Chapter 115 Star Square

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  Chapter 115 Star Square
  The Star Square in Star City is the only large square in the world that is comparable to the Poseidon Square in Wanghai Prefecture of the Os Empire. It was built at the end of Yongyao Supreme’s reign and is used to hold star sacrifices and other grand gatherings. .

  This is a circular square shaped like an astrolabe. The main material is polished and cut basalt, and multi-pointed stars made of silver-copper-nickel alloy are inlaid on it according to the positions of the stars in the sky. According to the stars in the sky The brightness of multi-pointed stars varies, and the number and size of multi-pointed stars will also vary. During the day, they reflect sunlight, but at night, they rely on the mithril wires laid under the stone slabs to penetrate the magic patterns inside. They are also similar to the stars in the sky. Complement each other.

  This astrolabe-shaped square has a radius of about 400 meters and can easily accommodate gatherings of more than one million people. The square is divided into several concentric circles, separated by fences. The more core members are located closer to the center, while civilians can only watch from a distance in the outermost concentric circles.

  Ye Ya and Xuan Yi followed the flow of people to Star Square. Due to identity restrictions, they could only look at the sacrificial platform in the center of Star Square from a distance, and saw someone climbing onto the platform under the protection of several uniformed guards.

  Both of them were perfect at observing things, so even though they were nearly five hundred meters apart, they could still vaguely see the face of the woman on the sacrificial platform.

  She has long aqua hair, wears a snow-white dress, and a golden crown. She looks beautiful and noble.

  "Nice to meet you." The girl said quietly, her voice passing through the entire square like the wind, as if she was whispering in your ear.

  "I am Ye Ya, the ninth princess of the Lanye Empire, but I am also just an ordinary child." "I

  felt cold yesterday, so the scheduled activities were canceled. I am deeply sorry for this."

  Ye Ya stood in the distance, Watching herself speak calmly and gracefully on a high platform in front of hundreds of thousands of people, it feels like she is speaking homely words by the fire in front of you.

  She didn't use any fancy words. She also used the language of Star City, which was more fluent and precise than Ye Ya herself.

  At that moment, Ye Ya even had the illusion that she was the fake.

  She is truly worthy of being Sister Jiaoyue.

  The girl said secretly in her heart.

  She is the most qualified princess, and can easily control the style of any princess, as long as she needs it.

  After all, in addition to being an actor, the ability to perform perfectly is also an ability that any great noble dreams of. Lying is an art of nobility, but among all the people Ye Ya knows, no one can master this art more easily than Jiao Yue.

  However - since Jiao Yue dares to play herself, it means that her aunt has also come to Star City. Otherwise, with the authority of Lan Zhusheng and Lan Youyun, they would not dare to make a decision to ask Jiao Yue to do something that is actually a bit out of line.

  In other words, my aunt has no plans to abolish her position as the Ninth Princess for the time being, so she asked Jiao Yue to help cover it up, and why Xingcheng opened the ban must have something to do with her.

  But how does my aunt plan to find herself? And what choice would you make if you find yourself? Ye Ya hasn't thought clearly yet.

  At least she didn't want to be found by the other party on her own initiative. As for whether to continue running away or to be captured after being found, she still hadn't thought clearly about it.

  On the other hand, Xuan Yi's performance was much calmer.

  Now that the real Ye Ya has appeared, the Anya he brought with him should not be the Ninth Princess. After putting down the biggest stone, the young man felt a little disappointed, but he was more happy.

  Since Anya is not the Ninth Princess, she won't cause too much trouble, and she can carry out her actions according to the plan.

  Now that most of the real big names have arrived in Star City, the Thousand Star Trial is imminent, and Mount Xumi has officially appeared, so it can take as short as three days, but as long as five days, the Thousand Star Trial will officially begin.

  Now he will take Anya to play in Star City for the whole day and send her home in the evening, which can be regarded as a little reward for himself.

  After that, he still has about 20,000 star yuan in his hand. If he is given time, he can get another 20,000 star yuan. Although the total of 40,000 star yuan is not much, it is enough for her to buy guns, grenades and melee weapons for herself. Weapons, although they are not comparable to the standard equipment of Anbu, they are still better than nothing.

  Moreover, the Forest of Death is different this time. Once he enters, he can fight to support the war and seize other people's equipment to arm himself, without having to consider the Star Crane Crossing above his head or the equipment inspection problems he must face after returning.

  In other words, in this Qianxing Trial, he can really fight without any scruples, instead of dancing in shackles and unable to display his true combat power.

  Like the previous standard test, this Thousand Stars Test is still a one-way proposition. Either he gets the top spot in the Thousand Stars Test, or he dies in it.

  Although it was extremely difficult, and he had to face a world-walker of Jiaoyue's level, compared with making the entire Star City an enemy in order to save his sister, there was no doubt that the difficulty of the former was at the level of a novice.

  His life was born to be a thousand times harder than others, so Xuan Yi had become accustomed to all this a long time ago.

  As for how to enter the Thousand Stars Trial, this should have been the most difficult and urgent problem to be solved, but for Xuan Yi at this time, it was the last thing he needed to think about.

  The treasure he prayed to the funny god was a spear that could pierce all strong shields. If it were transformed into a real scene, it would be a weapon that could break through the Thousand Star Trial Barrier.

  It's not that he hasn't worried that Doubi Evil God will distort his wishes, but judging from the last experience, Doubi Evil God's credibility is at least much higher than that of Xuan Yi himself.

  After breaking through the barrier of the Thousand Star Trial, Xuan Yi could either steal or rent a kayak, or simply swim over. Anyway, as long as he stood on Mount Xumi, he would be one of the invited people for the Thousand Star Trial.

  After all, he can get the initial quota and can break the barrier, which in itself is a manifestation of strength.

  Both of them were thinking about their own thoughts. They didn't really listen to what the Ninth Princess said next in the distance. They could only hear deafening applause every few breaths around them, forcing the Ninth Princess to silence herself. , waited for the applause to subside before continuing to speak.

  The speech, which was originally more than ten minutes to be concluded, was interrupted by applause and was extended to half an hour.

  Only then did Ye Ya truly realize that the ninth princess Lan Ye had greater appeal in this world than she had imagined. The lofty reputation that started from Ye Qing and was maintained by generations of ninth princesses, after thousands of years of fermentation, even in the The Republic of Ste, which has the deepest prejudice against the Nine Princesses, still has huge influence.

  When the speech finally ended and the Ninth Princess on the stage was about to talk about the next topic, a lazy voice suddenly came from the audience.

  "What the Ninth Princess said is very beautiful, but how is your skill?"

  Everyone looked up and saw a blond man holding a snow-white cloud floating in the air and falling slowly.

  "Your Majesty, Emperor Yungui, wishes to ask the Ninth Princess for advice on two tricks."

  (End of this chapter)

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