706. Chapter 700 Talking about the past

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  Chapter 700 After talking about the past,
  the other three people have indeed arrived at Furuno Castle.

  Not to mention that this city is not comparable to the big cities in China like Yingtian Mansion, even if it is compared to Luo City, it is quite inferior.

  But this is an important city that is located in a dangerous location and needs to be built reasonably. Looking from a distance, it feels like this is not an important place that can be easily conquered.

  However, looking from a distance, the city gates are locked and the atmosphere is solemn. It seems that the city is experiencing huge risks of war.

  "Is this right here?" Fang Bi turned back to look at Ah Shi.

  There were no unnecessary dangers along the way, or in other words, with Fang Bie and Yan Yu escorting them all the way, all dangers could be ignored.

  At least most of the dangers.

  "Yes." Ashi nodded: "Brother must be worried."

  Saying this, Ashi looked at the city of Guye, his expression suddenly changed, and he jumped on the spot and waved: "Brother, sir ! I'm back!"

  Amid Ah Shi's shouts, the city in front slowly opened its solid city gate.



  "This is the knight Fangbetsu."

  When he came to Oda Nobunaga, Aichi pointed to Fangbetsu and introduced to his brother: "When I came back, I was ambushed by the Koga ninjas. , all the guards of the Longchuan family died in the battle because of me. Thanks to Fang Bing's help, I came back safely." With that said,

  Ah Shi looked around, and then said: "Looking at my brother, you should have already I got the news that the Koga ninjas have defected to Imagawa Yoshimoto."

  When Aichi introduced him, Fangbie was also secretly sizing up the man in front of him.

  Although the world line of this world has deviated a lot from the original world, when the famous Oda Nobunaga appears in front of you, everyone will feel very excited.

  However, what Fang Bie was not so satisfied with was that during this meeting, Oda Nobunaga did not wear his favorite women's clothing. It is said that Oda Nobunaga could compete with Aichi in women's clothing, and the two of them dressed up together to go to the night market. At that time, it was almost a scene in that ancient wilderness.

  Fang Bie was really looking forward to Oda Nobunaga's appearance in women's clothing, but now Oda Nobunaga is wearing a white robe and armor, and he also looks quite majestic and handsome. He is quite tall, which makes him stand out among the generally short Japanese people. However, from the perspective of modern nutrition, it is mainly due to the lack of supplies in Japan and the lack of daily nutrition among residents, so it is said that there is widespread stunting.

  The Warring States Period in Japan was an era when most people could not even meet ordinary food rations.

  But both Oda Nobunaga and Aichi were born in daimyo families, and they never had to worry about food and clothing since they were young. Not to mention Oda Nobunaga, even Aichi himself is white and plump, with a stretched frame. A person's beauty and ugliness are closely related to their childhood dietary conditions.

  Oda Nobunaga looked at Fang Bie, who was looking at him. In his opinion, Fang Bie had a moderate figure and a lean frame. Although he looked unexpectedly much more ordinary than expected, looking at the eyes of the young man in front of him, he felt He has tremendous power deep within him.

  "Are you interested in becoming my samurai?" Oda Nobunaga asked.

  "I'm sorry, I don't have such interest at the moment." Fang Bie said with a smile without hesitation: "But I am interested in watching Master Oda spread martial arts all over the world." "When did

  my ambition spread so far?" Oda Nobunaga smiled and looked back at Ashi: "Did you talk too much about me to them again, Ashi?" "

  Only mentioned a little bit." Ashi pouted and said, "Anyway, Let's go in and talk first."

  Oda Nobunaga patted his head: "If Aichi didn't say it, I would have forgotten it. Come on, let's go to my mansion and talk slowly." With that,

  Oda Nobunaga turned around Looking at Yan Yu who had been silent: "Are you the person in the recent legend?"

  Yan Yu smiled and said with a smile: "Before I confirm who Lord Oda is referring to, I have no way to tell you Affirmative answer."

  "However, I'm not worried that Lord Oda will lay an ambush against us." "

  Let's talk inside first." "

  After walking for so long, my feet are very tired, and I also want to taste Japanese food. Tea."

  Since Yan Yu had already spoken, everyone soon entered the city together and then entered the Oda family's mansion.

