realized something: "By the way, Yaoyao, where is the jade plaque?"

  Yes, the jade plaque originally hung on Yaoyao's neck, but Jiao Yue said that it was the most beautiful thing. Something that can suppress the onset of curses in Yaoyao's body.

  "Yes, where is the jade medal?" Yaoyao repeated Xuanyi's words unconsciously, trying hard to think of a strategy to deal with it. Then the girl said, "Wait for me," and then she plunged into the spring water, Xuanyi's head was full of Black Line waited for a minute before he saw Yaoyao emerging from the water holding a jade sign.

  "Look, I accidentally dropped it."

  The girl's face was full of a pretending to be ignorant smile.

  (End of chapter)

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