Chapter 111 No matter what the world becomes

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  Chapter 111 No matter what the world becomes,

  eating steaming hot pot in the scorching summer is certainly not a pleasant operation, but eating hot and delicious food in a cool room with an icy cold drink, That's really a different matter.

  When everything was arranged properly, the hot pot soup was thoroughly cooked, and various small plates contained various cleaned and sliced ​​ingredients. In terms of drinks, Xuan Yi and Xing Lihua naturally had the bottle of chilled red wine, and although this time Ye Ya also said that although she has never drank much, she doesn't mind trying it.

  Still firmly rejected by the siblings, in addition to lemonade, Xuan Yi squeezed fresh grape juice for her.

  So in the cool wooden house, Xuan Yi spread a straw mat on the floor, and the three of them sat on the floor, holding bamboo chopsticks and constantly adding ingredients to the boiling copper pot, taking out the cooked red and white meat slices and devouring them.

  Ye Ya sipped the grape juice, occasionally taking out one or two pieces of salmon, dipping them in the sauce and putting them in her mouth, then she opened her mouth slightly to breathe.

  It was indeed delicious and fun, but in the girl's short life, such delicacies were not even among the top twenty things she had eaten.

  But if Ye Ya had to choose by herself, she would rather eat something like this every day than taste the almost ultimate delicacies in the world.

  She has never tried this way, getting along with each other without any barriers. The other party does not know her identity at all, but it does not prevent them from liking her very much and being willing to share delicious food with her.

  So - very happy.



  When all the ice cubes in the copper basin turned into ice water, the hot pot feast slowly came to an end. The stove was moved back to the kitchen, and the remaining soup in the copper pot was poured into the outside. In the woods, Xuan Yi shook the bottle of red wine, then poured out a small glass and handed it to Xing Lihua: "Sister, this is the best wine I have ever drunk in my life." Ye Ya was already sleepy, and was pushed by Xing

  Lihua He carried her to his room and fell asleep, leaving only the brother and sister still contemplating and drinking face to face.

  No matter how frugally you drink, how much does a bottle of wine cost?

  Even if it's worth 10,000 stars, it doesn't matter. As long as you are willing to drink it, you can drink it in just ten seconds.

  It’s just that Xuan Yi couldn’t bear it.

  The wine was indeed very good. Even though Xuan Yi didn't understand good wine, it didn't stop him from feeling that this bottle of wine tasted better than anything he had ever drunk before.

  Of course, the bottle of red wine that Jiaoyue casually threw to him that day was probably better than the current bottle, and the bottles of sake that they drank with shrimp dumplings later were also top-notch. But drinking, on the one hand, is to

  see The drink you drink, but the most important thing is the person sitting across from you.

  Of all the people in the world, Xuan Yi hopes most and only hopes that this sister can sit across from him.

  Even though he was dying, even though he had now lost everything he once had.

  But as long as his sister is opposite him, drinking the wine he bought, Xuan Yi feels sincerely happy like never before.

  It was as if he was born to make the woman in front of him happy.

  Xing Lihua's drinking capacity has increased a lot now, and she is no longer the cardamom girl who blushed after one glass of wine and fell asleep after two glasses of wine. She and Xuan Yi drank more than half a bottle of red wine, but their cheeks were only slightly red. The silver-haired girl raised a glass After drinking a lot, he looked at Xuan Yi and said with a smile: "This is also the best wine I have ever drunk in my life." "

  Also, Anya looks really good, can you catch it?"

  Rao Xuan Yi, Hearing this sentence, his cheeks could not help but feel slightly hot. If someone else said this, he would still be able to say haha, but this time he was his sister. He could only look at her and said half-coquettishly: "Sister, I'm only fifteen, okay."

  "But I picked you up when I was fourteen." Quite a few."

  "It's a pity that Anya looks like the daughter of a wealthy family. I'm worried that other people will look down on you."

  Xuan Yi did not answer.

  While at the beach, Anya once impulsively wanted to tell him her true identity, but he forcibly interrupted her.

  He really didn't want to know Anya's identity. Even if he had basically judged that the other party could not be the Ninth Princess, she was at least a noble surnamed Lan, and she was not the same as Lan Liuyan, who had served in the Ninth Legion Guards Knights for generations. The six families are different, and she is most likely a member of the first four families with the surname Lan.

  That was a truly powerful noble in the world. By analogy, it could be compared to the six major silver bloodlines in Star City. Anya's identity might not be lower than that of Xinghedu.

  Xuanyi didn't know if the martial law in Star City was because of Anya, but it should at least be related to Anya.

  Just like when Jiao Yue was still Qian Ying, Xuan Yiyi still had some vague feelings for her. But when she completely became Jiao Yue, the huge gap between their identities made Xuan Yiyi regard her as a potential lover. buyer.

  A princess can only marry a prince. This is the truth told to you in fairy tales. Occasionally, there will be situations where the marriage is not so well-matched, but it is the prince who finds a Cinderella, not the princess who marries a poor boy.

  Don't say that Xuan Yi has never considered his love issues. Even if he did, he would not expect to have a cross-class relationship with these real daughters of a million dollars.

  So Xuan Yi smiled: "Yes, I am from a wealthy family."

  "Yes, from a wealthy family." Xing Lihua repeated thoughtfully, and then asked Xuan Yi: "If you can change your class once, Opportunity, but the price is that you will suffer the condemnation of conscience."

  "Will you do it?"

  Xuan Yi looked at his sister who suddenly asked him this question, without even thinking for a moment.

  "Yes, because I have no conscience."

  "I'm just trying to do what you want me to do. I will try to be who you want me to be." "

  As long as you think it's right Even if everyone in the world says that things are wrong, I will only follow you."

  Xing Lihua listened quietly, and then slowly sighed: "I just hope that you can do it without hurting yourself. , be a good person in the true sense."

  Xuan Yi nodded; "So I am doing this."

  Saying this, Xuan Yi poured out the last bit of wine in the bottle and divided it into two glasses: "I will always like you , no matter what you become, no matter what I become."

  Saying this, the siblings raised their glasses to each other.



  When Xing Lihua returned to his room, Ye Ya was already asleep.

  It was pitch black outside the window, and here was a lonely wooden house, of course without any neighbor's lights.

  She locked the door of her room, looked at the sweet sleeping girl, and slowly took out the small silver square from her sleeve.

  The sharp spikes glowed with a slight cold light.

  Xing Lihua reached out and touched Ye Ya's soft face, and the other party responded to him in his sleep, just like a baby bird in the mother's arms arching its mother's wings.

  Xing Lihua smiled, then stabbed the silver cube gently, and bright red blood gushes out and then poured into the cube.

  Nothing has changed, the silver is still dazzling.

  Because she pressed the cube on her arm.

   I don’t know why, although the plot is very enjoyable, I am becoming more and more lazy, and even have the urge to stop updating. I don’t know why ==
  (End of this chapter)

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