  Fang Bie has been paying attention to the layout of the surroundings. Indeed, Guye City is a place he has never been to before. This is his first time here. Out of professional habits, the young man still wants to observe where he can hide and how to escape. , which is the same idea as the bell tower that is suitable for setting up two heavy machine guns to block the street.

  Oda Nobunaga noticed Fang Bie's movements: "Knight Fang Bie is very interested in the structure of the city?" "

  It's just out of professional habits." Fang Bie smiled and said calmly: " Of course, it's not out of the professional habits of a secret agent."

  The young man added this, and everyone couldn't help laughing.

  When he finally sat down in the living room of the mansion, Ah Shi bowed to everyone and left. At the same time, a maid had already brought tea and snacks.

  "Ashi, won't you listen?" Fang Bie stretched out his hand to stop the girl who was about to leave.

  "Brother said this is a conversation between men and I shouldn't be here to listen in." Ah Shi whispered.

  "In that case, I should leave early." Yan Yu couldn't help but smile.

  Oda Nobunaga burst out laughing: "Since you two trust my sister-in-law, would you like to listen to me, Ashi? Maybe I also need your opinion."

  Hearing this, Ashi couldn't help but bow to Yan Yu and thank him: "Then Thank you, Miss Yanyu."

  The reason why Aichi left was just because of the previous practice. Although Oda Nobunaga is a person who does not value etiquette and rules very much, if possible, Aichi can be wherever he wants. , but when discussing matters with her retainers, Ah Shi, who was observing, would often attract criticism. Therefore, in order to avoid causing trouble to her brother, Ah Shi would leave early on her own in such occasions.

  But this time, Oda Nobunaga certainly wouldn't force Fang Bie and Yan Yu to stay.

  Tea is poured into the cup, and the aroma lingers.

  Oda Nobunaga looked across the teacup at Fang Bie, who was sitting opposite, and smiled: "Knight Fang Bie, I heard that you are from China." "

  China is a good place. I heard that you have a supreme being. The emperor rules all the land on that continent."

  "I have heard a saying that the whole world is the land of the king, and the shores of the land are the ministers of the king. Is this true?" "

  Yes." Fang Bie nodded: "Although our country is ruled by one emperor in most cases, every few hundred years, there will be a huge dynasty change." "When the decadent old dynasty is crumbling, there will

  be The poor peasants rose up and tried to overthrow the old dynasty and establish a new dynasty." "

  Of course, in most cases, the peasants who rebelled made wedding dresses for the princes, generals, ministers, and officials of the old dynasty."

  " Have you read Oda-sama, the novel about the Romance of the Three Kingdoms?"

  "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms?" Oda Nobunaga hesitated at this moment: "Are you talking about the Romance of the Three Kingdoms?" "

  I have dabbled in the historical military art books that someone brought back from China recently."

  Oda Nobunaga said . , Fang Bi couldn't help but burst into laughter.

  Yes, because Japan has lacked sufficient history and culture for a long time, when faced with civilizations that are more advanced than its own, it often shows a state of hunger and thirst, like a sponge, desperately absorbing the water it can come into contact with.

  Just like now, because Japan is in the Warring States Period, Oda Nobunaga is not the only one who desires to quell the war and unify Japan. However, how to unify Japan must have unparalleled force and an army that is invincible in a hundred battles. The art of war has instantly become important. The most important thing is that they purchased a large number of so-called art of war books from China.

  As for such military art books, there are of course normal military books such as Sun Tzu's Art of War, but compared to the more obscure Sun Tzu's Art of War, there is no doubt that historical novels such as the Romance of the Three Kingdoms, which are more ups and downs, are more popular.

  So it is true that many Japanese lords and retainers have a copy of Romance of the Three Kingdoms, and they follow the military tactics in it in detail, and carry out a large number of so-called night raids, food robberies, fire attacks and other operations. Don't tell me, If these tactics and examples can be properly applied in war, they will sometimes have unexpected effects.

  At least it is more deeply rooted in people's hearts than the so-called obscure sayings such as "Ten Sieges and a Last Stand".

  Of course Oda Nobunaga has also read Romance of the Three Kingdoms.

