Chapter 263: Coming in droves

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  Chapter 263: The Continuous Arrival
  Chapter 101: The Continuous Arrival

  Xing Lihua brought a lot of food when he came back.

  White bread, fresh fish, various vegetables, and a small packet of preserves.

  And a small bottle of lager.

  She had been busy in the kitchen for a long time, and her originally cold face seemed to be a little more alive.

  Xuan Yi sat on the table in the living room, took out a small piece of candied fruit and put it in his mouth. The sweetness of the honey and fruit blended together, making the taste soft and delicious.

  My sister seems to enjoy buying herself snacks and feeding them to herself.

  But I actually enjoyed it.

  After all, when he grew up, his sister rarely bought him snacks.

  My sister also found a job.

  Xuan Yi told himself silently.

  Then she bought these with the little money she had.

  But no one told her that their bad luck had just begun.

  At this time, Xing Lihua had come out of the kitchen with a fragrant fish soup, and then placed the iron pot on the wooden table.

  The silver-haired girl reached out and scooped out a bowl of hot fish soup for Xuan Yi, then tore a small piece of white bread for him and soaked it in it. She said softly: "Eat it, be careful not to burn it." Xuan Yi didn't do anything,

  but He looked up at this girl who was only fourteen years old at this time.

  She is actually younger than herself.

  Because I am already fifteen years old.

  But now, this kind of girl has to learn to take care of herself from scratch.


  "Sister?" Xuan Yi said softly.

  Questions I didn’t have the chance to ask at the time.

  He really wanted to ask now.

  Xing Lihua looked at his bronze eyes with confusion.

  Then Xuan Yi continued: "Why do you want to save me?" "

  Why do you let me drag you down?"

  "You should know that I am actually useless."

  "Isn't it?"

  Xing Lihua turned his head and looked. The boy looked at the boy with tears in his eyes, and then.


  This is the first time Xuan Yi has seen this frosty girl smile since he entered this environment.

  In the past, she always tried hard to pretend to be an ordinary weak woman in front of herself.

  But this time, Xuan Yi really felt that the sister in this illusion was a real person.

  Xuan Yi has forgotten the first time his sister smiled in front of him in reality.

  But that must have been much later.

  The one who is accompanying him now is the sister who is a little careless, addicted to alcohol, gentle but stubborn, and always sticks to what she thinks is right.

  No matter how this sister used fancy disguises to deceive herself, she only believed in the truth before her eyes.

  That is this sister, she is her own, unique, and should be cherished and protected throughout her life.

  And - it was me who made this cold and inhumane girl in front of me gradually turn into what she was eleven years later.

  Just like my sister, she made herself, a murderous devil, try to keep her heart and do what she should do.

  In this case, wouldn't it be enough?
  Then Xuan Yi heard Xing Lihua's gentle and serious answer.

  "Because, without you."

  "I feel like no one in this world needs me anymore."

  Xuan Yi burst into tears at that moment.

  He rushed forward and hugged the standing girl in white tightly.

  Even though he could only hold the opponent's two chopstick legs, even though his tears were soaking the opponent's gauze.

  Although this four-year-old child has a fifteen-year-old soul inside him.


  Xuan Yi still couldn't help but want to hug this girl tightly.

  At this moment, he felt that whatever he did for his sister was worth it.

  In the past, I just did it out of wishful thinking.

  Until now, wishful thinking has received a real response.

  Although he has never asked this question to Xing Lihua in the real world, Xing Lihua has never answered him.

  This is what Xuan Yi clearly knew at this moment.

  If he had asked Xing Lihua the same question at the table with fish soup.

  How will the other party answer him.

  Because the person who knows Xing Lihua best in the world is not Jiao Yue who claims to have investigated Xing Lihua from the bottom up.

  Nor was he the head of the ANBU Intelligence Department who looked down upon Hoshi Tachibana.

  But myself.

  We grew up together with her, influencing each other, kneading each other's souls into each other's bodies.

  Xing Lihua was a little at a loss.

  She had never dealt with a child bursting into tears, and judging from her previous experience.

  The child Xuan Yi actually controls his emotions very well.

  This kind of burst of tears is something that rarely happens.

  So she could only stiffen her body, then reach out and pat the boy's back.

  "Don't cry. Did I say something wrong?"

  "But this is what I want to say."

  "Also, I have found a job. From today on, I will be able to make money to support you. "

  We will live together."


  Xuan Yi raised his head and looked at the girl's slightly swollen chest and the face that was actually stunningly beautiful but lacked expression.

  Then he said firmly: "Sister, yes, we will live together."

  "I swear."

  Xing Lihua looked at the boy who swore in tears, nodded, then reached out and poured the light beer on the table. Had two glasses.

  "I don't know how to drink, but I heard that other people like to drink to celebrate when they celebrate." "

  So I bought the least strong wine to try."

  "Want to drink?"

  Xuan nodded and accepted the answer. The cup was a bit big for him, so he clinked it with Xing Lihua.

  Only then did the young man remember.

  This was really the first time he and his sister drank.


  He saw his sister turn her head and spit out all the light beer as if she had drank the most unpleasant thing.


  Who could have imagined that my sister, who later became an alcoholic, once hated drinking so much that she couldn't even swallow anything containing alcohol.


  Xuan tilted his head.


  This is the first time he has smiled so happily since entering the fantasy world.

  A tearful smile.



  desert realm.

  Di Yungui walked into the huge sand cave alone, as if he had walked into the lair of a giant beast.

  The Republic of Sturt did not participate in the final battle to guard the forest realm. Whether it was because of its own lack of strength or because it had other sources of information, it was a good thing that it did not participate. After all, Bai Tingxue showed an unimaginable realm and Power, almost one person dominated the entire battle.

  This decision also allowed the Republic of Strato to avoid great losses.

  The blond man's robes were flowing. This sand hole was not as hot as expected, but rather cool.

  Di Zijing was playing with a small handle of a knife in her hand, standing on the path he must pass.

  Then the Sturdy girl looked up.

  "What do you want to do?"

  "Di Yungui?"

  Di Yungui didn't smile. He looked at the other person and spoke calmly.

  "I want to see Xi Ziquan."

  (End of chapter)

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