Chapter 234 Lan Yexing

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  Chapter 234 Lan Ye Xing

  When Ye Ya returned to the stream, everyone had been waiting for a long time.

  Time didn't pass too long, no more than an hour at best.

  Although Xuan Yi had thought that Ye Ya would come back so soon, he never thought that he would come back so soon and in such a way.

  She brought many people back.

  To exaggerate, it’s a group.

  Five people to be exact.

  Two acquaintances and three strangers.

  Acquaintances are relative to Xuan Yi, and so are strangers.

  One of the acquaintances is Bai Tingxue, who is considered a new acquaintance. As Xuetong walking, he accompanied Ye Ya back and Xuanyi didn't care.

  But it’s the second person who cares.

  Su Bai.

  The Su Bai whom he had met in Tianyi Pavilion appeared in front of him again at this moment.

  But at that time, Su Bai had green hair and blue eyes. Although he looked quite gentle and approachable, due to his paralyzed face and overly cold personality, he actually didn't have much interaction with Xuan Yi.

  But now when he appeared as a member of the Snow Tong clan, although his appearance had not changed much, when the green hair turned into snow white, and the original blue eyes were dyed blood, his whole person inexplicably had an extraterrestrial appearance. a feeling of.

  Still wearing a sword.

  As for the remaining three people, although Xuan Yi did not recognize them, Yu Qingxuan did.

  She jumped up and ran all the way to the three people, hugged each one with tears in her eyes, and then wiped her tears and exchanged greetings. It was conceivable that these three people were the people Ye Ya had said she wanted to bring back. people.

  But how did this little girl do it?
  Could this be a standard royal plot? After entering the lobby opposite, the other party saw Ye Ya's short stature and dark face. He couldn't help but be shocked: "Is it possible that the young lady is the ninth princess of the Lanye Empire?" Then he bowed his head and bowed


  Why should we go from the Journey to the West crew to the Water Margin crew?

  So Xuan Yi couldn't help but grabbed Ye Ya: "How did you do it?"

  Ye Ya just smiled: "Because this is actually my job."

  Saying this, Ye Ya turned around and looked Looking   at everyone:


  "We are going to save sister Lan Yexing, right."

  ...   Lan Yexing was imprisoned in a deep prison.   This was originally the room on the ground floor of Lanye Empire's base, but now it was used as a prison for her temporary house arrest.   The girl couldn't help but raise her eyebrows, and then knocked over the food brought in front of her.   In fact, she was already a little hungry. After all, she hadn't eaten anything since she was caught last night.   But she really didn't want to eat it at all.   Last night, as the only Cave Mysterious Realm in the left-behind base, Lan Ye acted as the rearguard to buy more time for the others to escape. Therefore, regardless of the strength gap, he fought one against two and fought to the death. Otherwise, he would not be in this injured state. The fate of being captured again.   However, the other party did not choose to kill him, or to be gentle and expel him from the Thousand Star Trial, which surprised Lan Yexing a little.   He even brought himself meals.   Although it was not a sumptuous meal, it had nothing to do with poor prison food.   In fact, imprisoning a Dongxuan realm is quite difficult, because Dongxuan realms are considered to be truly powerful even in the world, and the methods used to deal with ordinary prisoners often don't work for them.   Including but not limited to ropes, handcuffs and cells.   While I was thinking this, the door suddenly opened and someone pushed in.   Lan Yexing raised his head. In the dim room, the man was glowing with a faint white light. He saw that the person who came was silver-haired, tall and beautiful.   Lan Yexing turned away and stopped looking at her.   Xing Bai Zhi of the Xing Che clan, one of the leaders of this Star City Thousand Star Trial, was also one of the culprits for her capture.   Xing Baizhi quietly lit the candles on the wall. This cell was originally made by Lan Yexing and the others, but it was a very thin wooden structure. If Lan Yexing had one-tenth of his strength, he could easily break through the wall and complete the escape. .   But she doesn't have the strength, and she also knows that the other party must have someone to monitor her.   "We don't have much time." Xing Baizhi said softly, using Lanye Mandarin: "Miss Lan, you have even less time to think about." Lan Yexing   then raised his head, and the shadow of the stunning beauty opposite floated in the flickering candlelight. .   "Why should I agree?"   After all, the Xingche clan is a super hidden clan that has lasted for thousands of years. Tens of thousands of years of experience have given them unique methods to deal with the Dongxuan realm and even beyond the Dongxuan realm. Now they can control their own methods. Just after he captured her, he injected her with a unique drug that made her unable to resist, and then inserted a soul-locking needle between her eyebrows to imprison her ability to meditate and mobilize her power.   But why the other party wanted to spare her life, Lan Yexing didn't know at first.   But now I understand a little bit.   That is, Star City is far from as powerful as he thought.   They were able to destroy the Lanye Empire's base in one fell swoop. In addition to having Livielle leading the way, more importantly, the configuration of the Lanye Empire's base was too weak at that time.   As far as the people I saw at that time were concerned, except for the non-staff member Livier, Xing Bai Zhi and Xing Hemian who were fighting against me, and Xing Duo Crow who was in charge of chasing and killing the three people in the Cave Mystic Realm, I could only observe three people in the distance. Control on the periphery.   Such strength seemed to be a disaster at the time, but now that I calmed down and observed it, I found that this seemed to be the entire combat power of Star City.   It seems that the fighting in the urban area has indeed brought great losses to Star City, otherwise they would not have launched an attack on themselves as soon as they entered the forest with the power of thunder.   Originally, Lan Yexing thought that he would be expelled, but he was not worried about being killed, because compared to a black box like the standard test, the Thousand Star Test was conducted under the supervision of big bosses from all parties. If he missed and was killed during the battle, It was understandable that no one would risk the disdain of the world to kill a defeated and captured prisoner of war like himself.   However, the other party did not do this. Instead, he spent a lot of effort to imprison himself.   He also thought that the other party might need to pry out some information from him. After all, the other party would be very interested in information such as Custer's movements.   Lan Yexing was already prepared for the torture, and the expression on his face when they finally found nothing - because he actually didn't know much information.   But no, what was finally placed in front of her was just a thin piece of paper.   A magical contract.   "Think about it." Xing Baizhi looked at the uncooperative girl in front of her: "This is not a selling contract, just a short-term working contract." "By the way." "   Your   ninth princess is already here. "

  "Can you bear to see the Ninth Princess wandering around in this forest where the Lanye Empire has been disintegrated and you can't serve her?" "

  Lan Yexing."

  Lan Yexing suddenly opened his eyes wide when he heard those three words: " What?"

  "His Royal Highness Ya has come in?"

  (End of this chapter)

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