697.Chapter 691 Shibata

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  Chapter 691: Shibata
  Since this failed mission, Fang Bie has never asked Yan Yu for any new assassination missions.

  After all, if you can't even kill such an easy-to-kill person, you won't have the dignity to find a stronger enemy to test your sword with.

  Instead, Fang Bie started chopping firewood in Shangjing Village again.

  Chopping firewood, splitting firewood, selling firewood.

  Every day starts over and over again, nothing new happens.

  If there was any change, as a powerful young man who once protected the entire village from the ronin bandits, Fang Bie also received more respect invisibly.

  Almost everyone would respectfully call Fang Jun when they meet him.

  But that’s really all.

  Life always has to go on day by day.

  After all, sometimes, the fishing rod used for fishing does not even need to be tied with a hook, and the fish will bite it on its own.

  "Are you that Fang Bie?" Someone came to Fang Bie and asked in a deep voice: "The person who saved this village from Ronin Zuobei?" Fang Bie

  waved the ax in his hand, and the firewood on the chopping board echoed from the middle again. separate.

  "What do you want from me?" Fang Bie asked.

  He didn't look up.

  "I want to challenge you." The man said quietly.

  Fang Bie raised his head and saw the saber on the opponent's waist at a glance.

  The next man was tall and handsome, with a long sword on his waist and neat clothes. Although he did not wear armor, there was no doubt that he was a real samurai.

  The so-called difference between samurai and ronin is actually very simple, that is, ronin has no master, while samurai has master.

  "Then can I admit defeat?" Fang Bie asked.

  The other party shook his head: "I will not accept a battle without a fight."

  "Then what's the benefit of defeating you?" Fang Bie continued to ask.

  The other party was stunned for a moment.

  The brain circuit of young people is indeed relatively strange and utilitarian.

  Before the fight even started, I began to focus on the benefits after winning.

  The other party hesitated for a moment, and then pulled out the sword from his waist. The blade was bright and cold.

  "This is the family heirloom sword Chui Xue. I went out in a hurry and didn't bring any heavy treasure, so I can only use this sword as a pledge." The man said respectfully: "If Brother Fang can defeat me, then I will give you the bayonet and change it." I'll come back tomorrow and give you a big gift to redeem the knife."

  "Interesting." The other party's attitude was so sincere that Fang Bian couldn't find anything wrong with him. He could only look at the other party: "Is your surname Shibata?" In Japan

  , Ordinary people do not have surnames, only warriors are eligible to have surnames.

  Of course, on the other hand, because surnames are not something that everyone has, everyone does not pay much attention to them or pays too much attention to them. As a result, many Japanese warriors will have many different surnames throughout their lives.

  But the samurai Shibata in front of him did not have an ordinary surname.

  This is a common surname.

  "How do you know?" The other party was a little surprised by Fang Bie's explanation.

  "The handle of your knife is engraved with "." Fang Bie looked at him and said calmly.

  The other party instantly felt embarrassed. It was really bad that he hadn't thought of such a simple thing: "I made an oversight. I'm deeply sorry." "Let's not talk about

  it for now." Fang Bie looked at the other party and said, "If you lose, you will Pawn the sword with me and redeem it the next day."

  "Then what if I lose?"

  The warrior of the Shibata family heard Fang Bi's words and said without hesitation: "What if Brother Fang loses? , then please ask Brother Fang to serve my family master and work together to quell the troubled times."

  "When did pacifying the troubled times become a concept?" Fang Bie smiled, then looked at the other party: "May I ask your surname?"

  "This is Shibata Heiji." The other party looked at Fang Bie and said politely.

  "Then I'll call you Heiji. I have to ask you this. Shouldn't it be that you lose and I win to prove my strength? That's when you should ask me to work for your family head." "And now

  . If you defeat me, it proves that I am not as good as you. In this case, why would your master come to ask me, a defeated soldier, to serve him." "This all feels weird."


  Heiji was speechless for a moment. .

  More of annoyance.

  He came here just to challenge Fang Bie, but the fight failed. Instead, Fang Bie asked him questions like this, which made him feel very unhappy.

  "Then what do you want!" Shibata Heiji couldn't help but said loudly. "If you want to humiliate me, then I won't be polite."

  "As expected, you are still a young man and can't bear your anger." Fang Bie smiled. Of course, on the other hand, he knew that in fact, among the classes of civilians and samurai in Japan, There is a huge gap. The samurai sword has the privilege of killing in the street. It is a real license to kill. Therefore, I, a commoner, and he, a samurai, are talking nonsense here. If he hadn't received the order when he came, I'm afraid he would have been killed by now. .

  But in this case, it’s even more interesting.

  "Forget it, let's stop talking, let's chop it first and then talk about it." Fang Bie said with a faint smile, while holding the ax in his hand, he moved gently and chopped towards Shibata Heiji's chest.

  Shibata Heiji was taken aback by the menacing attack of the ax. He had already drawn the knife in his hand, and hurriedly made a gesture to block it with his sword, and then waited for an opportunity to attack.

  Of course, his heart was filled with disdain for the other party's sudden attack.

  But he never expected that Fang Bie's ax suddenly fell down the moment it was about to touch the long knife. He, who had been prepared to bear the force, suddenly had nothing in his hands. In the next moment, the ax lifted up from below with unbelievable force. the point.

  Only a clear crash was heard.

  Shibata Hei's second-hand famous Fubuki sword flew high into the sky, reflecting the brilliance of the sun and spinning to the ground.

  Fang Bu took back the ax and struck it down again.

  The firewood in front of him was split into two.

  The young man said quietly: "You lost."

  Shibata Heiji was speechless.

  At this moment, he couldn't even say anything about the other party's sneak attack.

  Does Fang Bie's sudden ax attack count as a sneak attack? Just barely.

  But Fang Bie himself reminded that the ax was not very fast, not to mention that Shibata Heiji had already drawn the sword in his hand, so in theory there was no disadvantage.

  But the moment the two of them fought, Fang Bu was able to knock the long knife out of his hand with an axe. You know, the ax is not a light and agile weapon, but it was so light in the hands of this young man.

  The more Shibata Heiji thought about it, the more admiration he felt, and he couldn't help but turn over and kneel to Fang Bi - of course, in Japan, sitting down on the ground is naturally a very solemn etiquette.

  However, the conditions of use are quite relaxed.

  Shibata Heiji turned over and knelt in front of Fang Bie. Just as he was about to speak, he heard Fang Bie's voice ringing in advance.

  "Since you lost, I will accept the knife."


  "You can go back and tell Oda Nobunaga."

  "I am not interested in him for the time being."

  (End of this chapter)

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