619. Chapter 614 You don’t have martial ethics

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  Chapter 614: You don’t have martial ethics

  . For a moment, both of them fell into silence.

  There is no way to continue this fight.

  After all, the two people have different styles.

  Hei Wu has rough skin, thick flesh, and strong strength. Shang Jiuge's normal move is to tickle him, but if it's really cruel, Hei Wu can't bear it.

  Likewise, Shang Jiuge couldn't even catch a single move from Hei Wu in a head-on fight. If she wanted to win, she could only attack Hei Wu's vital points or some more fatal flaws.

  If it's a fight of life and death, there's nothing to say, just fight and it's over.

  Anyway, only one of the last two people can stand, and Shang Jiuge has a slightly greater chance of winning.

  But if it was a point-and-shoot fight like this, even if Shang Jiuge really used only a fish bone as a weapon, it would be difficult to win the fight.

  "How about this?" Hei Wu looked at Shang Jiuge and said.

  Then he slowly pulled his legs out of the sand.

  Shang Jiuge nodded and put down the snow-white fish bone in his hand in a daze.

  She now understood why Fang Bi refused to fight him to the death.

  I am also afraid of this happening.

  "Okay." Shang Jiuge said this reluctantly: "How about this." "

  And, have they finished fighting?" Shang Jiuge asked.

  The two people looked at another battlefield at the same time.

  And the answer over there is no.

  Compared with the basically unsustainable battle between Hei Wu and Shang Jiuge, the battle between Ning Xia and Xue Ling was much more anxious.

  Because this is destined to be an anxious battle. After all, the gap between Ningxia and Xue Ling is not big, and it is not like Hei Wu and Shang Jiuge who are going toe-to-toe with each other. The slightest carelessness will result in one death and one injury.

  Xue Ling's Vajra Indestructible Kung Fu is wide open and close, with great power and low force. The orthodox Buddhist martial arts has a long aura. It is said that evil cannot suppress good, but Ning Xia's Goddess of Surprise Kung Fu is extremely gentle and graceful. Xue Ling's every punch and kick is powerful. It was so close, but it could only touch the corner of Ningxia's clothes.

  So Hei Wu and Shang Jiuge's side has almost achieved results, but Xue Ling and Ning Xia's side still seems to be a long battle.

  "What should we do if they also tie?" Shang Jiuge couldn't help but ask.

  It is difficult for the two of them to tell the winner, so it can only be regarded as a tie. However, it seems that it is difficult for Ningxia and Xue Ling to tell the winner.

  Hei Wu shook his head: "I don't know."

  "But if it's a tie, at least we won't leave with you."

  "This sounds very serious." Shang Jiuge nodded, then raised his voice The voice was directed at Xue Ling who was fighting: "Lin Xue, if you don't work hard, this trip will be in vain."

  Xue Ling was a little angry after hearing this, Shang Jiuge really couldn't stand and talk. Back pain.

  Why did I bring you here? Isn't it to let you come over and be my thug?

  It's great now. You've been playing around for a long time, but in the end nothing came out. In the end, you still have to count on me to come back.

  But when thinking like this, Xue Ling still couldn't bear to see Ningxia in front of her.

  Because to put it bluntly, it’s just three words.

  Can't hit.

  Ningxia's body shape is unpredictable, and Xue Ling's King Kong Indestructibility is not a martial art that relies on speed to win. If it were a head-on confrontation, Ning Xia would have been beaten away by Xue Ling. However, Ning Xia never fought with Xue Ling head-on, and just used He used the Goddess of Surprise skill from time to time to hit key points around Xue Ling's body, but these blows couldn't do anything to Xue Ling for a while, and the fight between the two ended.

  Xue Ling felt anxious, and instantly used up 120% of her strength, and struck Ning Xia with all her strength. Of course, Ning Xia still didn't answer. She dodged sideways and asked with a smile: "Why, are you in a hurry?" Before she finished speaking, Ning Xia still didn't answer

  . , Xue Ling flew up with a kick and swept towards Ningxia.

  Regardless of speed or accuracy, it is faster than the previous punches and kicks.

  Ning Xia was taken aback, and she was a little distracted. At this time, Xue Ling's almost heavenly kick made her unable to resist. She could only flick her wrist and use the Wrapping and Unloading Jue. Xue Ling's kick flew up diagonally, and Ning Xia's body flew up along with her feet. Her sleeves and hands were wrapped around Xue Ling's flying leg. It was like brown candy. Xue Ling suddenly became I can't get rid of it either.

  But Xue Ling was looking for this opportunity. Seeing Ning Xia entangled her feet, although her own movements were restricted for a while, Ning Xia also restricted herself. The girl withdrew her fist, and then pushed out towards Ning Xia with a palm, but it was Emei The golden top and cotton palm of the pie.

  When Xue Ling first came here, she pretended to be a disciple of the Emei sect, so she learned some superficial Emei Kung Fu. However, these Emei Kung Fu were later transformed by the Kongwu monk. , Xue Ling has not used it for a long time.

  However, after Xue Ling faced off against the enemy several times, she discovered that although Shaolin's martial arts were fierce and fierce, there were very few changes. Almost all of them were straight-forward martial arts. It felt good, but after the battle with Yin Ye, he was also beaten terribly by Yin Ye's Dou Zhuan Xing Shift.

  Therefore, in fact, as early as when Yin Ye was still on the ship, Xue Ling tried to find Yin Ye to discuss the shortcomings of his Vajra Indestructible Magic. After becoming the queen bee, Yin Ye was even more available. With the backup support of Beehive, Xue Ling began to try to practice some skillful kung fu, such as the Emei Sect's Golden Top Mianzhang, which came from Buddhism, but with more changes. Of course, in principle, only if you can grasp the flower fingering, Xue Ling's strength can be fully achieved I really can't learn the fingering technique of nianhua.

  In short, it was too late, but it was so fast. Seeing Xue Ling's kick fly out, Ningxia untied her foot, but she didn't expect that Xue Ling would just step forward and give her a palm. It seemed light, but it contained several changes.

  Ning Xia's expression finally became serious, she raised Qian Qiansu's hand and gave Xue Ling a serious palm slap.

  This is Ningxia's first head-to-head confrontation with Xue Ling.

  Jing Tao Ming Jade Palm!
  Xue Ling was originally ecstatic, but she never expected that after the palm exchange, Ning Xia's internal energy would continue to surge towards her like layers of waves, and even for a moment, she could not resist it.

  Ning Xia looked at Xue Ling and smiled quietly.

  Then she slowly opened her mouth.

  In Ningxia's mouth, there was a bright silver needle.

  At this time, Ning Xia's mouth activated the Qi, and the silver needle shot out of the air instantly, flying straight towards Xue Ling's eyes.

  Shang Jiuge, who was watching the battle on the sidelines, was stunned: "What are you doing!"

  As agreed, it was just a matter of discussion between the arena and the lake.

  Why don't you practice martial ethics?
  Make a sneak attack!
  Get into a fight!

  Xue Ling, on the other hand, was not afraid at all. She lowered her head, moved forward, and hit Ning Xia on the forehead with a headbutt.

  Ning Xia was directly knocked out by Xue Ling, and then fell to the ground unsteadily.

  (End of chapter)

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