779. New book preview - "The Boss Behind the Scenes Is Me"

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  Preview of the new book - "The Big Boss Behind the Scenes Is Me"

  is a world where magic and gods are intertwined, where empires and academies coexist brilliantly.

  The road to becoming a god is at your feet, and beside the road are numerous bones.

  Su Ziye came to this world, but found that behind the prosperity was endless decay and darkness.

  If one day you want to change the world surrounded by a group of monsters, then you can only become the biggest and strongest monster.

  From that day on, he abandoned his name and walked towards the unknown.

  Flick the strings of the world with your fingers, and the gods and demons will vanish into ashes while talking and laughing.

  This is the story of the man behind the scenes.

  (Although the title of the book is very general, this will really be a good story that can touch people's hearts. You are welcome to read it.)
  (End of this chapter)

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