777. Final remarks

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  Final words
  : In the end, I fulfilled my promise and officially finished the Assassin novel on April 15th, so that I can still write this final words today.

  It starts from the time when the sword is not in place, when one leaves the world, and ends when a thousand sails have passed, and when one returns, he is still a young man. This novel can be regarded as the one with the most beautiful ending for me.

  Although I know that many readers may not be satisfied, but for me, this is a really beautiful ending.

  I finished all the stories I wanted to write, gathered up almost all the foreshadowing I had laid out before, and then gave the ending I had planned before the story began.

  At least I'm satisfied.

  The book "Assassins" was actually just an idea that Shen Yongliu came up with at first. It was even said to be an idea for someone else. However, because the other person thought it was difficult to write, he finally had to write it himself. When he started writing it, it was said to be sloppy and scrawled, and it was given to the editor. When I was watching it, an editor laughed and said it was a theme that could penetrate the center of the earth.

  But in the end I finished writing the Assassin, and the Assassin is also my best novel so far.

  It’s comforting to be old.

  In fact, when I wrote Assassin, I had no bottom line, so many settings were very hasty, so it was a novel that was originally planned to be completed in 800,000 words.

  Looking at it now, yes, the current word count of the completed book is 1.8 million, which is 95,000 more.

  The original setting was a story about a young assassin who was reborn through time and met a young girl in royal robes. It was like a classic combination of mindless and unhappy. After thinking about the opening scene where Xue Ling was forced to abandon her identity and become an undercover assassin, I I started writing this novel.

  In fact, the initial thought was very simple. This is a novel that ends with the killing of the emperor.

  To put it simply, if I can’t continue writing, I will kill the emperor and finish the book.

  I am determined to kill the emperor.

  But because the results were pretty good, I made a lot of expansions to the content, and there were a lot of things I took for granted.

  For example, why I went to Jiangnan? It was because I wanted to fight the Japanese pirates and Wang Zhi, and there was a lot to write about.

  Why go to Japan? Because I think it would be good to write about Japan’s Warring States Period, Oda Nobunaga and Okehazama.

  Including the Wanli Korean War, it would be really cool to have Guang Jiqi participate in the Wanli Korean War.

  Yes, there are indeed a lot of things that I can write about. However, just because I think there are many things that I can write about, I rush forward and I am still too confident in my ability.

  Facts have proved that if these stories are not professional research and long-term conception, these stories are really difficult to write. It would be easier for me to kill Ning Huan honestly and make everyone happy.

  Due to the limitations of martial arts themes, the protagonist's ability has a very high ceiling limit. Therefore, when the ceiling of the world is quickly encountered, the protagonist cannot easily break through. This is probably a very big shortcoming of martial arts.

  So in the end, when I was exhausted physically and mentally from writing, I still set my sights on the Emperor on the Dragon Throne.

  Forget it, I'll kill you.

  So I killed him.

  But I am still very satisfied with this ending, because in the end all the foreshadowings were put away. Almost all the foreshadowings that I could think of and that could be put away were finally written out at the end, which even allowed Xue Ping to come out and take a breather. .

  Of course, on the other hand, I used a lot of martial arts-style blanks and omissions at the end, including the details of Qin’s battle with Ding Kuyu, the details of Qin’s battle with the saint, how Xue Ping was rescued, and Fang Bu’s relationship with Qin The content of the discussion, and so on, are all passed through.

  Because I found that as long as the plot is coherent, these omitted plots can still be completed by brainstorming.

  And when written like this, the pace is really fast.

  As long as the rhythm is fast, it is a good rhythm.


  About the ending.

  In the ending, the ending is a semi-open ending. Everyone moves to where they should be according to their own choices. Many specific details can be chosen according to the readers' own preferences.

  I think the cutest thing is sleeping next to the concubine during the Dragon Boat Festival and carrying the Diamond Sutra. This is such a setting of a royal brother.


  The new book has been conceived, and a preview of the new book will be released next. However, when the new book will be released specifically, it should be within a week. I hope everyone will come and support me.

  The new book is also a very interesting story.

  I've already thought of a name - it's called "Prince, Please Think Twice".

  (End of chapter)

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