Chapter 118 Cloud and Sword

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  Chapter 118 Yun and Jian are

  invincible if they have no opponent.

  In fact, these words are so arrogant that even the four recognized strongest people in the world, such as Princess Lanye Ninth, Star Lord of Star City, Walker of the Republic of Ste, and the Emperor of Os, dare not claim to be invincible in the world.

  They are similar to each other, but their areas of expertise are different. Since each other's identities are closely involved, they have never faced each other head-on. This leaves room for imagination and proves that even the strongest at their level can't. There is no absolute confidence that he can defeat anyone with the same name.

  Of course, some old monsters with unknown reputations are not among them. Of course, this old monster does not refer to Xing Huainan and his ilk. Although Xing Huainan is strong, he does not even have a 1% chance of winning against those four people.

  Most of the real old monsters are among those hidden groups. These groups are as weak as Star City, but the powerful are often comparable to real gods. Some of these old monsters have existed thousands of years ago, and even the younger ones are thousands of years old. The above longevity people are just unwilling and unable to be born due to various restrictions, so the world just ignores their existence with peace of mind.

  But what this Custer said was invincible.

  "How arrogant." Di Yungui murmured with a smile.

  "Everyone hopes to be invincible, but the world is so big that there is only one invincible person." "

  I don't know who this invincible person is." Di Yungui looked at the other person: "But I believe he will not be the one between you and me. Time."

  As he said this, he raised his hand and pointed flatly at Custer, who was dozens of meters away. Two long ropes formed by clouds and mist headed towards each other, one on the left and one on the right, like two ropes traveling through the sea of ​​clouds. White dragon.

  He is in the realm of Dongxuan's first knowledge. The so-called Dongxuan means that he has penetrated the mysteries of heaven and earth and used them for his own use.

  Custer looked at the two flying dragons with a smile, stretched out his hand to look under his feet, and a snow-white long sword appeared in his hand.

  It's just that this long sword is neither gold nor stone nor wood. The clouds and mist flowed on it and the water vapor spread. He unexpectedly grabbed it and used the clouds and mist to forge the sword for his own use.

  This is obviously the cave profound realm.

  It was fine that everyone in the square was ignorant, but there were some people who recognized the realm of the two of them, and they were all shocked.

  When did the Dongxuan Realm become so worthless? Even if Di Yun returns, he is still in the Dongxuan Realm of more than 20 people. Although it is rare, one or two similar monsters will appear every year.

  However, this young man who calls himself Custer obviously looks like he is no more than twenty years old. Being able to advance to the cave at just twenty years old is very rare even in historical records. Excluding the records of individual monsters, in the past thousand years, people who have been able to advance to the cave before the age of twenty have been There are only a hundred people in Xuan, and most of them are from the same generation.

  At this time, the two long ropes had already flown in front of him. Custer seemed to sweep them away with his sword carelessly. The clouds and mist were like boiling water and snow. The two long ropes were cut off at the waist, but Custer Before he could make any expression, the two severed long ropes split into four and rolled towards his limbs.

  The young man couldn't dodge, and the speed of the long rope was extremely fast. His feet and hands were caught, and then Di Yungui raised his fingertips slightly to throw the young man off the ring.

  The opponent is so young in the Dongxuan realm, so he must have a big backer behind him. Now this is another duel in the arena, not as good as a life and death duel. Next, he will challenge the Ninth Princess, and there is no need for a big fight.

  Just as he raised his fingertips, invisible sharp blades appeared all over the young man's body, smashing all the long white cloud ropes that bound him. At the same time, he flipped backwards lightly and did two somersaults, completely avoiding being stirred. The broken cloud locks turned into a large net to strangle.

  "The ability to gain knowledge is a cloud, and the ability to reach the Dharma is a cloud. When you reach the cave, you actually have to branch out on the clouds and form your own path." Custer stood firm, and then complained to Emperor Yungui in the distance: "What's your name?" If there is a cloud in my heart, do I really want to spar with him?"

  Di Yungui smiled and said, "It's just a coincidence."

  But while laughing, he was very afraid of the other party in his heart.

  The invisible sword energy surrounds the whole body. Is this the opponent's Perfection Realm ability? To the state of knowledge? Or the Dharma Realm?

  He originally didn't have much contempt for Custer, but the probing attack just now told him that the opponent's strength was really unfathomable.

  Who is he?

  Why have I never heard of the existence of such a person?

  Thinking like this, he did not neglect his hands at all. He stretched out two fingers on each hand, like the double blades of scissors, and quickly closed them towards the center.

  At the same time as his hand moved, two thin clouds of air slowly overflowed from his fingers, and then slashed straight towards the opponent.

  At this time, Di Yungui no longer wanted to hide his secrets. He knew that if he didn't go all out, he might lose directly at any time.

  With the ability of his hand to surround his whole body with invisible sword energy, the opponent could only come within five meters of him. He could only raise his hands and admit defeat to avoid getting hurt.

  He will take part in the Thousand Stars Trial next, and getting injured at this juncture is absolutely unacceptable.

  Custer looked at the other party's movements and his expression became more and more serious.

  It's not that he doesn't want to get close to the opponent, but the opponent has laid out a lot of long-range attack methods. Keeping a safe distance is the most basic combat common sense. He doesn't have the ability to rush in quickly. Approaching hastily will only stimulate the opponent to use more attacks. Killing move.

  Besides - he didn't think he had to get close to hurt the opponent.

  At the same time, Di Yungui's attack this time was several times faster and more powerful than the last time.

  Even if he missed last time, the worst he could do would be to have his limbs rolled up and thrown down, but if he were not careful this time, the sharp and fast water vapor knife would cut him into three pieces, and no one could save him.

  Of course, this was the attack chosen by the opponent after he had just demonstrated his strength, believing that at least he would not be killed so easily.

  In a sense, it is also respected.

  Thinking of this, Custer couldn't help but smile.

  He spread his hands, crossed his arms, palms outward, left hand to the right, right hand to the left, using a rather awkward posture to support the space on his left and right.

  Then two sharp sword-like clouds struck Custer's open palm, one on the left and the other on the right.

  Just like a heavy hammer hitting a copper bell, like a sharp sword slicing through armor, everyone in the square heard a low and hoarse sound of gold and stone clashing.

  The two clouds of air ejected at the touch of Custer's left and right hands, flying straight towards infinity. However, in the process of being ejected, they shattered the endless clouds and mist, and the whole square instantly started to rain. A light drizzle.

  Custer looked at the other person, and a very fine blood streak slowly appeared on the palms of his left and right hands.

  He sincerely praised: "It's amazing."

  (End of chapter)

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