677. Chapter 671 Flying Knife Sees Flying Knife Again

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  Chapter 671: Flying knives see flying knives again.
  What does it mean to kill someone with just one sword?

  Fang Bie really wanted to complain at this moment.

  If I could kill the opponent with one sword, I would be so full that I would use the second sword.

  However, given the identity of the man in front of him, Fang Bi could only listen.

  "To deal with ordinary enemies, of course one sword is enough." Fang Bie said.

  The fact is that there are really not many people in the world who can pick up Fang Bie Yi Jian. It can be said that those who can pick up Fang Bie Yi Jian can brag for a lifetime.

  In fact, against ordinary enemies, Fang Bie himself would not use a sword.

  There are so many ways to kill people anyway, why do you have to use a sword?

  Is it possible that the achievement is because he looks handsome with a sword?

  Opposite Fang Bie, Zhang Buping slowly shook his head: "To deal with ordinary enemies, you only need to use one sword, but to deal with difficult enemies, you need to use a second sword." "So there is a third sword and a fourth sword

  . Five swords."

  "Since you are practicing one sword, in fact, when you need to use the second sword, you have already lost."

  Zhang Buping looked at Fang Bie: "But you are still standing here now, which means that in those battles you I won in the end."

  "I don't mind how you won, but I think it shouldn't be easy."

  Fang Bie nodded: "It's not easy."

  Relatively speaking, killing Ning Huan was relatively easy. , because he had repeatedly explored Ning Huan's strength and trump cards before, Fang Bu chose to fight at the end, and also tried his best to weaken the man as much as possible before the battle.

  Killing Wang Zhi was not that simple, even with Yin Ye's cooperation and the feint attack by others to attract attention, creating an opportunity for Fang Bie to face Wang Zhi alone.

  But even so, killing Wang Zhi still took a lot of effort.

  In the final analysis, these skills are just like chopping down a tree, one sword after another, killing the opponent alive.

  There is no other way.

  Since I can't kill you with one sword, I can only reluctantly try my luck with two more sword strikes.

  Of course, there are still thresholds.

  If someone is not as strong as Fang Bie, Fang Bie can kill him with one sword.

  For those who are stronger than Fang Bie, Fang Bie can be famous all over the world with this unreasonable move, which is to chop you alive until you can no longer take care of yourself.

  After all, there has never been another person in the world who fights like Fang Bie. Before this, Fang Bie was also very taboo about exposing his fighting style.

  Because once exposed, you will really die miserably.

  If everyone facing Fang Bie clearly knows that Fang Bie only has one sword technique that is almost divine, as long as he can break this sword technique, Fang Bie will be as powerless as a tiger with its teeth pulled out.

  At this moment, Fang Bie's bonus period has passed. He is no longer an assassin hiding in the dark. Others don't know what means he will use to take his name.

  But just like fighting openly, Fang Bi's sword is not enough.

  "In this case, why do you want to use the second sword if you can't kill him with one sword?" Zhang Buping asked.

  Fang Bi was silent for a moment, and then answered: "Because I don't want to die."

  If the sword is used, either you will die or I will die.

  Fang Bu had no way to accept this cruel result.

  He wanted to live and thought that no matter how many times he was beaten, he would be the one who survived in the end.

  "So this is the biggest weakness of your sword." Zhang Buping looked at Fang Bie and said.

  "This sword of yours is just the product of training speed, strength and skills to the extreme." "

  It's like a perfect creation hammered by the best craftsmen." "

  But no matter how perfect it is, This is still just a work, not art."

  Fang Bie shook his head: "I don't want any art."

  "I just want to live."

  He actually understood what Zhang Buping meant.

  Although Fang Bi's sword was strong, it was not strong enough to sweep away all enemies in front of him.

  Fang Bie himself knew this, so when he faced a powerful enemy, he never thought that this sword was the only option.

  In the later stages of the boy's training, he believed that pursuing the ultimate limit of this sword no longer meant much. It was like playing an online game and upgrading equipment. In the later stages of upgrading, in order to gain one or two attribute bonuses, one would often have to pay ten times or a hundred times as much money and energy.

  He pursues the stability of a sword more, that is, after he strikes out with one sword, he still has the strength to strike out with a second sword.

  And it’s still the same recipe, still the same taste.

  Quantitative changes lead to qualitative changes, and if there are too many ants, they can kill an elephant.

