Chapter 590 The Crown Prince’s Humiliation

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  Chapter 590: The Prince's Humiliation
  Above the sky, the all-black assassin looked at the black-clothed young man who appeared silently in front of him and wanted to dance in disbelief.

  But not only was he unable to dance, but once he opened his mouth, pink blood bubbles appeared at the corners of his mouth.

  He couldn't understand.

  Xuanyi didn't need him to understand either.

  The young man pulled out the Emperor's Ancient Sword that had pierced the opponent's chest, and then watched him fall straight from the sky like a kite with its string broken, and finally fell to the ground.

  Then Xuanyi smiled to himself and slowly landed.

  Of course the opponent is very strong, but he has become stronger now.

  By locking the opponent's position with superhuman perception and consciousness, and then using the flow of all things to cover up his own energy flow, he is like the most perfect assassin. All he has to do is to stab the sword into his chest.

  Everyone under Dongxuan is a mortal body. If someone is killed, he will die. This is the truth that will never change.

  Although Qian Ying didn't understand the sudden turn of events, Hyacinth naturally understood. It was only when he turned around and flew in the direction where the assassin fell that he discovered that it was His Highness the Crown Prince himself who finally came to reverse the situation.

  Even though His Highness the Crown Prince is now dressed in black, his inhumanly handsome face will never be forgotten by anyone who has seen it.

  There was no time to think about why His Highness the Crown Prince came in person, but now that he was here, Hyacinth could only bow his head and kneel on one knee, saying, "Please forgive me for my incompetence." Of course, he was incompetent, and

  escorted Qian Ying with more than 20 guards. I went home to visit my relatives, but I was intercepted and killed on the road, and everyone ran away.

  But Xuanyi shook his head and looked at Qian Ying walking up behind. The girl's white Lolita dress was stained with dust, and the edge of the skirt was stained with the green color of countless wheat seedlings: "You're okay. Right?"

  Xuan Yi asked kindly.

  Qian Ying nodded without shedding tears: "Qian Ying is fine."

  Xuanyi then looked at Hyacinth: "Get up and see if you recognize this person."

  They stood next to the man in black. Next to him, Xuanyi pierced the opponent's heart with a sword, which could be said to have cut off all the opponent's vitality with one move. In the field of killing with one strike, the young man has always been a professional, but at this time, this black assassin had gone from hundreds to He fell from a height of 3 meters, but his whole body was like a piece of light feathers. Except for the injuries on his chest, there were no fractures or deformations anywhere else.

  Hearing this, Hyacinth stepped forward and turned over the black-clothed assassin, but he turned out to be an old man with a shriveled face. In fact, for most practitioners, they will always encounter bottlenecks that they cannot break through in their lives. They are lucky enough to study objects and gain knowledge. Most of the people will be trapped in the state of knowledge all their lives, and they have initially mastered the supernatural power, but they will never be able to use it in this world.

  Although the threshold for the Dharma Realm is also very high, most people can enter the Dongxuan Realm after advancing to the Dharma Realm, branch out on their own, and form their own path. They have basically reached the final realm that normal people can reach. .

  The Dongxuan realm is the last step before becoming a god. Above the Dongxuan realm, in popular terms, they are demigods. They have initially mastered the power of gods. There are countless geniuses trapped in the Dongxuan realm, such as the hundreds of people in front of them. It is actually not uncommon for old people to still be in the Cave Mystic Realm at the age of 18, but it can be called the norm.

  Hyacinth watched for a long time before finally replying to Xuanyi: "To inform the prince, I have never seen this person, but based on his ability and appearance, he should be the smoker in Qingyi Frontier, who was a caveman decades ago. The strong ones in the Mysterious Realm belong to the upper echelons of the organization."

  The strong ones in the Mysterious Realm are of course high-level people. After all, when the Qingyi Front was at its peak, it only had more than seven Dongxuan people. What Hyacinth couldn't believe even more was that the Crown Prince His Highness was actually able to kill a well-known veteran Dongxuan expert in an instant.

  His Royal Highness the Crown Prince's strength is so frightening?
  This is even more outlandish than when I first saw him in Qing'an Hell.

  Xuanyi looked at Hyacinth's expression and knew what he was thinking, but there was no need to tell him that he was silently approaching the sneak attack. But even if he really faced the enemy head-on, with the help of the powerful ability of the flow of all things, ordinary Dharma Realm He is no longer a match for Xuanyi. Only those with a special Dharma state like Jiao Yue and Xi Ziquan can defeat him.

  However - it is said that two years later, Xi Ziquan has successfully advanced to Dongxuan and has become a true demigod, but this is far away from Xuanyi.

  Even for Xuanyi, who is the prince of Aos, it is still a very distant thing.

  Xuanyi just nodded: "Carry him on your back."

  When Hyacinthia saw the prince's order, she immediately carried this once powerful man named Yanke who was once all-powerful but died in the hands of His Highness the Crown Prince. Anyway, such a thing happened to Hyacinthia There won't be any violation in doing so.

  Seeing the dead body in black clothes on Hyacinth's back, Xuan Yi turned around and walked towards the avenue, but was stopped by Qian Ying from behind: "Your Highness, what are we going to do next?" The convoy dispersed, and

  again After being openly assassinated by others, even if I could get back to the road and the convoy, what could I do?

  You can't really pull the carriage to Qian's house.

  Even if he could really pull it, how could His Highness be able to pull it? How could Hyacinth pull so many carriages by herself?
  "Of course I'm going to take you to get married." Xuanyi turned around and said calmly with a smile: "Bring our gifts by the way." With that said

  , Xuanyi nodded at Hyacinth's back.



  When he returned to the main road, Xuan Yi calmly covered his face with the black scarf he had prepared, and then stood in front of the carriage. At that moment, Hyacinth and Qian Ying were so frightened that they knelt down at the same time, and Yanke's body disappeared from the carriage. Hyacinth fell off her back and rolled aside.

  "Your Highness, you must not do it!" Hyacinthus implored urgently. Qian Ying bit her lip and moved two steps on the ground: "Your Highness, please don't humiliate me."

  Xuan Yi raised his eyebrows and smiled: "Get up."

  The two ordered He could only get up.

  Then Xuanyi looked at Qian Ying and pointed at the most luxurious and elegant carriage behind him: "Get in."

  Seeing Qian Ying's hesitation, Xuanyi added with a smile: "This is an order, you can If you are not afraid of death, why should you be afraid of getting into the carriage I pull."

  Saying this, Xuanyi looked at Hyacinth and said, "Take the gifts on your back and pull them into a carriage, and we will go give gifts to the Qian family."

  " How could His Highness suffer such a shame and humiliation?" Although Qian Ying got on the carriage, she still advised Xuanyi.

  "My prince's servant was intercepted and killed on the road, and my entourage dispersed in a rush." ​​Xuan Yi raised his cheek with a smile and looked at the two people in front of him: "What shame and humiliation can be worse than this?"

  " So now I can take this car and go to seek justice from the Qian family in person, isn't it okay?"

  With that said, Xuan Yi took the first step forward.

  The wheels of the carriage turned.

   Push a book.

  (End of chapter)

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