717. Chapter 711 The Queen

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  Chapter 711: Empress
  Imagawa Yoshimoto is on the run.

  He fled between the barrels.

  Now that you have passed through Tongzhajian, if you want to return to your own country, you can only successfully escape by returning to Tongzhajian.

  But at this time - Okezhajian has become a hell on earth.

  The previous trampling by the army, coupled with the heavy rain in the morning, and now tens of thousands of people collapsed and fled, everything happened in the narrow room.

  Behind him were the cries of death from his pursuers, and around him were the remaining defeated generals of Yu Yu's advancing army, as well as the gasps of desperate people who couldn't move any further.

  The so-called Shura Field probably looks like this. If the climate is dry now, it might be possible to light a fire to stop the pursuers, but the climate in early summer is so humid and there is this heavy rain, then a fire attack will become Things that are just out of reach.

  Another thing Fang said is really good, Imagawa Yoshimoto ran really slowly.

  When he came here, he used a sedan. He could even easily drink barley tea to cool off in this four-person vehicle. Everything was relaxed and comfortable. For Imagawa Yoshimoto, this expedition was originally a simple one. Victory declared.

  But when the declaration of victory turns into a failed escape, this cup of home-brewed bitter wine will suddenly become particularly bitter.

  Even if there are nearly three hundred personal guards following him - these personal guards are all dead soldiers who can entrust their lives to him. The wealth and power they gained because of themselves will disappear with their death, so That their loyalty can be fully trusted.

  But no matter how loyal the dead soldier is, even if he takes turns carrying Imagawa Yoshimoto forward, his escape speed is too slow.

  After all, there is still no way to ride a horse.

  "Sir." Rapid breathing came from behind: "Oda Nobunaga is catching up again." "

  Approximately how many people are there?" Imagawa Yoshimoto turned around and looked at his entourage who was covered in blood. At this moment, he I couldn't help but want to lead my troops back to fight Oda Nobunaga to the death.

  If you can't even escape, then it would be a wiser choice to preserve your dignity and die on the battlefield.

  "I'm not sure. They are chasing you all the way, and they don't collect trophies from the corpses they kill. It seems they are just chasing." The follower gasped and said, "It seems that their target is you." "Damn brat

  . "Imagawa Yoshimoto cursed loudly: "I never thought that my whole life would be ruined in one day." "

  Sir, we will protect you to the death." The surrounding guards said in unison: "As long as we can return to the country. , Your Majesty, I will definitely not be wasted when you regroup."

  "Please allow me to take fifty people to defend your Majesty's rear, and fight to the death with Oda Nobunaga." At this time, a voice suddenly sounded, and Imagawa Yoshimoto looked at the person who came, his eyes Frowning, he realized that the person was Yu Tian.

  However, at this critical moment, there was no time to hesitate. Imagawa Yoshimoto looked at Amada: "Amada-san, I leave my name to you. If I can return to the country alive, even if I can't give you a heavy reward, I will definitely do it properly." Arrange your family well."

  The so-called high reward cannot be given, which naturally means that Yu Tian died in the battle here.

  "Your Excellency, there is no need to say anything. The situation is urgent at this time. Please leave quickly." Amada forced a smile and said, clenching the sword in his hand: "Even if I return to the underworld, I will continue to serve you." He said this

  . With that, Amada took fifty personal followers and chose to walk to the rear, where the pursuers of the Oda army were.



  "Divide the troops." Fang Bie said from a high place.

  Unlike these embarrassed defeated troops, in such a complex terrain, people with strong martial arts skills have a great advantage. After all, climbing over walls and trees is an extremely physically demanding thing for ordinary people, but for them Literally, it's all as easy as breathing.

  Therefore, just as Fang Bie judged, Imagawa Yoshimoto ran too slowly. Surrounded by a group of personal guards, he could only walk five miles in an hour. In this case, if he wanted to get out of the barrel , that means it takes at least one and a half hours.

  And it only took Fang Bie a quarter of an hour to catch up with him.

  The next step is to wait quietly and watch the prey's death struggle.

  "Imagawa Yoshimoto is gone." Yan Yu quietly made a judgment: "Oda Nobunaga is really too ruthless. He chased and killed Imagawa Yoshimoto at all costs, and he simply did not put all his hopes in it. On the agreement with you." "

  And with such a big loss, it is almost impossible to organize and defeat the army. The alliance between him and the Hojo Takeda family is also very likely to change."

