Chapter 134: Perception of elixir (second update)

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  Chapter 134: Perception of the elixir (second update)

  Ye Ya looked at the prescription and secretly felt lucky.

  This prescription only gives the type and dosage of the medicine, but does not mention the order of addition or the preparation method. This is the moment when a pharmacist's true skills are tested.

  Ye Ya is not considered an excellent pharmacist. She only takes this course because the Ninth Princess needs to be knowledgeable enough.

  But what she was lucky about was that she had made the Sea Harrier potion herself, and the degree of completion was quite good.

  This is a potion that is biased toward healing, and can be used to assist meditation and gain knowledge about the water system. It is a fairly basic way.

  Thinking of this, Ye Ya looked at the half-prepared test tubes that Di Yungui had prepared in front of her, and her eyebrows suddenly drooped.

  Di Yunhui really wasn't lying. He knew nothing about pharmacy.

  Except for the distilled water and distilled alcohol, Di Yungui did not get the correct medicines in the several test tubes in front of him.

  He simply grabbed a few handfuls of medicinal materials and tried to stew them together to get results.

  You really think you are jumping over the wall like a Buddha!

  No, get the right one.

  Ye Ya frowned. She raised her eyes and glanced at the tall wooden shelves surrounding the entire hall. She finally noticed that although there were piles of medicinal materials, they were not placed according to type or order at all, and they were not even labeled with names. None.

  This means that pharmacists participating in this competition must first find the medicines in their prescriptions on the vast shelves of medicinal materials.

  This level of difficulty is beyond Ye Ya's ability.

  All she can do is that after the teacher gives her the correct medicine, she can properly make the medicine according to the formula and process.

  As for the identification of medicinal materials, such a basic subject is certainly within the scope of study, but Ye Ya is not yet able to accurately find what she wants among so many medicinal materials.

  And - there simply wasn't enough time.

  There is a huge hourglass in the center of the hall. Although Ye Ya has never heard of the rules, she knows without thinking that this is the timing device for this competition, and now half of the sand in the hourglass has flowed down.

  And looking around, there are actually quite a few pharmacists like Di Yungui who mess around without thinking. After all, Di Yungui said before that the entry requirements for Tianyi Pavilion are strict, so in fact there are not many pharmacists with real skills.

  But there are not many. Ye Ya looked around. There were probably nearly a hundred operation desks here, and about eighty pharmacists were participating in the competition. Except for the two people sitting quietly in the center of the hall, there were still close to twenty people who had already Completed, or nearly completed, they are obviously pharmacists who can find medicinal materials to complete the potion in such a harsh environment, that is to say, people with real talent and knowledge.

  Of course, according to Di Yungui, as long as she fooled her a little, Di Yungui didn't expect to be able to complete the potion or even challenge a real potion master like Di Zijing.

  Yes - Ye Ya has already recognized that the beautiful woman in yellow in the center is the girl who asked her to dance at the ball.

  At that time, I felt that she smelled of herbs, but I didn't expect that she was really a pharmacist, and a top-notch one.

  As for the man in white, he might be the Su Bai that Di Yungui mentioned, but she had never heard of him at all, even though this was a normal operation.

  But there is one thing - Ye Ya really wants to complete this potion that she can actually configure.

  At this moment, someone put a few small black pebbles on the table: "Is this what you want?"

  Ye Ya raised her head and looked at the boy who put the pebbles on the console: "How did you do it?" Did you do it?"

  Those black stones are the crow's eyes, the main ingredient in the Sea Harrier potion formula.

  Xuan Yi smiled: "Maybe I have talent in this area."

  "You do the preparations first, and I will find the medicinal materials for you."



  Xuan Yi walked in the corridor of the hall and closed his eyes. .

  Then in his field of vision, medicinal herbs of different shapes floated slowly in the darkness, emitting a slight fluorescence.

  Then the boy silently recited the name of the dried lotus stamens in his heart, and saw that the light on most of the medicinal materials dimmed, with only a few scattered places still shining.

  Xuan paused for a moment, then walked towards the faint light closest to him.

  This is of course not Xuan Yi's unique talent in finding medicinal materials, but his ability to know the heavens.

  Elixir Sense.

  When he turns on the perception of life and death, then turns it off and activates this new ability to reach the realm of knowledge, he can sense all the elixirs within a hundred meters of himself.

  If he knew the exact name of the elixir, he could find exactly what he needed.

  It's just that Xuan Yi didn't expect that the ability that Poison Zhizhi obtained in the Cave Heaven Realm, which he had high hopes for, turned out to be such a completely useless and useless ability.

  Of course, it can't be said to be completely useless. After all, it is of great help to him and Ye Ya now. At least they can find the right medicinal materials to prepare the potion.

  But - this kind of ability that is completely useless in combat is something Xuan Yi really doesn't need.

  After all, his most imminent crisis is the Thousand Star Trial. What he needs is all the means that can improve his combat effectiveness, rather than wanting to be a medicine boy who collects and sorts medicine.

  When he entered this hall surrounded by various medicinal materials, the poison in his body began to stir up, so he had to use a lot of energy and the control gained in Zhizhibuhuo to suppress the attack of the poison.

  He now has no spiritual liquid that can suppress the poison, and the Lianyin Resurrection Potion he took last time has very little effect left, so once the poison is released, he will be unable to control it, and he will just lie on the ground like a boneless flesh worm. Twitching and trembling, something that is completely unacceptable.

  However, when Xuan Yi reluctantly suppressed the poison in his body, the young man was surprised to find that he had already advanced to the Zhizhidongtian without even realizing it. In addition to improving his control over the toxins in his body, he also obtained His ability to know the cave - elixir perception.

  Even if Xuan Yi really doesn't want this ability at all.

  Of course, at least this ability is still useful now. With the guidance of elixir perception, Xuan Yiyi collected all the ingredients for the Sea Harrier potion in a few minutes, and then placed them all in front of Ye Ya.

  Although Ye Ya really didn't believe in Xuan Yi's so-called talent, the other party did find the right medicinal materials, so Ye Ya stopped asking any more questions, and instead used a grinder to carefully grind the crow's eyes into powder and began to prepare for the real sea treatment. Preparation of Harrier Potion.

  When there were still one-tenth of the sand grains left in the hourglass, the girl finally completed the final titration and looked at the potion showing a beautiful sea blue. Then she raised her right hand high to indicate that she had finished the potion. .

  (End of chapter)

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