66. Chapter 66 I am best at cutting air bangs (please recommend on Monday)

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  Chapter 66: I am best at cutting air bangs (asking for recommendations on Monday)

  . If there is anything to be thankful for, it is that the guest room where the Dragon Boat Festival is located is not next door to Ningxia.

  The two people tiptoed to the room, lit the oil lamp, and locked the door.

  Only Duan Wu was sleeping peacefully on the bed in the room, as if everything in this world had nothing to do with him.

  Fang didn't let Xue Ling sit in front of the chair. He took a mirror to Xue Ling and placed it in front of him. He picked up the shiny black scissors.

  "What hairstyle do you want? How about Hepburn hair?"

  "What is Hepburn hair?" Xue Ling asked without understanding.

  Fang Bie reached out and touched Xue Ling's ears. The young man's fingers touched Xue Ling's skin and earlobes, causing the girl to tremble slightly.

  "Probably just the hair cut here."

  "No!" Xue Ling refused immediately.

  "Then what hairstyle do you plan to have?" Fang Bie asked, "I don't know how to perm, dye or curl it." "Just

  cut it short. What are you good at?" Xue Ling asked.

  "I'm best at cutting air bangs." Fang Bie calmly joked.

  By the way, insert your fingers into the handle of the scissors and spin them like a windmill.

  Xue Ling saw the funny actions of the young man behind her in the mirror. At that moment, Xue Ling wanted to laugh, but thinking that she would let him cut her hair soon, she stopped laughing.

  Sadness and joy are all in one thought.

  "How long do you plan to stay?" Fang Bie asked Xue Ling for her opinion.

  Yes, just listen to what others say and make your own decision before you almost end up singing it.

  Xue Ling thought for a while and gestured with her shoulders.

  Well, if it's cut to the shoulders, it's half the hair volume.

  Fang didn't reach out, the scissors clicked, and Xue Ling heard the crisp sound behind her of hair breaking due to the pressure of the scissors.

  Fang Bie also grabbed the section of hair that had been cut off and placed it on the table.

  Yes, cutting hair is that simple. Just click the scissors and the work will be done.

  Xue Ling looked at the hair in front of her, feeling a little dazed.

  Yes, when I actually cut it, I felt that there was no illusion at all.

  Xue Ling stretched out her hand and touched her hair. It felt smooth and slightly cool, and very comfortable to the touch. However, she heard Fang Bie continue to say: "I can trim it again. What style do you want?" Listening to Fang Bie's tone, he seemed to really care

  . It feels like you are a hairdresser.

  "What style?" In Xue Ling's impression, doesn't cutting hair just mean cutting it short?

  After all, whatever hairstyle she chooses to wear next, whether it’s a bun or a braid, is all the girl’s own business, and it has nothing to do with the barber.

  "Hey, the ancients really saved money." Fang Bie sighed: "You don't know how many people the hair salon will support in the future." "

  Huh?" Xue Ling hummed, and Fang Bie reached out to touch Xue Ling's head: " If there is no objection, is it so long?"

  Xue Ling didn't know why, but now there was no obvious resistance to being touched by Fang Bie. In other words, as Fang Bie said before, since they are partners, there is a lot of meaning. Yes, it's like a family relationship.

  "How about the Ji-fa style?" Fang Bie continued: "There is no other meaning, mainly because the Ji-fa style has air bangs." Xue Ling did not

  understand why Fang Bie had such resentment towards air bangs, mainly because I am more interested in the Ji-fa style: "Ji-fa style?"

  "Yes, Ji-fa style." Fang Bie confirmed and said, "This is a popular hairstyle among noble women in overseas countries. It is beautiful and simple. Do you want to try it? ?"

  Fang Bie was rarely so enthusiastic about giving Xue Ling Anliji's hair style, which made Xue Ling a little uneasy: "Is it an overseas hairstyle? Wouldn't that look weird?" "No, then overseas countries admire

  my Chinese culture. , the clothes and customs are all the same as ours in the Tang Dynasty, so they won’t violate the

  peace.” “Which Ji is she?” : "Concubine Ji's Ji?"

  "Nonsense, it's obviously Ji Fa's Ji." Fang Bie seriously corrected Xue Ling's misunderstanding: "And in that overseas country, Ji means princess..." "That's not the case

  . Is this an act of transgression?" Xue Ling said immediately.

  As a Jinyiwei, Xue Ling is particularly sensitive to this kind of violation of regulations.

  "No, no, no, but later it became a popular hairstyle among nobles, and sometimes civilians also used it." Fang Bie explained to Xue Ling carefully.

  Xue Ling also seriously asked whether this hairstyle would involve shaving the scalp and plucking eyebrows, and then finally made a decision: "Okay." The girl had the spirit of disregarding death: "Let's get it cut.


  So Fang Bie took the scissors and cut it, and Xue Ling also looked at her own hair in the mirror falling strands, and her black hair was like smoke.

  And Xue Ling also roughly understood what this hairstyle was about.

  Fang Bing didn't take care of her hair at the back. According to Fang Bing, as long as it's dark, straight and long enough, it's a good hairstyle.

  As for hair, Xue Ling is quite confident.

  On the premise that the hair at the back is basically not treated much, the hair on the forehead is carefully trimmed into bangs, just like what Fang Bie had always remembered before, which are air bangs, cut at the same level as the eyebrows.

  As for the hair that hangs in front of the ears on both sides, cut it to the chin level.

  According to Fang Bi, Xue Ling's hair was of good quality and long, so it was very easy to take care of.

  When Fang Bie finally finished trimming his bangs bit by bit, he carefully put away the cut hair and planned to make a wig for Dragon Boat Festival. He put the mirror in front of Xue Ling: "Okay, let's take a look. "

  Xue Ling looked into the mirror and saw the girl in the mirror with bright eyes and white teeth, light bangs on her head, and the hair on both sides hanging down to outline the curvature of her cheeks, which made her look more three-dimensional. The long hair behind her was basically not tidied up. , black straight across the shoulders, even more neat and beautiful.

  As a girl, Xue Ling understood at a glance that this hairstyle was very suitable for long hair. After all, when cutting hair, you only need to shorten the bangs and legs, and you can tailor it according to your needs.

  Overall, as Fang Bie said, this is a very novel and beautiful hairstyle. Xue Ling has never seen other girls with this kind of hair, but it is also full of novelty and not at all weird. Violation.

  In short, Xue Ling was very satisfied.

  The girl glanced at Fang Bie and found that Fang Bie was arranging her hair. She couldn't help but ask, "Why do you want to cut my hair like this?" "

  Because I'm good at cutting air bangs?" Fang Bie smiled softly, and then looked at Xue bell.

  "The main reason is that I feel that you will look very beautiful with your Ji hair style."

  "Look, you are very beautiful now."

  Xue Ling pursed her lips.


  "Thank you for the compliment."

  PS: Asking for recommendations on Monday.

  (End of chapter)

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