  " So, what are you going to do?" Yan Yu looked at Fang Bie and gently asked her question.

  "Of course we are doing the right thing." The young man said calmly: "Hey, Shang Jiuge also broke away from Imagawa Yoshimoto." "

  She seems to want to break off the queen." "

  Then we must be careful that she goes crazy and kills Oda. If Nobunaga is also killed, then we will suffer a big loss." Yan Yu said quietly: "Her sword is really too fast." "Isn't

  she afraid that I will take advantage of this time to kill Imagawa Yoshimoto?" The boy Sighing: "This doesn't seem like her style."

  "I can only say that maybe this is also a choice of hers." Yan Yu looked at Fang Bie: "How about I go see Shang Jiuge and you Go and kill Imagawa Yoshimoto, and this battle will be completely over." "

  I must admit that Oda Nobunaga won my respect in this battle. From today on, his name will resound throughout Japan. Even His Majesty the Emperor will recognize him." The girl paused, then smiled: "After all, the distance between Owari and Kyoto is not very far." "

  Now is not the time, I am worried about something." Fang Bie said .

  "What's going on?" Yan Yu asked.

  "If Shang Jiuge is the only sword master Imagawa Yoshimoto has found to protect him, then Imagawa Yoshimoto's heart must be too big." Fang Bie said quietly.

  Yan Yu was stunned for a moment, then nodded.

  Yes, if Imagawa Yoshimoto just found Shang Jiuge as a sword master, then he would be really a little big-hearted.

  It is true that when it comes to swordsmanship, Shang Jiuge's swordsmanship is at the level of a sword master, and this cannot be discounted.

  But the problem with Shang Jiuge is that the details of Shang Jiuge are completely unclear, and he basically doesn’t know Japanese. Having such a person as a personal guard may also prove Imagawa Yoshimoto’s courage to employ people without doubting them, but only letting such a person Guarding inevitably involves some risks of negligence.

  Judging from the character of Imagawa Yoshimoto, this is almost impossible.

  "Do you think that Shang Jiuge is just a sword master in public, but there is actually a real sword master hidden among the three hundred guards?" Yan Yu asked.

  Fang Bie nodded: "Actually, it's a bit sad to say it. For such a big name as Imagawa Yoshimoto, I didn't expect that only three hundred people could follow him unswervingly when he ran away." "Anyway, I'm going to talk to Shang

  . Jiuge, are you going to follow Imagawa Yoshimoto?" Yan Yu asked.

  "No, let's all follow Shang Jiuge. Be careful that guy kills Oda Nobunaga. It will be the Oda army that collapses." Fang Bie smiled and said, "I said it, Imagawa Yoshi Yuan is running too slowly."

  "Okay, I'll listen to you." Yan Yu nodded.

  "Thank you, boss." Fang Bie said with a smile.



  In fact, there were fifty-one people following Yutian, not fifty.

  Because Shang Jiuge is indeed inside.

  Not long after leaving the main force, with probably less than a stick of incense, they encountered Oda Nobunaga's pursuers head-on.

  The almost uniform red helmets and red armor of this pursuer are not simply the color of blood. Of course, part of it is because of the blood spattered on them, but the more reason is because they are originally red.

  "I didn't expect to see Oda Nobunaga's red troops on such an occasion." Amada looked at the pursuers on the opposite side and said with a smile.

  At this time, one of the red-helmeted soldiers and horses in front stepped out from the crowd, his white robe splattered with blood. Who was it if it wasn't Oda Nobunaga? "Where is Imagawa Yoshimoto?" At this point in the battle, the prepared gunpowder

  projectiles Almost all of them were finished early, so this pursuit had already been a cold-weapon contest.

  "My lord has already left first and ordered me to leave some gifts for you here for Lord Nobunaga." Amada said with a smile.

  "How many people do you have?" Oda Nobunaga asked directly.

  "Not many, only five hundred people." Yutian said with a smile.

  "Five hundred people?" Oda Nobunaga laughed and said: "How can I see that you are not even fifty people, but under such circumstances, you dare to stop me, Oda Nobunaga. I respect you as a good person." Samurai, get out of the way, I won't kill you."

