Chapter 452 Thanks to the Gang Leader

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  Chapter 452 Thanks to the leader of the gang
  Chapter 8 Uncle

  Zhao, the leader of the thanks gang, looked confused at this time. He did not expect that the young man who usually looked gentle and weak would actually suppress the most vicious leader of the opponent as soon as he came and let the opponent He nodded and bowed to him as if they were two brothers, but his brothers were even more confused. Who would have thought that his boss would suddenly undergo such a 180-degree change?
  Only the leader took it for granted.

  When he saw Xuanyi collecting the gold coins, he felt relieved.

  For a man like him who licks blood with his knife, what he believes in most in his life is the contractual relationship. It doesn't matter if you say ten thousand words. Only when you accept the things are you considered a family. The so-called cannibalism and softness of others, ten thousand words of good brother are worse than The monthly activity funds given to me by my boss will not be used.

  Of course - what happened today was done in private without telling the boss.

  So he pulled Xuan Yi aside and explained the whole story in a long and short conversation.

  It turns out that this person named Jiang is the leader of the famous and powerful Xie Gang in the local area. Although they say they are idle all day long and are brave and fierce, their gang leader Xie En is considered to be the number one figure. The Xie Gang mainly controls Lanyin City. In the cargo transportation and loading and unloading business, the gang owns about a dozen magical carts that do not require human labor or livestock. Although they usually operate within the county, they occasionally do a little bit of work under the premise of hospitality or generous rewards. Jiang's business.

  The leader of the Xie'en Gang inherited his father's legacy and had also studied at Lanyin College. He was not a gangster, but rather a bit of a student. After he became the leader of the Xie'en Gang, he vigorously rectified the order in the gang and broke the past. Many business places in China have the intention of going ashore with a clean slate.

  Of course, messing around in this way is like killing one's parents. Xie En has just arrived, and before he has established his favor, he wants the new official to take office. This, of course, makes the gang members unconvinced. He was the only son of the gang leader. Originally, the old gang leader had no intention of letting him take over so soon. Who knew that something unexpected would happen. The old gang leader had an accident in another county. He had been unconscious for two days when he was brought back. Although he was later rescued by famous doctors. Fortunately, he survived, but he couldn't get out of bed, so he could only write a letter to call his son out of town to take care of him in danger.

  But who could have imagined that this new gang leader would cut off his family's financial resources as soon as he took office.

  Jiang Wang couldn't explain the specific situation after that. In short, two elders raised an issue at the gang meeting and asked Xie En to hand over his position as gang leader, so as not to destroy the Xie Gang's decades-long establishment. At that meeting, Xie En He showed off his might and subdued the two famous gang elders in one fell swoop. After that, he used his connections with Lanyin classmates to buy a batch of equipment retired from the army through formal channels to decorate the storefront, and then received several transportation orders. The business was booming for a while, and the dividends at the end of the year came down. , much more than before.

  If you don't really want money, who would do such a shameful thing?
  Now Xie En's reputation was so great that all the brothers in the gang were subdued. Even some outsiders who were waiting to see the joke had to praise Xie En and said that a tiger father has no dog son. The status of the largest gang in the city, and there are even rumors that Xie En and the current city lord have a teacher-student relationship. Although the parties involved have not responded, sometimes these sporadic information makes people even more suspicious.

  Of course - what does all this have to do with the present? And why did Xie Gang, who kept saying that he was going ashore to clear his name, block the door of a veteran in such full force?
  Jiang Wang had kept his story short, but now he couldn't help but sigh: "It's all bad luck." As

  a gang leader with a hidden disease, when he lowered his head and sighed and said, "It's all bad luck," he always felt... An inexplicable sense of joy.

  Xuanyi nodded: "Then what?"

  "Then my gang leader met a talented girl by chance, and ended up falling in love with her." Jiang Wang said with a look of dismay: "We usually see girls snatched away. , wait until the rice is cooked, wait until a fat boy is born, can't you just marry him and go home?" "

  But my gang leader blindly pursues mutual love, so he worked hard to pursue it. Originally Fortunately, the relationship between the two parties was growing day by day, but for some reason that day, a few bastards dared to molest the girl in front of my gang leader, and the gang leader couldn't help but gave them a lesson. They were so ignorant that they even wanted to They called someone to block our gang leader. He was young and energetic, and couldn't hold it back for a moment... No, it was because we were eager to protect the gang leader, so we didn't listen to the gang leader's advice and gave those gangsters a good beating, but the beating was satisfying. , that girl also knows the true identity of my gang leader." "

  This girl has a very strict upbringing. Although my gang leader said that the city walls would shake three times when he stomped around Lanyin City, she only sees my gang leader as idle and evil. She is a gang member and has stopped interacting with my gang leader since then. Although my gang leader has apologized to her several times, he has never seen her again, so he drinks at home every day. How can we see the gang leader so decadent? Let's grab the girl's house and then..."

  At this point, Jiang Wang couldn't help but hesitate.

  This kind of gang style may feel a bit righteous and confident when done, making the gang leader feel proud, but it's really unpleasant to say it out loud.

  Xuanyi frowned: "Is that girl Miss Zhao Xueyi?"

  Jiang Wang slapped his thigh: "Who else could it be if she wasn't her? I tell you, you must not take Miss Zhao's idea, otherwise I will fight Even if you spread the scandal, I will chop off your thigh."

  Xuan Yi smiled and said nothing.

  Zhao Xueyi is the only daughter of Uncle Zhao Dong. In his early years, he worked in the army and spent a lot of time away from his family. As the only daughter, he naturally regarded him as the apple of his eye. After his wife died of illness, the father and daughter were even more dependent on each other. Live off this apartment.

  Uncle Zhao was an upright man, and the daughter he trained was almost carved out of the same mold. Although he was beautiful, gentle, and good at painting, he had never thought of being related to a gangster like Shane.

  Who would have thought that the leader of Tangtang Xie Gang would be so young?
  So now the clues have almost been sorted out. Shane is drinking to relieve his sorrows at home. Their group of subordinates want to rectify the injustice for Help. I don’t know who came up with this saucy idea. A group of men with bigger muscles than brains rushed up. They originally thought that according to the previous With experience, fully armed and shouting, the other party will be subdued and obediently send his daughter.

  Who knew that Zhao Xueyi's father was a veteran who had actually served in the army. Without saying a word, he came out with a single sword to spar with them.

  You know, it is true that they want to rob someone, but no one wants to offend the father-in-law who is almost confirmed to be the leader of the gang, so the situation falls into an awkward stalemate.

  They were riding a tiger and couldn't get off, and didn't want to leave in despair. Although Zhao Dong was reckless, he was not mindless. He didn't have to and didn't want to really fight with these dozen well-armed men, so they faced Xuanyi. when.

  After Jiang Wang said all this, he quickly stuffed another gold coin into Xuanyi's hand: "Brother, can you help us to persuade Uncle Zhao, let's each take a step back." "We promise to bring him back.

  " After leaving Miss Zhao, we will never hurt her hair. If one hair is missing, we will chop off a finger."

  (End of Chapter)

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