  "Yes." Fang Bie nodded. He didn't care what was in Oda Nobunaga's mind at this moment, but continued following his own thoughts: "The Han Dynasty was a great dynasty in our country. It went through the Han Dynasty and lasted for more than 400 years. It once shocked the world and swept across all directions. However, even such a great dynasty would eventually be unable to return due to various problems, and finally reached the point where the building was about to collapse. Among them, The Yellow Turban Uprising was the death knell for the Han Dynasty." "

  But the Yellow Turban Uprising was ultimately unable to destroy the Han Dynasty. On the contrary, this massive uprising was suppressed by the capable soldiers and generals of the Han Dynasty. All the The rebels were all defeated and their leaders were killed."

  "Guoheng was destroyed by the weak, and the Han Dynasty was destroyed by the strong." "

  Even when the Han Dynasty was about to perish, it still had a very powerful army, with just one With the strength of the warlords, they can easily subdue the surrounding barbarian armies." "

  These ministers who originally belonged to the Han Dynasty finally began to covet the artifact. They began to ignore the orders of the Han Emperor, attack each other, and even began to try to control the Emperor. I come to hold higher authority."

  After hearing this, Oda Nobunaga couldn't help but interject with interest; "Are you talking about Cao Mengde? He is indeed a character I like very much."

  So do you know that you are Are you often compared to Mr. Cao, the good wife? Fang Bie secretly slandered in his heart, but still nodded and said: "Yes, it is Cao Meng Degong." "

  I said it before." Fang Bie looked at Oda Nobunaga: "The vast majority of peasant uprisings are just Wedding dresses for these princes and generals, only a handful of peasant uprisings eventually overthrew the old dynasty, and even overthrew the feudal warlords of the old dynasty and established a new dynasty themselves." "But among the many dynasties in China

  , Only two dynasties have achieved this."

  "They all have historical reasons for each other. Does Lord Nobunaga know which dynasties they are?" Fang Bie asked.

  "I have read the history of your country. If I remember correctly, one is the Han Dynasty that Mr. Fang mentioned before, right." Oda Nobunaga said.

  Unknowingly, Oda Nobunaga's name for Fang Bie changed from the unfamiliar knight Fang Bie to Mr. Fang. In this regard, he changed even faster than Aichi.

  "Yes." Fang Bie nodded: "It was in the Han Dynasty that Liu Bang, the emperor of the Han Dynasty, killed the white snake and rose up. Following the slogan of Chen Sheng, Prince Wu Guang and General Xiang Ning, he finally eliminated the Qin State that once unified the six countries, and established a new dynasty."

  "By the way." Fang Bie looked at Oda Nobunaga and said, "When the Qin State still existed, there was a Warring States Period in China." "At

  that time, we had an Emperor of Zhou, who once He has ruled this land for eight hundred years. If he had not been overthrown, then we would also have an emperor."

  When Fang Bie mentioned the emperor, Oda Nobunaga's eyes changed.

  Fang didn't pay attention to Oda Nobunaga's expression, and then said with a smile: "Can I continue?"

  "I would like to hear the details." Oda Nobunaga said, his attitude was more serious than ever.

  Yes, to this day, Japan still has a nominal ruler, and that is the Emperor in Kyoto.

  The spokesperson of the Emperor is the shogun. The shogun nominally has the power to rule the entire Japan. All daimyo are under the jurisdiction of the shogun.

  But in fact, the other side of being under jurisdiction is that none of them are under jurisdiction. Just as Imagawa Yoshimoto is now coming to attack Oda Nobunaga, if the shogunate is useful, Oda Nobunaga will use such anxious entanglement with the army to Are all hopes pinned on the next life-and-death battle?
  Only one thing is certain, that is Imagawa Yoshimoto is really a relative of the shogun.

  "Our Emperor Zhou was very much like the Emperor of today at that time, and just like your Emperor, he has lost his authority for many years and has completely lost control over the princes under his command. Today, let's ask a national question The weight of the Jiuding, tomorrow a country will come and want the title of king." "

  But in the end, Qin State still swept away Liuhe and swept all directions, not only wiping out all the other six countries in the entire China, but also the war that lasted for eight hundred years. The Zhou Dynasty itself showed no mercy at all."

  "I want to ask now." Fang Bie looked at Oda Nobunaga: "Do you really want to be the Yingzheng who unified the six countries?" "

  Or do you want to do it? That Duke Cao Meng who held the emperor hostage to order the princes?"

  (End of this chapter)

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