  "Oda-sama, you are wrong." Amada shook his head and said: "Oda-sama, if you respect me as a good samurai, you should kill me on the spot. Killing is the only way to preserve my loyalty. Otherwise, even if you let me go, I will have no choice but to open my belly and apologize to Imagawa-sama." "In this case, are you not going to give in?"

  Oda Nobunaga said coldly. Leng said.

  "As your Lordship said." Amada bowed slightly to Oda Nobunaga.

  "Then let us face each other with swords." Oda Nobunaga drew out the sword from his waist and slashed it down in the air.

  The original conversation with Yutian was because he didn't want to expend any more energy. After all, the pursuit of Imagawa Yoshimoto was a battle of physical and psychological exhaustion for both parties.

  But since the other party is stubborn, then there is only one life or death.


  In an instant, the red troops behind Oda Nobunaga shouted in unison, and they rushed forward without fear of death, fighting with Amada's fifty personal guards.

  In such a narrow terrain, even fifty people can resist for a period of time, but in terms of elite level and morale, Oda Nobunaga's side has the advantage, even if the opponent is not afraid of it. Although they were killed, they were still retreating steadily, and people kept falling.

  Oda Nobunaga did not join the battle immediately. He just watched the battle from a short distance away. He suddenly saw a woman in white among the rebels. She had been following Amada closely. Although she had a waist She was wearing a sword, but she didn't draw it. She just moved around in front of the blade. Almost no one had their swords pointed at her, and even if they did, she could easily get out of the way.

  However, there were several slashing attacks directed at Amata, but she raised her hand and used the scabbard to block them calmly.

  "Why are there women on the battlefield?" Oda Nobunaga said loudly.

  Fortunately, Shang Jiuge can't understand Japanese, otherwise he would definitely come over and argue with Oda Nobunaga. At this time, Kinoshita Tokichiro beside him said: "Sir, don't underestimate that woman, she has already been knocked down with the scabbard. There were several of us, but she struck too quickly, and those who fought with her were knocked down almost instantly, so it seemed that almost no one fought with her." "But it seems that she has been trying to protect that Imakawa

  . My lord, you'd better not provoke her. She has such superb swordsmanship without using a sword. I'm afraid if she does, we will have to lose many people before we can take her down." "Loss of many people?" Oda Nobubu said

  . The commander couldn't help but smile: "You are too underestimated my eyesight. I think she can escape no matter how bad she is, but it feels strange to me that she doesn't kill enemies with a sword so far. I heard that Imagawa Yoshimoto recruited someone some time ago I met a swordsman from China, I think it must be this person."

  "I'm not sure, but it should be this person." Kinoshita Tokichiro said.

  "It's a pity that Fang Bie is not here, otherwise we can see who is stronger between her and Fang Bie." Oda Nobunaga said with a smile.

  While talking and laughing, almost all the fifty people in Yutian had fallen. Only Yutian was still struggling with the help of Shang Jiuge. At this time, everyone around him finally stopped, because only Yutian and Yutian were the targets. There were two people, Shang Jiuge, but because Shang Jiuge was too terrifying, no one dared to continue attacking for a while.

  At this moment, Oda Nobunaga's voice rang from a distance: "Samurai, I think you have done your best to be loyal." "I will let you go now. I do

  n't know if you agree or not."

  Amada pursed his lips and smiled. Smiling, he only felt waves of exhaustion all over his body. The running and fighting along the way, at this time, he was just at the end of his strength. He looked back at Shang Jiuge beside him: "Miss Shang, I didn't expect you. The swordsmanship is so superb on the battlefield, but I am incompetent and let you worry about it." "

  My path as a samurai has come to an end here." "

  Next, please protect Lord Imagawa Yoshimoto."

  "Please. Can you please excuse me?"

  "Excuse me?" Shang Jiuge tilted his head.

  But Amada's sword is very fast.

  The handle of the tachi in his hand flipped over in an instant, then he held the knife with both hands and stabbed towards his lower abdomen.

  In fact, the original seppuku was actually performed with a special short sword, but under special circumstances at this time, I could only use the Odachi in my hand.

  Shang Jiuge reacted very quickly at this moment. The scabbard in her hand instantly flicked forward, knocking away the sword in Yutian's hand immediately.

  "What are you going to do?" Shang Jiuge asked loudly.

  (End of chapter)

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