Chapter 337 Seafood Pizza

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  Chapter 337 Seafood Pizza
  Xuanji has actually been silent for a long time.

  Although he fully demonstrated his potential as a talkative person when getting along with Ye Ya, in fact, this unknown existence has always appeared as a silent person.

  Maybe he was both solemn and humorous when he spoke, and sometimes he gave people a very unreliable feeling.

  But he's really reliable.

  Both Xuan Yi and Ye Ya can testify.

  Perhaps the previous activity consumed too much of his energy. After Xuan Yi regained consciousness and had his final conversation with the boy, he stopped appearing.

  Until Xuan Yi called him again.

  "Okay." Xuan Er's voice sounded calmly. He was just a piece of consciousness and a soul, so it didn't matter whether he was sleeping or not. He was like an eye that was always open, silently observing everything in the world.

  "But it's not absolute."

  Xuan Yi smiled: "Isn't it the same as if you didn't say anything?"

  Xuan Er's voice sounded calmly, without the joking tone that he often had before.

  "If you want to change the laws and customs of an ethnic group with the power of one person, it is like holding Mount Tai to reach the North Sea. It is impossible."

  Xuan Er omitted a lot of words, but Xuan Yi knew what he meant.

  "Among the measures I can take, this one is the most difficult, but also the most effective."

  "Isn't it?" Xuan Yi said.

  "Yes." Xuan Er said: "Since you know everything, why do you come to ask me?"

  Xuan Yi was silent for a long time and finally said silently.   "When there is only one

  final touch left."


  "I'm scared."

  ...   Nothing happened that night.   Although no one on Mount Xumi at this time is a person who should close their eyes after dark.   But no one still tried to smooth over the tiger's beard at the first opportunity, because as the specific battle situation in the mountain field slowly leaked out, no one regarded the originally unknown Xuan Yi as a weak persimmon, but A top figure comparable to other guards.   Everyone is recuperating, or slowly curling up in the nest to lick their wounds, waiting for the intruder who dares to enter the tiger's mouth. Some are waiting, waiting for the ants to slowly kill the giant elephant, and they are the last to bite it. That one.   But no one dared to take the first bite.   Because every bone is destined to be hard.   The sun rises slowly.   The moon sets slowly.   This was the longest and most peaceful night since the start of the Thousand Stars Experiment. The bright moon hung in the sky for the whole night without being disturbed by the noise.   Ye Ya finally opened her eyes, revealing aqua blue pupils.   The girl was a little confused.   After all, she was actually a little too sleepy.   Although as Ye Ya said, she has many formal or informal means to stay awake, but there are very few means that have no side effects. Compared with Xuan Yi, who is used to staying up all day and night, Ye Ya usually Going to bed a few hours late can make half of the people in Ye Ye City worry about her. Under such a heavy burden, Ye Ya has to come up with some very decent excuses to stay up late, otherwise she is very likely to be served by milk like that night. .   Since entering the Thousand Stars Trial, Ye Ya has not slept for three days and three nights.   Although she never wanted to say anything to everyone, she had to have a head when sleeping.   When she finally saw Xuan Yi put on the Xuanwu gauntlet and became the mountain guard in front of him, and the others left one after another, and only the two of them and the body of the giant mountain turtle were left in the huge mountain field, Ye Ya felt in her heart The big stone that had been there for a long time finally fell down, and after the tight strings were loosened, the girl fell into sleep easily just by leaning on the boy's shoulder.   It's like feeling safe on the other person's shoulder.   Ye Ya raised her hand, touched the glistening saliva flowing out of the corner of her mouth, and then looked sideways at the black-haired boy's face.   The sun was rising slowly from the ocean in the east, so the light also hit the side of the boy's face. His eyes were closed tightly, but his body remained motionless.   For some reason, Ye Ya subconsciously reached out and poked Xuan Yi in the face.   As expected, there was no soft touch of shota. Xuan Yi's face was hard and didn't even feel like much flesh. There was no trace of the lovely apple muscles at all.   Of course, a boy like Xuan Yi doesn't look like he has apple-shaped muscles.   With one poke, Xuan Yi opened his eyes.   He had not fallen asleep in the first place, and he would not fall asleep.   But even Xuan Yi would not refuse a proper rest.   "Are you awake?"   Xuan Yi said softly.   Ye Ya nodded, and then asked: "No one came last night?"   According to the previously announced rules, after midnight is the beginning of the fifth offensive and defensive day. Anyone who had not been able to guard the position due to various reasons before, Everyone can challenge in any of the seven areas on this day. Although I don’t know whether the guard weapons in the hands of the major guards will be weakened accordingly according to the rules, but on this day, except for the major guards, they still cannot leave their own guards. Outside the realm, all other rules have basically become useless.   In other words, the previous chaos in the mountain realm will completely spread to the entire Mount Sumeru.   But the ideal is so beautiful and the reality is so skinny.   Until now, the seven realms are still very quiet.   Xuan Yi shook his head: "No one is coming."   Ye Ya was still leaning on Xuan Yi's body. There was no overlap in their bodies, they just simply relied on each other, just like their relationship until now.   Ye Ya likes this kind of reliance very much, so she doesn't seem shy to leave until now.   And she didn't pursue the topic, but calmly changed it.   "I'm a little hungry."   In fact, she should have been hungry for a long time. This little girl ate a box of biscuits when she was tempted by Xuan Yi's body. After that, she didn't get a drop of water or rice for a whole day and night. Now, I can still maintain a good complexion, which is actually thanks to the realm bonus when I opened the Green Wings.   Those crazy energy intakes also unintentionally replenished the girl's body a lot.   Xuan Yi said lightly: "Do you want to eat turtle meat?"   "The freshest and most tonic food."   Xuan Yi actually doesn't know how to do it, but the worst thing is to ask Xuan Er, even if Xuan Er doesn't understand, Xuan Yi will forget it. Even if it’s not delicious, at least it’s cooked well.   Even if you are not sure about grilling meat, you are still sure about cooking it.   After all, the giant turtle is a real delicacy that can make people’s mouths flutter.   But Ye Ya shook her head: "It has been growing for hundreds of thousands of years, how can it bite."   Xuan Yi still followed the girl's opinion.

  The auspiciousness that has been growing for hundreds of thousands of years is definitely a great tonic, but if a girl doesn’t like it, it definitely doesn’t taste good.

  "Then what do you want to eat?" Xuan Yi asked.

  Ye Ya thought for a while and said.

  "I want to eat."

  "Seafood pizza that morning."

  (End of chapter)

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