547.Chapter 542 Borrowed bamboo

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  Chapter 542 Borrowing Bamboo

  "I mean." Fang Bie looked at Hu Beizong and continued to say quietly: "I have a batch of goods in my hand that will be given to Wang Zhi." "The

  delivery location is at Yingtian Mansion."

  "If it doesn't come out. If anything unexpected happens, I can use this batch of goods to meet Wang Zhi." This

  was the second time Hu Beizong had heard these words, but he still couldn't believe his ears.

  He tried to hide his shock: "Are you serious?" He

  first asked you what you were talking about, and then asked if you were serious.

  There's a big difference between taking it seriously or not.

  "Of course it's true." Fang Bieyan said concisely.

  "Aren't you afraid that I will send someone to arrest you now?" Hu Beizong said without any threat: "Talking with the Japanese is a capital crime." Yes, treason with the Japanese is a capital crime,

  but those who steal hooks will be punished, and those who steal the country are princes.

  According to the court's calculations, Fang Bie's death penalty was no longer one or two.

  Therefore, if there are many lice, there will be no itching. If there are many debts, there will be no worries.

  "If the governor is willing, you can arrest me now." Fang Bie looked at Hu Beizong and said with a smile.

  A gentle smile that is harmless to humans and animals.

  Xue Ling, who was on the side, curled her lips calmly.

  What Fang Bie enjoys the most is probably the feeling that you clearly dislike me but can't kill me.

  At this time, Hu Beizong also noticed Xue Ling.

  "Dare I ask who you are?" Hu Beizong looked at Xue Ling and asked.

  "Xia Lin Xue." Xue Ling said calmly.

  "Lin Xue, Lin Xue is such a good name." Hu Beizong murmured. After saying this, he turned his eyes to Fang Bie again: "I dare to ask Fang Shaoxia, what is the purpose of telling me this?" Hu Beizong said

  . asked with a confused face.

  Fang Bie sighed in his heart.

  Anyone who can ascend to the position of a feudal official is a genius, especially those who climb up step by step. He really knows everything in his heart, but he still can't tell clearly. good friend.

  Some words still need to be spoken more appropriately by other parties.

  "Does it mean that Governor Hu is just going to stand by and watch?" Fang Bie looked at Hu Beizong and continued.

  Hu Beizong looked at Fang Bie: "May I ask what Shaoxia Fang has to say?"

  Fang Bie could only turn his gaze to Guang Jiqi. Faced with such a weak Tai Chi push hand, Fang Bie was unable to use it, so he had to ask for help from others.

  Guang Jiqi smiled and said, "Sir Governor, please go with Fang Shaoxia to see Wang Zhi with your own eyes and talk to Wang Zhi in person. What do you think, Mr. Hu?" "Okay." Hu Beizong finally nodded with approval

  . nod.

  ...   Hu Beizong stayed in this hut just waiting for the arrival of Fang Bie and Guang Jiqi. After meeting the two of them, there was no need to stay in the hut. The group continued to escort Hu Beizong and sent him back to the Governor of Liangjiang


Mansion, watching Hu Beizong re-enter the vermilion door, Fang Bu stood outside the door and breathed a sigh of relief.

  Guang Bie looked at Fang Bie and said, "Brother Fang, why don't you go in together?" "

  No, no, the official authority inside is too great. I'm not used to it." Fang Bie looked at Guang Jiqi and said with a smile, "Besides, I've always been used to it. Because you control everything within your own ability, when you enter a strange place, your control will naturally decrease." "So this is why I

  told Shang Jiuge to meet Hu Beizong there." "

  That Shang Girl..." Guang Jiqi recalled Shang Jiuge's appearance, but Shang Jiuge left on his own after handing over Hu Beizong and did not stay there, so he only left Guang Jiqi with him once.

  But although Miss Shang is no longer around, the legend of Miss Shang is still circulating in the world.

  From the mouths of the guards, Guang Jiqi had roughly understood the whole story. There was no doubt that Zhao, the hive assassin who came to assassinate Hu Beizong, was definitely not inferior to Yan Jiu. After all, he was guarded by hundreds of people in full force. He entered a deserted place and wanted to kill Hu Beizong. If Shang Jiuge hadn't taken action in the end, he would probably have succeeded.

  "Shang Jiuge." Fang Bie reminded quietly.

  "Miss Shang seems to be very strong." Guang Jiqi looked at Fang Bie and said thoughtfully.

  "That's quite strong." Fang Bie sighed: "Do you know about the Huashan sect? She is the leader of the Huashan sect, do you understand?" "Huashan sect?

