Chapter 633: Chasing hares with yellow dogs

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  Chapter 633: Chasing the Hare with a Yellow Dog.

  I finished eating the noodles, but the store also gave me a cup of tea and unlimited refills of boiled water.

  The tea tasted pretty good, but it seemed bland after refilling too many cups. Jiao Yue took out her banknotes and asked the store owner to change her tea to a new one, but she was rejected with a wave of her hand, saying that the tea she grew and roasted at home was not worth a few bucks. If the girl likes it, just do it. good.

  Saying this, he gave Xuanyi and Jiaoyue a new pot of tea.

  Xuanyi subconsciously felt that this was Jiao Yue's shilling, but when she thought about it later, it was unlikely, so she couldn't help but laugh to herself.

  This is like a very clichéd story, just like the one posted in every small restaurant. A noble man came to the shop to taste delicious food in trouble. After returning to wealth, he could not think about it day and night. He sent people to search for it with huge sums of money and rewarded him lavishly. Then every day Every diner who comes here to eat will feel that he has shared the same table with that noble person, and feels honored.

  But Jiaoyue was not in trouble, and she had no intention of revealing her identity. She just came to her favorite store to eat like an ordinary customer taking care of business.

  Of course, this restaurant not only sells noodles, but also has many specialty dishes, but after all, it is for the public. Even a big eater can fill up his stomach for less than 20 yuan, and now due to the Phoenix Terrace As the sky rises, more and more people gather at the edge of Phoenix Terrace. Although there are many more diners, there are also guys like Xuanyi and Jiaoyue who linger after ordering. In fact, looking around There are still a majority of people like this.

  After all, life in real life is so peaceful. If it wasn't too busy, most people wouldn't mind sitting here and watching this once-in-a-lifetime excitement. After all, this is the Imperial Capital of Qing'an, and everyone believes in the majesty and power of the empire. No. Think that you will encounter some unpredictable danger.

  Xuanyi was slightly skeptical about this.

  The battle in the sky is still going on. For most people, they can only hear a sound and cannot see the specific situation. Luoyan built the Phoenix Tower not to play himself like a monkey, but to isolate irrelevant people. The interference, why is it in the center of town, just because there are more people here.

  Luoyan will never consider other people's viewing experience.

  But it has little impact on Xuanyi and Jiaoyue. As long as they use their spiritual consciousness, the battle situation hundreds of meters away can still be clearly imprinted in their minds. However, for now, both sides are still in the trial stage.

  Xuanyi is actually not optimistic about whether Di Yungui can defeat Luo Yan. Although Di Yungui is obviously stronger today than two years ago, his strength is still limited. But at least for now, the two of them can't fight each other. It's still coming and going.

  Originally, the reason why Xuanyi didn't take the stage first was to see Luo Yan reveal more details. Now that he has a top touchstone like Di Yungui, why not just cheer hard from below.

  So while paying attention to the battle above, he continued to chat with Jiaoyue: "How often do you come to this restaurant to eat?" "

  Not often." Jiaoyue sipped the tea in the cup: "I only come here to eat occasionally when I am hungry."

  So are there any restaurants where you can go to eat when you’re not hungry? Please tell me the name of that store.

  Xuanyi complained softly in his heart while looking at the girl: "They seem to be very poor?"

  "It's not that poor." Jiao Yue said softly: "It's not easy to live in Qing'an. They can own a store in this bustling street. Already richer than more than 50% of the people in the entire city."

  "But there will always be more poor people than rich people in this world." The girl squinted at Xuanyi: "I think you know better than me, don't you? ?"

  Xuanyi nodded.

  Star City is the city with the largest gap between rich and poor in the world. It has the world's top central business district, but it also has the largest slums on the continent. The two complement each other, magical and realistic.

  In comparison, Qing'an City did much better than Star City, even though Xuanyi didn't know one-tenth of the Qing'an imperial capital that he knew about Star City.

  After all, Star City is the city where he grew up, but now that everyone he knows has died, that city no longer has much value in nostalgia.

  But not being nostalgic doesn't mean that you don't care.

  It's impossible not to care. Although I now have a general understanding of my life experience, the fact that Star City is my hometown where I grew up cannot be erased no matter what.

  He has too many Star City imprints on him.

  "If one day I don't have anything to do, I also want to come here and open a small restaurant, bringing Yaoyao, and even my sister." My sister's resurrection is no longer out of reach, but the only thing that stands in the way is time. .

  plenty of time.

  Xuanyi squinted his eyes and said softly, as if the prime minister of the empire was pushed to the execution ground, recalling the past with his son on the blood-soaked loess, saying how he wished he could lead the yellow dog in the fields with his son. on chasing hares instead of sending myself here for worldly power.

  The most regretful thing in life is not being able to get what you want.

  "If that day exists, then if I pass by here, I will definitely ask for a cup of tea." Jiaoyue said softly: "But this is impossible." "How much power you have, how much responsibility you have to bear." "And


  same , and don’t reach for things beyond your own ability.”

  Saying this, Jiaoyue looked at the busy shopkeepers in the house: “They are not poor, but they are very hardworking. They have to get up at four o’clock every morning to cook. The broth used to make noodle soup, to buy the freshest dishes today, and they didn’t close up until ten o’clock at night, with almost no time to rest.” “But this

  is their life.” The girl’s voice was cold.

  "Of course I can change their lives, reward them with a large sum of money, so that they can live the rest of their lives without worries, or give them a lucrative position, respect and generous salary, but this does not Meaning." Jiao Yue looked at Xuanyi: "You have money but you can't keep it, and you have duties but you can't. This is not helping them, but just hurting them." "They don't have the ability to do business, and they won't let their money take care of themselves

  . If you make money, you can at most use it to lend money at high interest rates. You will also be worried about your wealth, or you will squander it all, or you will be cautious and frightened." "If you give

  them a position but are unable to perform it, they will be blamed by their superiors and delayed by their subordinates. In the end, both parties will not be pleased. I can only rely on my face to support myself. Maybe I will be convicted of dereliction of duty and sent to the frontier of the empire." "As

  you go along, you should know that only what you take is your own, and what others give you is yours. Others can take it back at any time."

  Xuan Yi could only nod, because what Jiao Yue said was so reasonable.

  But Xuanyi was very strange: "If you think about things like governing the country and bringing peace to the family every day, why are you so good at spiritual practice?"

  (End of this chapter)

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