465. Chapter 460 Will you help me after I get married?

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  Chapter 460: Will you help me after I get married?

  Don't ask other people if they have any objections. Basically, it's all about making a decision. After all, people who can't go have been excluded before.

  Shang Jiuge couldn't go, and Sheng Junqian decided not to go after considering it. It was inconvenient to go to Ningxia, and he had to stay home during the Dragon Boat Festival.

  Among those who left, He Ping, as the bee attractor, had to go, otherwise Fang Bu would prefer He Ping to stay at home and keep watch.

  Housekeeping is also He Ping's old profession.

  Fang Bie is the main force of Fengzhen, and he is almost the protagonist of this Hongmen Banquet - after all, others don't know that the list made by Fengchao doesn't know that your boy is Linghu Chong?

  Xue Ling was Fang Bie's partner, Bee Wing, but she was also within the scope of whether she could go or not. Xue Ling was embarrassed to take the initiative to say that she wanted to go, but Fang Bie had already spoken, and the girl had no room to refuse.

  As for Hei Wu, a gold-medal thug, everyone who has used it says it is good and does not need any explanation at all.

  The only person who had any objections was also sitting here, lowering his head and eating the snow-white tofu bit by bit.

  When Huo Ying heard Fang Bi said if she had any objections, the girl raised her head. There was white jade-like tofu lying in the spoon. It was difficult to tell whether it was white face or white tofu.

  "I'm not going." Huo Ying said quietly, "I'm just waiting for your hand to be good."

  I'm just waiting for your hand to be good.

  This is also the reason why Huo Ying has stayed here.

  After all, to put it bluntly, Huo Ying didn't really join Xiaohun Inn. In fact, after bringing Tian Bu Lao back, Huo Ying actually planned to leave. She even said that she had said goodbye once, but that time because she finally saw that Fang Bu was in trouble, Huo Ying finally decided to leave. Stayed temporarily.

  After beating Ning Huan, Fang Bu's right hand was injured, and Huo Ying helped Fang Bu's treatment and care. Seeing that Fang Bu's hand was almost healed, Huo Ying was about to say goodbye again.

  Fang Bie looked at Huo Ying, and the young man turned his head and smiled: "Would you like to go take a look?"

  Huo Ying also looked at Fang Bie.

  Both men are smart people.

  In other words, the two of them were almost the smartest people present, so a lot of things were left unsaid.

  For example, if Huo Ying goes to the Beehive gathering, in what capacity?

  Observer wild card?

  Are you kidding me?

  Therefore, if Huo Ying wants to go, Fang Bie will arrange a suitable identity within the hive for Huo Ying, which is a sign that Huo Ying officially joins Xiaohun Inn.

  Of course Huo Ying knew.

  Huo Ying shook her head quietly, opened her mouth, and swallowed the piece of snow-white tofu into her mouth.

  "I'm not going." Huo Ying said calmly: "After you give me the agreed reward." "

  I'll leave."

  ...   The agreed reward is what has been agreed upon

  .   Huo Ying did help Fang Bie a lot when she came to Luocheng this time. She determined the progress of Sister Ping's injury and nursed Ning Xia back. She also presided over the adjustment of Shang Jiuge's condition and configured the most suitable pure glass for her. Fang Lai helped her start trying to master the world of purity, and was the biggest contributor to Shang Jiuge's success in entering the first-level realm.   It can only be said that technical talents like Huo Ying are in urgent need everywhere. Although Fang's other medical skills are so-so and he can even preside over detoxification surgeries in Ningxia, these are definitely things Huo Ying looks down upon. , after all, Huo Ying is the real professional.   It's stupid to try to do whatever you want. Ever since Huo Ying came, Fang Bu has not tried to show off his medical skills.   After all, if you use your spare time to challenge other people's eating skills, even if you are different, you have no chance of defeating Huo Ying.   Of course - Huo Ying is Fang Bing's friend.   Very early friends, and very, very good friends.   In Fang Bi's words, Huo Ying was his first ally.   Huo Ying came to help. It was really just helping. As long as Fang didn't assume that she owed a favor, Huo Ying didn't want anything.   Huo Ying is the kind of person who can be summoned with just one sentence, and then leave quietly without saying a word.   But Fang Bu didn't want to do this.   Huo Ying was destined to be a very miserable girl. The moment she said she was the Huo family, everything was doomed.   Among the girls Fang Bie knows, almost every girl is pitiful. Ningxia is miserable, and Xue Ling is not much better. Even Shang Jiuge, who seems to be the smoothest, really grows like a weed before finally growing up. Shang Jiuge grew up like a weed.   As for Huo Ying, her biggest pain is because she is too smart and sensible.   Huo Ying's room was also the simplest and most unpretentious one. The girl's room was always filled with a faint scent of medicine mixed with a bit of jasmine. Fang Bu walked in and took a sniff, then smiled and said, "How long have you stayed here?" God?"   Yes, you have only stayed here for a few days, but you have already left your scent in this room.   "Otherwise I might not be able to sleep." Huo Ying said calmly: "Anyway, just carry it."   Fang Bi looked at Huo Ying's plain and white face, looked at it again and again, and finally stretched out his hand.   Huo Ying stood motionless and asked Fang Bie to reach out and gently rub her head, and slightly bid farewell to the little red flower in her hair.   Because it looks better if it's a little bit off.   "Thank you for your hard work." Fang Bie looked at Huo Ying and said.   "It's not bitter." Huo Ying shook her head quietly and said, "Just like you."   "As long as you live, it's not bitter."   "If there comes a day when you can't survive, I can help." Fang Bie continued.   In fact, Fang Bie might have said this to Huo Ying alone.   Regarding Shang Jiuge, Fang Bieben said that he would not take care of him no matter what, and he did so reluctantly in the end.   Ningxia Fangbie was initially a bit reluctant to let go of the boss, but it was Ningxia who finally impressed Fangbie with his performance.   Of course Sister Ping is different. Sister Ping is someone who Fang Don't beg to let her take care of.   Only Huo Ying can clearly say this.   "Even if I get married in the future, will you help me?" Huo Ying said with a smile.   Only in front of Fang Bie, when the two of them were alone, would this ice-like girl feel a little angry.   Fang Bie couldn't help laughing and smiled bitterly: "Of course."   "Rogue." Huo Ying looked at Fang Bie and said a little narrowly.   Fang Bie finally came to his senses: "Ah, that's not the case. Please listen to my explanation!"   If Huo Ying got married and had a husband, would he still need your help?   What help?   In the past, I had always avoided teasing others, but I never expected to be teased by Huo Ying. Should I feel that all medical students are gangsters?   But Fang Bie shook his head quietly next: "No matter when, no matter where, as long as you call me, I will be there." "Just   because you are you, you are Huo Ying."

  "It has nothing to do with anything else."

  Huo Ying looked at Fang Bie, her vision a little blurry for a moment.

  The blur is not because of tears, but because of trance.

  In a daze, she remembered when Lin Xue came to see her. At that time, Lin Xue asked if we might be able to help you.

  Huo Ying's answer at that time was extremely cold: "No one in this world will help me." At

  that time, she stood up on the edge of the cliff alone with her hands on the ground. She walked down the slope in the sunset, her shadow long.

  But now, Fang Bie didn't ask, but made a promise directly to her.

  Huo Ying looked at the young man in front of her and sighed slowly: "So, can you be my husband?"

  (End of Chapter)

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