Chapter 419 Immortality

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  Chapter 419 Undead
  Star Ghost Ax certainly knows that the purple wormwood that Xuan Yi is talking about is the purple wormwood of the Chinese Valentine's Day, but he knows the purple wormwood of the Chinese Valentine's Day, but the body of the purple wormwood is an unheard of existence.

  But now, a real black hole appeared around the young man, cutting off all perceptions of Xinggui Ax, and even the extension of his power. For a moment, he didn't know what to do with this young man.

  Because this is an absolutely unknown territory, it's like putting out firepower. The power he is proud of is now the fuel used by Xuan Yi's so-called purple body.

  So naturally, the fire will never be extinguished until the salary is exhausted.

  He couldn't help but feel fear. People are always afraid of the unknown.

  But then it became even more funny.

  It's funny that one day, I will be humbled in front of such a young man whose real realm is only the realm of Dharma.

  Since ancient times, there have been only a handful of so-called cross-border fighters. Those who can achieve this achievement are all the best in the world. But you must know that even so, the targets of those geniuses who cross-border battles are only in the next realm. of the weak.

  And he, Xinggui Ax, is undoubtedly the top expert in the Tianshi Realm. Why is he forced to this point by a kid from the Dharma Realm, and even thinks that he may lose.

  But the more frightened he became, the funnier he became, and Xingguiaxe became more and more cautious.

  He stretched his right arm straight to the right, and when his fist slowly clenched, the straight line pointed by his right arm began to rise slowly.

  As the governor of the Ministry of Industry, his authority is of course related to construction. He is in charge of gravity, stars, and the simulation of all things. Because his authority is greater than that of the ordinary Tianshi realm, it is extremely difficult to advance. But again, in addition to In addition to construction, his combat power is also absolutely huge and terrifying.

  He did not expect that he would treat Xuan Yi as an equal opponent, but since he did so, he could only go all out.

  The hundreds of meters of rock arm formed by the uplift of dust and stones from the earth gradually peeled off the mottled outer rock coat, revealing the inner crystal clear body. This is a huge arm that is hundreds of meters long and ten meters thick. The arm has obvious elbow joints, fingers, and even muscle lines, but its size is larger than the abyss worm on Mount Sumeru. Now it is just an arm exposed by the Star Ghost Ax.

  This arm completely imitated the movements of Xinggui Ax's own arm, suspended in the air, and moved with the movement of the walking adult's own arm. He clenched his fists and moved his joints, but the sound of the movement was like thunder.

  Since Xuan Yi is in his current state, touching him with pure strength is just in vain to provide him with burning nutrients, so now, he has no choice but to kill him with something he can't burn.

  Just like acid can dissolve metals, it cannot melt glass and ceramics.

  Without hesitation, the Star Ghost Ax punched out from hundreds of meters away.

  This time it was no longer a forward-moving punch, but a solid punch, because his fist was hundreds of meters long.



  "Clang, clang, clang, clang!"

  A series of metal clashing sounds sounded, but those sounds never existed in Xinggui Ax's perception for more than 0.01 seconds.

  As the saying goes, one force can defeat ten. No matter how weird Xuan Yi's state is at this time, he is still in the Dharma phase state after all. How can an ant try to arm-wrestle with an elephant?

  It's not easy for a worm to shake a tree.

  A praying mantis that raises its arms to try to block traffic on the road will surely end up in a very miserable situation.

  Until the end, the fist of Xinggui Ax, which was not only as big as a casserole but as big as a mountain, pressed against the boy who was desperately resisting, it was like a fly on the horns of a galloping bull.

  If a cow has a fly on its horns, it must be very fast. If it were in the real world, in just a few breaths, it must have run thousands of meters or tens of thousands of meters. meters so far.

  But this is not the real world. This world has very narrow boundaries.

  So the cow hit the wall.

  The earth trembled and the mountains shook.

  Star Ghost Ax felt the screams from the whole world. The world was trembling and shuddering. The blow just now had almost reached the limit that the world could bear. If Star Ghost Ax could follow up with a few more blows, the world would probably be able to bear it. If it doesn't stop, it will completely fall apart.

  He was very satisfied, because this blow was indeed close to his peak level, although he could still withstand a few more blows.

  But that hand could no longer hold on.

  The giant arm, which was built with the materials of this world and adjusted its internal structure by itself, was already much harder than ordinary diamond. It was collapsing bit by bit at this moment, as if it was shattered glass that had been hit by a heavy hammer.

  At this level of power, there is no difference between diamond and glass.

  Please don’t have the illusion that diamond is actually very durable.

  In fact, it is not resistant to burning.

  Xuanyi is certainly not strong enough to make it perform this way, but it has just collided directly with the world. The effects of force are mutual. The world feels pain and trembling. Will this arm still be good?
  Just saying, when the world collided with the arm, where was Xuan Yi?
  Xuan Yi is between the arm and the world.

  How much pressure is there? One hundred tons? One thousand tons? Ten thousand tons?

  Or is it simply incalculable?

  After all, humans cannot estimate the power of gods, and what the Star Ghost Ax demonstrated just now is the power that truly belongs to gods.

  Star Ghost Ax took it for granted that Xuan Yi was dead. There was no way or reason for him to survive, let alone a body of flesh and blood, even a body of steel, a giant dragon, a titan, or even a young god himself. , there is no reason to survive such an attack.

  After all - he really hit it just now.

  Star Ghost Ax once again reached out the tentacles of his mind, followed his domain, passed through the blank places that had been burned to nothing by the incredible and terrifying flames on the surface of the young man's body, and finally reached the edge of the world.

  He did not expect to find the young man's complete body. It was enough to find a relatively complete piece of clothing, a few bone fragments, and a few drops of blood to prove the young man's death.

  But——Xinggui Ax finally found more things.

  He still found a blank space, a blank space that burned everything to nothing. As soon as his spiritual consciousness approached that area, Xinggui Ax felt unbearable disgust and depression, and his instinct inhibited him from continuing to move forward and continue to explore.

  Just as you shrink your fingers at the sight of fire, so you feel fear at the sight of an abyss.

  Now facing this empty land that could no longer exist, Xinggui Ax had an instinctive and absolute fear.

  The Governor couldn't help but take a step back and shook his head, an overwhelming sense of fear welling up from the bottom of his heart.

  You can't kill him if you do this.

  So how can we kill it?

  Waiting for him to slowly grow old and die?
  At the edge of the world, in the hole formed between the world and a finger of the giant's arm, the boy's weak and wild voice continued to sound there.

  "Is it the Tianshi realm?"

  "It seems to be nothing more than that."

  "Isn't it?"

  (End of this chapter)

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