Chapter 605 Returning

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  Chapter 605 Returning
  The sun was setting and the cherry blossoms were falling. Yaoyao and Xuanyi were sitting at the stone table in the courtyard, and the beautiful koi carps were blowing bubbles in the small pond nearby.

  In late spring, when there are few people in spring sleep, it is best to have a cup of tea and a few snacks.

  Xuanyi brought Yaoyao a pot of Yunlan white tea, baked cookies, steamed soft cakes, matsutake biscuits, and a small plate of cherries.

  As long as Xuanyi gives an order, the kitchen can prepare this exquisite and simple snack for Xuanyi within ten minutes. However, Yaoyao's palace does not allow anyone to break in, so Xuanyi can only serve as the final takeaway boy. Come and do it.

  Yaoyao put the bright red cherry into her mouth, feeling the sweet and sour juice bursting in her mouth. The girl showed a satisfied expression, lowered her head and spit out the core, and then looked at Xuanyi who had not done anything in front of her, her red eyes seemed to be reflected With the sunset glow.

  "Well, are you happy?" the girl asked gently.

  Out of some tacit understanding, even when no one is present, Yaoyao will not call Xuanyi's name, even if she recognizes at a glance that the man with a good-looking but completely unfamiliar face is the one who once accompanied her. Two years of youth, but Yaoyao never really exposes this.

  Xuanyi never admitted that he was really Xuanyi.

  After all, pretending to be Prince Aos is too important, so it would be better if one less person knew about it.

  Facing Yaoyao's question at this moment, Xuan Yi looked at the girl's face with only gray scales the size of a teacup remaining. He didn't answer, but shook his head gently.

  Xuanyi was actually not too happy.

  Xuan Yi didn't take prosperity and wealth too seriously. After all, today's young people are not short of money. If he wants to live a luxurious life, he doesn't need the golden dress of Prince Osyu. The reason why he is born here with Osyu's Acting with status, in the end Xuan Yi owed Jiao Yue too many favors.

  Too many favors are not enough.

  Seeing Xuanyi shaking her head, Yaoyao suddenly became happy. Her feet were swaying on the stone bench, and her eyes were smiling like crescent moons: "I'm not happy either." "Although it's very safe here, there is food

  . It's very good, and I live well. Although I can't go out for a walk, the courtyard is also very beautiful, and there are many books I haven't read before." Yaoyao stared at Xuanyi: "But I can't see it all day long. You."

  Xuanyi laughed dumbly, feeling that the child's thoughts were still simple: "If we go back to Lanyin City, would you like it?"

  Yaoyao nodded vigorously: "Of course I do."

  "I still miss the people there very much. Well, Sister Liu, Sister Zhao, and Uncle Zhao, they are all very good to me." "

  If there is a chance, we will go back." Xuan Yi said seriously. "Wait until things here are over."

  "When will things here be over?" Yaoyao asked matter-of-factly.

  Xuanyi was a little confused by the question.

  Now his identity is no longer as free as before.

  Only after he truly became the crown prince, could he feel the constraints that this status brought to him. A trip that could just go on the fly was destined to miss Xuanyi in a short period of time.

  If Osyusheng doesn't come to take back his identity, how many years will Xuanyi live as Prince Aos?
  Xuanyi doesn't know either.

  After all, if Xuanyi really left, what would Qian Ying do? What to do with hyacinth? They relied on the existence of the prince and were loyal to themselves. If the young man really left and lost the protection of the prince, Qian Ying would be unable to maintain the huge situation in front of him.

  Maybe in a few years, but at least not now.

  "I don't know." Xuan Yi opened his mouth and finally said weakly.

  "It turns out there is something you don't know about." Yaoyao said with a smile, then picked up a cherry and fed it into Xuanyi's mouth: "Then it's fine here, it's pretty good here, if you can come Look at me more, that would be great."

  Xuan Yi looked at Yaoyao's smiling face, stretched out his hand, and quietly rubbed the girl's head.



  Of course Xuanyi also wanted to leave. The status of Prince Aos certainly brought honor and glory, but at the same time it was also a shackle.

  Once you are shackled, you will almost never be able to escape.

  Although Xuanyi has been the devil cub of Dark Star since the moment he can remember, his pursuit of freedom has never stopped for him. It was not until he rebelled against Star City two years ago with the most decisive rebellion that the young man's life changed. Finally entered a new track.

  Even if you lose your goal and direction.

  During those two years of wandering, Xuan Yi didn't even think about meeting Ye Ya. He only had two simple goals. The first was to find a way to resurrect his sister, and the second was to cure her. The strange disease on the demon's face.

  Of course, the side benefit is that you can survive.

  At the end of this journey, Xuanyi came to an end in Lanyin City.

  The young man's life has no direction. It can be said that after the death of his sister, Xuan Yi feels that he has lost all goals and can only drift with the tide.

  But Jiao Yue gave Xuanyi a new direction, which was to replace Ao Yusheng as the prince of the empire.

  This is an incredible idea. When Xuan Yi heard it for the first time, he thought it was a fantasy. But not only Jiaoyue, but even Osyusei, and even the emperor himself recognized this idea, so it is no longer possible. What was an illusory fantasy has become a real future.

  Xuanyi is walking on this future.

  And he slowly discovered that he was really suitable for this role.

  His childhood experience has given Xuan Yi a keener sense of the situation. Although he is politically immature and scary compared to those old foxes, he can play the role of the little emperor very well, as long as he proves that he has enough strength. , he can do everything he wants to do.

  Just like the emperor once said to him, if one day Xuanyi can have enough strength to look down on the world, then he will become the next emperor.

  Even the emperor himself didn't mind very much.

  It's just that Xuan Yi is a little concerned.

  He recalled what his sister said to him when he left the ice lake.

  My sister hopes that he can become a person who can bring happiness to the world.

  Xuan Yi never thought that such a great and heart-warming thing was something she could do.

  But since his sister wanted him to do it, he had to do it reluctantly.

  That's why Xuanyi chose to become a wandering pharmacist. Any patient who wants to pray to Xuanyi for help, Xuanyi will collect appropriate compensation and cure the patient's disease based on the other person's property situation.

  But the more this goes on, the more Xuanyi feels that his strength is insufficient.

  Yes, Xuanyi's own medical skills are now close to being called spiritual powers. In the two years since he practiced medicine, Xuanyi has been able to cure even illnesses like Jibaining's. The young man can also cure the strange diseases of monsters with water. Rub it off bit by bit.

  But there were more illnesses, and Xuan Yi found that there was nothing he could do.

  Just like Xuanyi has been practicing medicine for two years and saved not only 1,000 but also 800 lives, but in just one night, Ji Beihai took away nearly 10,000 lives.

  If Xuanyi and Ye Ya hadn't tried their best to stop this conspiracy, then the entire Lanyin City's population of nearly one million would have been devoured by this disaster.

  This is not something that a doctor can save.

  (End of chapter)

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