  Her?" Guangji Qi still knows about the Huashan sect. After all, people In the shadow of the famous tree, the Huashan Sect occupies the famous mountains and rivers of Huashan, and its reputation naturally spreads far and wide.

  "She's too young." Shang Jiuge's natural talent makes it impossible for people to recognize her as Shang Jiuge.

  "So she is Shang Jiuge." Fang Bie said lightly. At this moment, a gray-clothed housekeeper walked in from the gate of the Liangjiang Governor's Mansion: "Who is Miss Lin?" Lin Xuechi

  said Startled: "That's me."

  "That's it. Your Excellency, please invite Miss Lin in for a chat. Do you dare to ask Miss Lin if you would like me?" The butler in gray said softly, making no one feel the slightest bit disgusted.

  "What if I don't go?" Lin Xue asked.

  "My lord has said that if Miss Lin doesn't want to come, then she won't force her to come," said the butler in gray.

  Lin Xue nodded and looked towards Fang Bie.

  Fang Bie smiled: "You make the decision."

  Lin Xue looked at the steward in gray clothes, pondered for a moment, and then looked at Fang Bie: "Then I'll go and come back."

  The steward in gray clothes watched all this calmly and said He didn't say anything, and waited until Lin Xue made a decision, then stretched out his hand and made a gesture of invitation: "Miss Lin, come with me."

  Fang Bie watched quietly as Lin Xue's back disappeared behind the red door.

  "Brother Fang, don't worry." Guang Jiqi looked at Fang Bie's expression and said with a smile: "Master Hu has always been Zhou Zheng and not close to women."

  Fang Bie laughed dumbly: "I'm not worried about this."

  "I am. I would like to ask if there is any connection between Governor Hu and the former commander of the Jinyi Guards."

  "Your Majesty, the commander of the Jinyi Guards?" Guang Jiqi looked at Fang Bie, and his expression suddenly changed: "You mean Xue Ping?"

  Xue Ping's reputation in the court was so great that when it came to the Commander of the Imperial Guards, almost everyone would default to the original Master Xue.

  "Who else could it be if he wasn't him?" Fang Bie said with a faint smile: "Did Governor Hu receive any favor from that gentleman?"

  Guang Jiqi was shocked. He looked around, if he wasn't worried about Fang Bie's martial arts, , I'm afraid he has already rushed up and covered Fang Bie's mouth: "You can eat randomly, but you can't talk nonsense." "

  That's right." Fang Bie smiled: "In short, General Guang seems to be in Yingtian Mansion. You don’t have a place to stay.”

  “Then you might as well come and stay on my boat for a while.”



  Lin Xue followed the butler in gray all the way through the halls and alleys, and finally stopped in front of a small study.

  "Girl, please come in, Mr. Hu is waiting inside." said the butler in gray.

  Xue Ling nodded, patted her chest gently, calmed down her mood, and then pushed the door open and entered.

  Just as the housekeeper in gray clothes said, Hu Beizong was sitting in front of the study window. In front of him was a clump of green bamboo, which was so green that it was very pleasant.

  "An ancient saying goes, you can eat without meat, but you can't live without bamboo."

  Hu Beizong raised his head and looked at Lin Xue: "Miss Lin, do you think the decoration in my study is in line with the girl's ideas?"

  Xue Ling did not look around.

  how to say.

  The study room of the Governor of Liangjiang was of course decorated by famous artists. If the decoration of the study room is not good, there are only two possibilities. The first one is that the owner has a strange aesthetic taste and created a nondescript study room to impress the public after some blind instructions. The other one is that The first situation is that the previous owner put up a nondescript study room, and the next owner is too lazy or unable to change it, so he can only live with it.

  Of course, Hu Beizong naturally does not fall into the above two situations. He was a Jinshi and had no political background. He was able to fight hard along the way and had outstanding political achievements. No matter how the king's flag was changed on the city wall, no matter which party was in power. , all need to appoint Hu Beizong, a capable minister and general. Now that Hu Beizong can assume the position of governor of Liangjiang and is as stable as Mount Tai, it can be said that he does not rely on anything else, just relying on the four words "he must be".

  "Master Hu's study is naturally good." Xue Ling said.

  "I wonder how it compares to Master Xue's study?" Hu Beizong said lightly.

  Xue Ling looked at Hu Beizong: "I don't know what Master Hu means."