  Then there was the situation where Wang Zhi had cut hundreds of swords before.

  This is somewhat unacceptable.

  When Ning Huan was killed, Ning Huan was already in a state of confusion. He suffered successive setbacks and was forced to wait for work. During the decisive battle under the moon, Ning Huan only displayed 80% of his strength, while Fang Bie's performance was almost beyond normal. .

  When Yu Wang Zhi was fighting, due to various reasons, the two of them basically fought at 100% strength. If they didn't win the first sword, they could only fall into the dilemma of crazy blacksmithing.

  This does not mean that Wang Zhi is really better than Ning Huan. In fact, it is quite the opposite. If Wang Zhi and Ning Huan really fight, Ning Huan will have the upper hand in all likelihood. Players with strong energy and tight defense don't have any good solutions.

  Qin, the target of this challenge, can be said to be an all-around high-end version of Wang Zhi, with almost no weaknesses.

  This is also the source of Fang Bie's anxiety.

  "As military strategists say, you must put them to death to survive." Zhang Buping sighed and said: "What I call a sword is not really a life-threatening attack that exchanges injuries for injuries and kills both." "It's about putting all your beliefs together

  . It all depends on this sword."

  "Look for the flaw and opportunity that will kill you, and then use your best sword to finish the opponent." "

  This is the subtlety of a sword."

  Fang Bie was a little stunned. Living.

  In fact, he understands the truth.

  To put it bluntly, isn’t it just Xiao Li’s flying knife?
  Xiao Li's flying dagger never misses a beat. Every move will hit the target and he will be killed with the dagger.

  Why is Xiao Li's flying knife so amazing?

  Since Li Xunhuan has such a flying knife, why should he be afraid of Shangguan Jinhong? When they meet, he can't help but throw the knife at him, then brush off his clothes and go away, can't he just hide his merit and fame?
  But of course this won't work.

  Why does Xiao Li's flying sword hit the target perfectly?
  That's because when Li Xunhuan was unsure, he just pretended that he didn't have a knife in his hand.

  Only when he believed that he had found the flaw that would kill him, and that he could kill someone with just a sword, would he choose to throw out the flying knife in his hand.

  That's all.

  Li Xunhuan's flying knife is not so much a hidden weapon as it is the essence of his overall martial arts in the flying knife weapon.

  The truth is this.

  To put it bluntly, everyone understands.

  But will you do it if you understand the truth?
  Most people have heard a lot of great truths, but how many of them can live this life without any regrets?
  What is easier said than done cannot be accomplished by just talking.

  But at this moment, Fang Bu suddenly realized that he might be able to do it.

  But he just doesn't have the courage and consciousness.

  Relatively speaking - Sister Ping is closer to the realm of Xiao Li's flying knife.

  Sister Ping has fought countless battles in her life. In fact, life and death fighting means that one of the two people participating in the battle must die.

  This is probably the cruelest thing in the world.

  It's like two gladiators each winning a thousand battles in their own arena, each becoming an undefeated legend.

  But when two legends collide, one legend is destined to perish.

  In front of Sister Ping, she is the eternal undefeated legend.

  In fact, in many of Sister Ping's battles, she is the weaker one.

  After all, Sister Ping has a Jiuyin Juemai, and her innate Qi is deficient, so she can only rely on moves and skills to hurt the enemy.

  However, Sister Ping was able to seize the only flaw and finally gave the enemy a fatal blow.

  This is why Sister Ping said she could kill Qin, and Qin believed she could do what she said.

  It just means that Sister Ping has now lost her mentality of risking death and living.

  As the saying goes - when an assassin doesn't want to die.

  He is not far from death.

  Fang Bu is the assassin who never wants to die, so he will never put all his bets on that sword.

  But in front of him, Zhang Buping told him that if he wanted to improve, he must practice a real sword.

  Instead of repeating a sword that has been tempered thousands of times.

  Fang Bie sighed and looked at the old Taoist in front of him: "Does Master Zhang believe that I can do it?" "

  Actually, even I don't think I can do such a thing."

  Such a sword is of course what Kendo pursues The highest state.

  Or the most concise killing realm.

  We don't pursue the so-called swordsmanship at all, we don't pursue the so-called blocking and confrontation, and we don't pursue the so-called tricks.

  No matter how many ways you have, I only have one sword, here to take your life.

  This also means that if you don't die with one sword strike, then I will die.

