Chapter 608 The Wonderful Life of Dragon and Rat

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  Chapter 608: The Wonderful Life of the Dragon and the Rat
  When he met Jiao Yue before, he mentioned the invitation from His Highness the Crown Prince, and Xuan Yi did not feel surprised.

  The only surprise was the way Jiao Yue invited her.

  Such a wonderful and strange method is actually more like a demonstration in a sense.

  Xuan Yi continued to move forward with the paper man, moving forward under the trail of blue flames like stars. After walking for about a few hundred meters, he saw the light of a few candles.

  Walking around the boulder, I saw a stone round table placed under the starry sky. In the center was a candle tree as tall as a person. Countless flames flickered on it like the eyes of stars. Various delicacies were placed under the tree. , Jiaoyue sat obediently on the corner of the stone table, diagonally opposite His Royal Highness the Crown Prince in black. He had the same face as Xuanyi now. Who else could he be if he wasn't Oss Yusheng?

  Next to the stone table, there was an empty seat. Xuan Yi knew without thinking that it was reserved for him, so the young man did not refuse, strode up and sat down, picked up the wine glass in front of him, filled it up and raised his head. After drinking it, he looked at Osyusheng and asked, "Why does the prince want to see me again?" At

  this time, the paper man had jumped onto Jiaoyue's knees, climbed all the way, and finally stopped between the black hair of the princess, turning into a A bunch of snow-white hair ribbons, while Osyusheng looked at Xuanyi calmly, with no unnecessary expression on his face as beautiful as a crown jewel: "I just want to tell you that you are doing better than I thought." "Because

  . I'm just a rough man, and rough men like to use the simplest way to solve problems." Xuan Yi said calmly: "Your Highness, you will always be the prince, and you can take this position back at any time." Osyusheng smiled slightly

  : "Why, you don't want to be the crown prince after only two months? It seems that the crown prince is really an unpleasant position."

  Xuan Yi looked at Osyusheng seriously: "No, just because this position is not mine. ."

  Osyusheng laughed loudly. This young man was pale and handsome, but he had a different kind of charm when he smiled.

  "What if I have to give it to you?"

  Xuanyi looked at Ao Jiaoyue, who had been watching: "Then I don't think Princess Yue will agree." "

  Yes." Ao Yusheng nodded: "I want to She is not even willing to replace me as the next empress. Letting you be my substitute is already a compromise." "

  But you have also been the prince for two months. Although you have done a good job, but Can you tell me how you feel in this position?"

  Xuan Yi looked at the other party with a smile: "It's always scary to be in a high position, not to mention that I'm just a stand-in who can be accused of being a fake at any time." "But

  . I saw your performance at the Qian Manor." Osyusheng said quietly: "I can't do what you did." "

  Because I am a rough man who charges into battle and cannot do embroidery work." Xuanyi said matter-of-factly.

  "It's not that you can't do it, you just don't want to do it." Osyusheng retorted sharply, and then took out a cherry from the stone table, because it is now the ripe season for cherries.

  "If I want you to do it for a longer time, are you willing to continue doing it?"

  Xuan Yi shook his head gently, then looked at Jiao Yue: "This is not what we agreed at the beginning." "

  I will do it for you. I will serve as the crown prince's substitute for a period of time. If I return your favor and take my reward, I can take Yaoyao far away again and go wherever I want."

  Jiao Yue smiled, looked at Xuanyi, and finally spoke. , the girl's voice was cold and cold: "So, where do you want to go? You have been wandering outside like a lost dog for so long, how long do you have to wander for?" Xuan Yi replied lightly: "My whole

  life They are all living an unattainable life as a lost dog."

  "I heard the conversation between you and the Star Master." Osyusheng interrupted: "You said that you would be a rat in Jiji camp for the rest of your life, but you never thought about it. Will become a giant dragon soaring in the sky."

  Xuan Yi was a little surprised, but not too surprised.

  Although the conversation between him and the Star Master was very secretive at the time, it was not so secretive that no one in the world knew about it, and Osyusheng was not among the people in the world.

  Leaving aside others, Xuanyi has been in contact with the Crown Prince for a long time, so how can he treat each other as a loser? What Xuanyi is doing now, although Osyusheng is self-effacing and said that he can't go straight to the ground like the Qian family manor. General, but he doesn't need to go to that point, everyone has a job they are good at.

  "But have you ever thought about it?" Osyusheng said lightly: "In the eyes of ordinary people, you are like a giant dragon now. Even if you want to shrink back into the mouse hole and become your own mouse, no one will treat you like a giant dragon." Treat him as an alien, because you no longer belong to them." "

  An ordinary bathtub cannot accommodate a behemoth like an elephant."

  Xuan Yi was silent, unable to refute.

  Of course he understands this problem.

  His previous wish was to live a peaceful life with his sister. As long as his sister didn't die and he didn't have to die, then he would be very happy.

  This is a wish that truly belongs to a mouse, just like a relatively clean piece of barbecue in the gutter. Ordinary people sneer at it, but this is the happiest life that Xuanyi can hope for.

  But the world doesn't allow him to do this.

  The sister died, and Xuan Yi was deprived of the piece of barbecue, so the angry boy could only roar for revenge against the world, and then was slapped to death on the beach by the world, with dirty blood gushing out from the boy's broken body.

  Originally, this was Xuan Yi's futile and desperate life, but Xuan Er finally gave him a second life.

  Xuanji not only rescued the dying boy, but also successfully preserved his sister's soul, allowing the boy who had no love left to find the courage to live in this world again.

  So the life of the defeated dog will continue, and there is nothing in this world that can bind Xuanyi anymore.

  So Xuanyi picked up the girl with the strange disease on her face during the journey, called her a monster, and started her new journey again. .

  Even if aimlessly.

  And now Jiaoyue has taken him in and given him a new goal and meaning. Even if Xuan Yi doesn't like this goal and meaning very much, the worst goal is much better than aimlessness.

  What's more, the goal Jiaoyue gave him was far from that bad.

  "Okay." Xuanyi sighed: "I admit that I can't be a mouse now."

  Yes, when the seventeen-year-old boy stood in the Qian family's manor and pierced the Emperor Tianjian into Qian Ye's chest, he In anyone's eyes, he looked like a giant dragon with its wings stretched out and its fangs exposed.

  "But I don't want to be your prince all the time. This will make me feel very boring." Xuanyi looked at the real crown prince of the empire: "Whether he is the prince or the throne, they are all yours. I can temporarily I'll keep it for you, but I really don't want to take him away."

  Osyuyu laughed softly, and then said: "What if I want to?"

  (End of this chapter)

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