Chapter 100 The most valuable XX

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  Chapter 100 The most valuable XX
  Ye Ya has almost forgotten the last time she held hands with a boy.

  If we exclude the occasional dances with old boys like Lan Zhusheng at several festivals and parties, then the last boy who held hands has to be traced back a long time.

  Although the Ninth Princesses had never had the rule to remain chaste for life, because Ye Qing died at the age of twenty-four before the wedding, the first few Ninth Princesses in later generations even voluntarily took the longevity medicine. This kind of loss of fertility The forbidden magic potion that keeps them young forever at the cost of their abilities allows them to maintain their beautiful appearance as young girls in front of the world.

  Today, although the bad habit of taking longevity medicine is no longer spread, there are still very few Ninth Princesses who openly get married and have children. After all, once the Ninth Princess gives birth to a child, it means that the next generation of Ninth Princess may be born from her own daughter. According to convention, the Ninth Princess can only be the youngest daughter of the contemporary Lanye Emperor. This ensures that the Ninth Legion will always maintain close ties with the Lanye royal family, and there will be no tragedy of a gentleman being killed in five generations.

  For example, my aunt, the contemporary Ninth Princess Ye Xuan, although the world has always rumored that she and her teacher, the previous generation Xia Shi Wine Cup, have a romantic relationship, but the inheritance of Xia and the Ninth Princess is like a rope, they have been twisted together for a long time. It has been divided and reunited for thousands of years. The first-generation hero Ge Sheng was known to the world as Ye Qing's fiancé. After Ye Qing's death, he traveled around the world and remained unmarried. He replaced Ye Qing in charge of the Ninth Legion for decades, and took the then Ninth Princess Ye Qiao as his disciple. Teach her the skills of Xia and the Ninth Princess, and finally return the Ninth Legion to her hands.

  But Ye Qiao also had a deep love for the teacher who had raised her for decades. After being clearly rejected by Ge Sheng, she decided to take the elixir of immortality and became the first ninth princess to marry into the empire. The third-generation swordsman she accepted was also influenced by her teacher throughout his life. So when he chose his successor, he ignored the dissuasion of everyone in the world and chose the ninth princess again. From then on, this became an almost traditional tradition. exist.

  Among the previous heroes, every other generation there will be a Tianxia Swordsman who is concurrently served by the Ninth Princess.

  And for every three Ninth Princesses, almost one generation will be accepted as a disciple by the Xia at that time, and will enter the Canglang Palace after his death. This slightly deformed master-disciple inheritance is due to the fact that the founders of the two, Ge Sheng and Ye Qing, They are the couple that everyone knows, and they have chewed up the tongues of countless people in private.

  The direct consequences of this background are that on the one hand, the discipline of the Ninth Princess has become more and more strict, and the defense between men and women has become harsher. On the other hand, both the Xia and the Ninth Princess have begun to be cautious in choosing the next generation of heirs. .

  For example, she vaguely knew that Aunt Ye Xuan had recently found a suitable partner to inherit the Xia tradition, but her aunt never let her meet this junior brother, so she had some concerns in this regard.

  On the other hand, Xuan Yi didn't think much about this at all. He only thought about how to send this noble lady away as soon as possible.

  As for how soft this noble lady's hands are, what does it have to do with him.

  I hugged her last night until I thought it was too heavy.

  With such thoughts in mind, Xuan Yi held each other's hand calmly. The girl was not tall, and Xuan Yi was not short. The two men and women, who were only one year apart in reality, walked together and formed an incomparable brother and sister. The cutest height difference.

  He didn't know that for the girl he was holding, there were countless people in the entire Star City who were willing to pay 200,000 star yuan just to have breakfast with her in a hall from a distance and take a look at her from afar.

  Moreover, only the most noble nobles in the city were lucky enough to be able to take out the tickets worth 200,000 stars and send them to the Lanye Embassy. The lesser nobles had no way to get in even if they wanted to pay 2 million.

  If the most valuable prostitute in the world is selected, then Ye Ya will definitely vote for the Ninth Princess.

  Other prostitutes need to sell their sex, and even if they are in trouble, they have to play music and sing their voices, but she only needs to walk around the hall for a while and eat one or two bites of food that tastes unknown, and there will be a lot of people rushing to give money to her, but He couldn't even get within a hundred meters of her.

  I don’t know what the situation is like in Star City now after she escaped.

  Ye Ya thought lightly.

  I wonder if those people have turned the entire Star City upside down.

  This boy who claimed to be living in the dust really took himself out of Star City, which was under total martial law, last night.

  Is he really just an ordinary boy like he claims to be?

  Just like Ye Ya himself claims to be an ordinary Lanye noble, only the punctuation marks are worthy of a little belief.



  In Xing Huai Yao's office, two men knelt on one knee in front of the slightly balding middle-aged man.

  Xing Bailiang lowered his head and reported quietly: "Since the governor issued the order last night, Star City has maintained an absolute blockade, but this time will not last long." "According to the governor's order,

  Star City has now cut off all contact with the outside world. , even ordinary food, medicine and materials cannot be obtained. Thirty-nine magic trains have been parked outside Star City, and tens of thousands of residents who need to leave are also stranded in Star City." "If this continues, this city cannot survive

  . How long."

  Xinghuaiyao sneered: "These are the matters of the Ministry of Industry and the Ministry of Household Affairs, and they have nothing to do with me." "

  I don't want a loss report, I just want to know the whereabouts of the ninth princess Ye Ya."

  "Since there was a continuous connection last night Not even a fly flew out, so how did Ye Ya, a living person, disappear from our eyes?" With that

  said, he turned to another man: "The Executive Department has been in your hands for so long, and it is said to be impregnable and iron-clad. Now I can't even find a girl in my country, why don't you kill yourself to apologize to me?"

  Star Spot Leopard is a tall man whose whole body is made of iron. As the director of the Executive Department, he has already crossed the sky. As a human being, he is the second strongest person in the Anbu on the bright side.

  But in front of the man in front of him, he was as humble as a primary school student standing in front of his homeroom teacher.

  "My subordinates have mobilized all their efforts. They have even searched the official residences of all the major governors, and have not found any whereabouts of Ye Ya." He whispered, his words cold but humble: "My subordinates thought that the Ninth Princess was definitely not here. In Star City, if it is later proven that my subordinates did not do their job well and did not bother the Governor to take action, I will commit suicide and apologize." "

  One of you said absolutely no one can get out." Xing Huaiyao looked at the two people in front of him: "One said if No one in the city can hide from your search."

  "Can I think so?" Xing Huaiyao showed a cruel smile.

  "If I kill one of you here, then the chance of being innocent is 1 in 2."

   Thanks to Yuhou Qingxuan for the reward ==
    and - a special statement, you don't need to reward me!

  (End of chapter)

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