  Hu Beizong smiled: "Do you know why I met Miss Xue here?" "

  That year I took office as the Governor-General of Liangjiang, and the Japanese pirate rebellion was in full swing. I was exhausted and running around, thinking that my reputation might be ruined in one moment." "

  At this time, Mr. Xue Ping wrote from Yanjing and asked me if I was still used to living in Yingtian Mansion." "

  I replied, Food and accommodation are available, but there are no good bamboos in the courtyard." "

  On the tenth day after I sent the letter, Mr. Xue sent someone to take some good bamboos from Wuyi Mountain and sent them to me."

  Hu Beizong pointed in front of him: "Look, these are the plants."

  "When I came to the south of the Yangtze River, I didn't feel acclimated to the climate. On the contrary, the place where they grew became more green and pleasant."

  Xue Ling said nothing.

  Hu Beizong smiled and said, "That girl is laughing." "

  I wrote to Mr. Xue, saying that there is no bamboo here. Of course, it is not just as simple as there is no bamboo." "

  After all, no matter how incompetent I am as the governor of Liangjiang, I will not be able to continue for several consecutive years." I can't even get a single bamboo."

  "What I was worried about at the time was that I had no one to use, so I had no good wood and good bamboo to make the pillars of the house." "

  And Master Xue Ping could see my distress at a glance. , so not only did the bamboos be delivered, but the people who delivered them were all Mr. Xue’s most proud subordinates. They made suggestions for me, led troops in battles, and planned strategies. Chen Shouyi really made great contributions. ."

  "I have used these bamboos for three years. After three years, the foundation has been established." "When

  I wanted to return these bamboos to Mr. Xue, a shocking change occurred in the court." Hu Beizong looked at Xue Ling: "Commander Jin Yiwei. Xue Ping died mysteriously overnight."

  "Master Xue Ping only married one wife in his life, and he had no sons, only one daughter." "

  His intention was actually to prove to the emperor that he had no sons, so he had no Ambition."

  "After all, in this world since ancient times, except for Emperor Zetian, which woman has been able to ascend to Dabao, the Nine-Fiveth Lord?" "

  Because the power in Lord Xue's hands is too great." "

  On weekdays, Such a position should be occupied by a nine-thousand-year-old man. Although we scholars and officials do not like those eunuchs, even I have to admit that there is at least one good thing about eunuchs, that is, eunuchs cannot be emperors, so they are the emperor's A dog."

  "He will bite whoever the emperor asks him to bite. If the emperor no longer wants to keep it, he can kill the dog by slipping a note from the palace gate and let the servants vent their anger. By the way, it can also be cooked in soup. Eat meat."

  "Eunuchs are slaves all their lives, but Master Xue is not a slave."

  "It's just that I didn't expect that Master Xue would be so loyal that he would eventually be jealous of the king and end up like this."

  Xue Ling licked her lips gently . Lips: "How did you recognize me?"

  If what Hu Beizong said to Xue Ling today was heard by a third person, then it would be a crime of disrespect.

  Disrespect and bullying are both capital crimes.

  "I met Miss Xue several times when she was young. However, I was not Mr. Xue's confidant, not before, not now, and not in the future." Hu Beizong said lightly: "So I will never enter Mr. Xue's house rashly. In a private house, I, Hu Zhenru, have had no friends or party in my life. I only seek the benefit of the country and bring happiness to all people." "I

  asked Mr. Xue for bamboo because I believe that Mr. Xue is also a pillar of the country who values ​​the country, the country, and the interests of his friends. .   "   "

  Mr.   _   _ I don’t want to find out anymore.”   Because more and more evidence points to the only person who has the ability to do it, and what is unclear now are the details.   But what's the point of figuring out the details?   In the end, can Xue Ling really kill that person to take revenge?   "I actually don't know how Master Xue died." Hu Beizong sighed: "If the saint really had murderous intentions towards Master Xue, then he would just issue an edict to kill him. Even if he said that Master Xue was his disciple, he was an old official. The world, no matter how big it is, can it be bigger than the Prime Minister Hu who passed by?" "   How did Prime Minister Hu die? Mr. Xue can't escape." "   But the specific cause of Mr. Xue's death is still a mystery."   " Even the positions of senior officials in the imperial court have not changed much." "   Actually, it's not just me. At least half of the senior officials in the imperial court and all parties have received more or less favors from Mr. Xue. For Mr. Xue, , we have some compassion in our hearts, but for these compassions, we can't directly question the saint on the surface." "   But the voice from the bottom of the heart is the most undeceable."   Hu Beizong looked at Xue Ling: "Actually, I called the girl here this time just to ask."   "What exactly is the girl thinking?"   "Because she wants to inherit your father's legacy and complete his unfinished business."   "Still."   "I just want to live my life well."   (End of chapter)


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