Chapter 45: Knowledge

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  Chapter 45 Zhizhilan
  Liuyan looked into the other person's eyes. There was something inexplicable in those black eyes, like a dormant beast.

  "This is not enough to impress me." Lan Liuyan said.

  Xuan Yi stretched out a finger: "Give me one night, and I will come up with something that is enough to impress you."

  Lan Liuyan looked at the young man, nodded slowly, and then said, "If it's boiled fish, forget it. "Yes."

  Xuan Yi smiled: "Of course it's something better than boiled fish."

  ...   Farewell to Lan Liuyan and Qian Ying, Xuan Yi walked toward the depths of the cave alone, as if he was diving


The hermit who cultivates.

  Only Xuan Yi himself knew that he was just going to meet someone.

  Someone only you can see.

  Or, one cannot be sure whether it is Ren Xuan Yi or not.

  He walked along the underground river and found a dry and safe small cave. He found rocks inside to block the exit, then found a comfortable place to lie down and closed his eyes.

  He hadn't slept in a long time, so when he wanted to sleep, he closed his eyes and fell asleep.

  Immediately, his consciousness sank into a dark and sweet realm, and he stood in the depths of the endless darkness and spoke lightly.

  "As you wish, I'm here."

  After a long time, Xuan Yi heard the slow response: "I thought you would rather die than come."

  "No." Xuan Yi replied: "Rather than death, , I would rather make a deal with you."

  The dark world suddenly lit up, and Xuan Yi saw a sea.

  This is a place that Xuan Yi is familiar with - this is the seaside, the same seaside where he was picked up by Xing Lihua, the seaside in the outskirts of Star City.

  He saw himself standing at the end of the beach wearing a loose black robe. He looked back at him and smiled and said, "Please sit down."

  A chair appeared behind him instantly, and he had already sat down.

  There were hundreds of meters between them, but Xuan Yi knew that the actual distance was actually farther.

  Xuan Yi sat down and looked at himself from afar: "You can see everything I see, right." The

  other party nodded: "Jiusan is more important to you than I thought."

  "I can't help but I remembered some unnecessary things."

  "Also, there are some things that I didn't explain clearly last time. In fact, I didn't think about it." He continued: "You can call me Xuanji."

  Xuanyi looked at him: "Xuanji He's dead."

  Xuan Er smiled: "It's just because he's dead that it's convenient for me to use his name. By the way, I'm also dead, so I don't care."

  Xuan Yi no longer struggled with the other person's name, because Pointless.

  He just said: "I am willing to complete the unfinished transaction last time."

  "One-seventh of my soul in exchange for a way to know?" Xuan Er said: "If you are willing, it will be easy." "

  No, or not only Just for knowledge."

  Xuan Yi replied coldly: "I want to quickly leave this deep stream, as well as the weakness of the Xuantooth Beast."

  Xuan Er smiled and said: "Do you want to try to ask me for a complete action plan?"

  "Too expensive." Xuan Yi simply replied.

  Xuan Er couldn't help but sigh and said: "Don't think of me as a universal wishing machine. What I can do is very limited." "

  Your wishing machine needs to be coin-operated." Xuan Yi complained lightly: "I'll repeat it again. My request once again, all the ways to reach the state of knowledge from perception to perfection, the way to quickly leave the abyss, and the weaknesses of the Black Tooth Beast." "

  I will pay one-seventh of my soul."

  Xuan Er shook his head: "It makes others follow. Just like the devil."

  "If there is something that looks like a devil, walks like a devil, and does things that are devil's business, then it is a devil, right?" Xuanji nodded seriously: "In that case

  , It makes some sense."

  Then he raised his hand and snapped his fingers, and a luxurious round dining table instantly appeared in front of Xuan Yi. A plate of pink and tender rabbit meat was cut and plated with fresh, sweet and delicious sauce. There are several cages of juicy shrimp dumplings, a glass of bright red wine in a crystal goblet, and even a cage of steaming, spicy and bubbling boiled fish.

  "What else do you want to eat?" Xuan Er looked at him and said, "Only the taste you have tasted."

  Xuan Yi didn't move his chopsticks: "I can't fill my stomach after eating, so what's the use of being obscene."

  "Can the deal be done?"

  Xuan Er sighed and waved his hand. The dining table and delicacies in front of Xuan Yi disappeared. Then

  he looked at Xuan Yi: "The deal can be done." After saying this, he raised his hand and waved it gently in the air. In an instant, a light curtain spread out between the two of them.

  Three light curtains.

  "I can provide you with three paths to perfect knowledge. The price is the same. It's up to you to choose."

  With that said, the first light curtain slowly began to emerge as a human figure, and the light and shadow with only an outline jumped and swirled in it. Showing off various attack modes, they are extremely powerful and open and close.

  "The first one, the most common way for warriors to gain knowledge, is to understand fighting spirit." Xuan Er introduced quietly without any emotion. "It is characterized by being versatile and efficient. In the Zhizhi Realm, you can use fighting energy to speed up, jump, attach weapons to increase damage, and perform simple martial arts." Xuan Yi did not speak or say a word


  Xuan Er knew his inner feelings by looking at his expression, and continued to unfold the second light curtain.

  This time the human figure in the light screen is much cooler. It can ride the wind, turn into ice, and even shoot fire and thunder.

  "The second one, elemental knowledge, is powerful, quick and efficient. It is also the path to knowledge that is currently chosen by the most people. Of course, before the Dongxuan realm, you can only choose one type of elemental knowledge, and you cannot practice them all." Xuan Yi

  still His face was expressionless, showing no intention of being moved.

  Xuanji sighed. As a devil, he naturally has to work tirelessly to promote his products. He cannot shy away from customers just because they are aloof.

  He snapped his fingers, and the third light curtain slowly opened.

  It's just that this time the human form inside is very different from before. When he doesn't move, he looks like a mountain, and when he moves, he looks like a rabbit. There is a strange light gathering on the body, like armor, and when it extends on the hand, it looks like a blade.

  "Yes, this is a special path in your Star City. I found it by chance. Jiu San took this path. It has great potential." Xuan Er introduced it enthusiastically: "Are you interested?"

  Xuan Yi looked at the human figure dancing in the light curtain, and seemed to see another Jiu San.

  He was silent for a while, and then asked: "Can I also practice the path of Star City?"

  Xuan Er smiled: "Of course."

  There was a lot of information hidden in his words, but Xuan Yi didn't want to know at this time.

  He slowly shook his head, because he had already thought about his way to knowledge. He originally hoped to rely on his own strength to slowly break through, but he never succeeded.

  "Can the poison on my body lead to knowledge?"

   Thanks to Liu Yue Linlang for the reward ==
  (End of this chapter)

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