Chapter 252 Rose Girl

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  Chapter 252: Rose Girl
  ’s fireball came very fast.

  In just a few snaps of his fingers, he arrived above Di Zijing, and she could clearly see the face of the young man in the fireball.

  "Xuan Yi?" Di Zijing asked in surprise.

  That Star City boy from before who had the background of being a pharmacy master?
  She had tried to recruit him at the time, but she had never imagined that just a few days later, the young man who was most knowledgeable and unconfused at the time would now be at the peak of Dharma.

  No, it might be more than the peak of Dharma. Di Zijing calmly felt the power of the other party, feeling that it had even reached the threshold of Dongxuan.

  How can it be?

  Is there any magic elixir or magic technique that can make a fifteen-year-old boy who knows everything and knows everything almost reach the level of the Dongxuan Realm in a few days?

  No matter how illogical a legendary story is, it is impossible to fool the reader's IQ like this.

  But now the fireball stayed above his head, observing them coldly from a high position.

  "May I ask if you can tell me your name?" Di Zijing said calmly with a smile.

  A small flower slowly grows in her right hand behind her back.

  Xuan Yi didn't even look at her.

  The young man in the flames focused more on Xi Ziquan, who was riding a green donkey, and then on the half-dead Crimson Sand Scorpion that looked poisoned.

  As for Di Zijing, it seems to be the target least worthy of attention.

  So he didn't answer at all, but waved the knife indifferently in the air.

  With one slash, a bright red burning sword energy streaked down from top to bottom like a meteor, heading towards the red sand scorpion lingering on the ground.

  Di Zijing calmly raised her right hand and quietly shook out the small red flower that had bloomed to its peak. The flower appeared first and then before the sword energy fell, it suddenly bloomed on the red sand scorpion. While he was burned away, only a pile of gray-white embers remained.

  He also completely blocked the sword energy.

  "Sorry, it is my prey." Di Zijing said calmly.

  Xuan in the air tilted his head, and then the flames fell.

  so fast.

  Coming closer than you can imagine.

  Xi Ziquan was moved by this, while Di Zijing, who was at the center of the fall, opened her hands.

  Maze of thorns!

  The moment the blonde girl opened her hand, countless thorns filled with purple flowers began to grow crazily with her as the center. Within a few seconds, a huge thorn fortress with a radius of dozens of meters grew.

  Then the bolide crashed directly towards the thorn fortress without dodging.

  The flames were floating, and Di Zijing flew out from the side of the fortress with a pale face.

  Regardless of whether the opponent is Xuan Yi or not, since his target is the Red Sand Scorpion, he has no choice but to fight him head-on.

  But he is stronger than he thought.

  Even much stronger.

  Her thorn labyrinth is an important trick used to confuse and trap the enemy and injure the enemy. The current use of the golden cicada to escape its shell is just the most helpless and insignificant one.

  But just now, her combat intuition told her that if she had not hid just now, she would probably be defeated, seriously injured, or even die under the protection of the thorn maze.

  And in front of her eyes, the fireball penetrated directly through the thorn maze without dodging, leaving a burning trajectory. The maze fell into silence for a while. Just when Di Zijing was about to control the maze to give the opponent a real blow, she suddenly discovered He lost all control of the thorn maze.

  And in the next moment.

  The flames rose.

  The entire maze of thorns burst into flames, and the flames were a hundred meters high.

  And in the flames, there was a figure calmly walking out of the burning maze step by step. He was holding a single sword and was wrapped in flames.

  Inflammation and eye burning.

  Di Zijing gritted his teeth.

  She suddenly realized that she might not be able to defeat the opponent.

  Her Dongxuan Realm's lack of combat effectiveness was one aspect, but the fact that the flames controlled by the opponent completely restrained her was another aspect.

  In a battle in the Dongxuan Realm, if your attributes are innately restrained, then there is almost no chance of winning, unless your combat skills and experience have to surpass your opponent by a large level to have a chance.

  But right now, it seems that there is no possibility of winning the big realm.

  However, Di Zijing still did not want to admit defeat.

  This means that a defensive quota is one aspect.

  More importantly, this was in front of Xi Ziquan.

  The only thing she didn't want to do was admit defeat in front of Xi Ziquan.

  Even if you say you are defeated, don't admit defeat.

  So Di Zijing faced the opponent. At this moment, a red sand scorpion that was languishing on the ground suddenly raised its long tail unexpectedly, and another scarlet ray shot toward the body wrapped in flames at lightning speed. The boy shot away.

  The so-called scorpion is a real assassin, always pursuing death with one blow.

  So it has been holding back, just hoping for a counterattack.

  To it, these two insects, even though they are in hostile positions, are the same, and no matter which one is killed, it will definitely be considered worthy.

  Di Zijing's eyes lit up.

  She turned her wrists again, and at the moment when the scarlet ray was about to emit, two black seeds the size of peas had slipped into her palms. Then, together with the scarlet ray, she reached out and threw out the seeds.

  Attack from both sides.

  The black seeds grew in the wind, but instead of sprouting and growing branches, they quickly expanded from the original size of a pea to two longans and even two apples. Di Zijing threw them extremely fast. , so there is even an illusion that the scarlet rays and black seeds arrive at the same time.

  Xuan Yi didn't even glance at the scarlet ray, but calmly waved his knife and threw the black seeds towards the two.

  split into two.

  That was because the equally divided seeds did not burn as expected, but expanded further.

  Only then did Xuan Yi see the inside of the fruit clearly.

  Di Zijing showed a slight smile - because her combat power was limited, she always adapted to local conditions when fighting and took her seat accordingly.

  Inside the separated seeds are densely packed black particles, just like the densely packed seeds inside a pomegranate.

  These are pods, not seeds.

  In the next moment, four pods exploded at the same time, and countless brown particles as hard as steel exploded like shotguns, completely covering Xuan Yi, and scarlet rays also shot into the boy's body.

  It's over.

  Di Zijing said to herself in her heart.

  It would be impossible for anyone to easily follow the full blow from the two Dongxuan realms.

  But then, the boy in the flames took another step.

  Then the young man's indifferent and cold voice came out from the flames, completely shattering the luck in Di Zijing's heart.

  "Any more?"

  Two attacks.

  Not even the bright red flames on his body penetrated.

  Not to mention hurting his body.

  "If not." Xuan Yi raised the single knife in his hand, and the young man in the flames quietly put the knife away from him.

  "Even according to the turn system."

  "It's my turn to take action, isn't it?"

  Di Zijing silently took a step back.

   I decided that since Xuan Yi is the [Fire Haired and Burning Eyes Killer]

    , then Di Zijing will be the [Rose Girl].

    Of course, this is just a joke, Di Zijing would not like a nickname like Rose Girl.

    If you really say it, [Thorn Princess] and the like are better.

  (End of chapter)

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