  Fang Bi's sword can be repeated. He can repeat that sword thousands of times until the opponent is chopped down like a tree and iron.

  To put it bluntly, he is a real question master. He goes to the examination room and looks around, opens the examination paper and writes furiously.

  Without him, you are familiar with it.

  As long as I do enough questions, I won't encounter questions that I don't know.

  If it happens, it means I haven’t done enough.

  Don't practice sword fighting enough.

  With just this sword, Fang Bie can be said to be the strongest in the world.

  And Zhang Buping also pointed out the weakness of Fang Bie's sword.

  Strong is strong, but it has no soul.

  Fang Bie just turned the countless swords he had practiced under the moonlit night and in the wind and snow into one sword and struck it out unreasonably.

  There is only one difference between heaven and earth.

  So there is only this sword in this world.

  With this sword, Fang Bie can become one of the top ten masters in the world.

  He can be said to be the smartest person in the world, but he learned the stupidest sword in the world.

  There is no one else, because Fang Bie knows that only this stupidest sword can help him do what he wants to do and protect the people he wants to protect.

  But this sword is so stupid, so stupid that if the opponent can resist this sword, then there will be no room for maneuver. Either he will turn around and run away, or he will have to focus on cutting out the sword one after another.

  It would be even more appropriate if you sing and sing about slashing the devil's head with a broadsword.

  What Zhang Buping meant was that Fang Bi used the sword sense he had honed from his previous sword practice and the experience he gained from observing countless battles, and finally integrated it into a swordsmanship without any moves.

  If a stupid sword is said to be a sword that has been tempered and carved until there is no flaw, and then the flawless sword is used to kill people.

  As for the sword that Zhang Buping wanted Fang Bing to use, he had to find the most suitable sword to kill the opponent based on the enemy's skills and moves, and then use it.

  This sounds a bit like Dugu Nine Swords.

  But no matter what, the Dugu Nine Swords have various types of sword-breaking, palm-breaking, and qi-breaking nine swords. There are also such a long general outline and sub-outlines, which clearly shows that it is also a master of martial arts.

  And if Fang Bie practices this sword, then he himself will be a living sword manual.

  In the past years, because of his sword practice, Fang Bie has read almost every martial arts secret book on swordsmanship, and even has the energy to classify different secret books into categories. This is not something that can be done behind closed doors at home.

  Fang Bie sighed.

  If he really changes his sword practice, then he will abandon the stable, decent and trustworthy stupid sword and try this kind of crazy sword martial arts that is like the sudden inspiration of a flying fairy from outside the sky.

  No matter how much I think about it, I feel dissatisfied.

  "By the way, Mr. Zhang." Fang Bie suddenly said.

  "Tell me." Zhang Buping is really one of those old-timers who is very approachable and doesn't put on any airs. Of course, that's if you want to meet him.

  Although Zhang Buping has no airs, he is really hard to meet.

  "Starting today, I won't practice sword practice." Fang Bie blurted out, then waved his hand: "It's true, I'm not Wen Hua." "What I mean is, starting

  today, I won't practice sword practice. How about I practice the second sword?"

  "That is to say, I can still use the stupid sword, but at the same time I try to practice the sword that is like a flying fairy." "The

  stupid sword plus the skillful sword are two swords. ."

  "Two swords don't sound good, so let's call them two swords." "

  If one day, I can master the two swords, it will be said to be a great success." "

  At this time, my sword will be called Fuji . Sword."

  "What do you think, real person?" Fang Bie said with a smile.

  Even Zhang Buping didn't know how to answer the playful and smiling young man in front of him.

  "Be poor or you can be poor!" Behind Zhang Buping, Bai Yun made a face at Fang Bi and mocked mercilessly.

  "No." At this time, Shang Li's voice came from behind Fang Bi.

  In fact, Shang Li has always been there.

  But don't go in, Shang Li is still outside.

  But even outside the door, he could still hear the sounds inside.

  "There are no two swords or two swords in this world." Shang Li walked into the door and looked at Fang Bie and said.

  "Unless you go crazy."

  Zhang Buping nodded: "Master Shang is right."

  Fang Bi smiled bitterly: "So I just liven up the atmosphere, don't take it seriously." "

  Okay, Mr. Zhang, please give me I pointed out the only feasible way."

  "But do I need to give up my martial arts skills?"

  (End of this chapter)

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