459. Chapter 454 Auspicious Return

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  Chapter 454: Auspicious Return

  Eunuch Rui certainly didn’t know what happened in this moment, but it was obvious that when Guo Sheng opened the teacup, his whole feeling changed.

  "Eunuch Rui." Guo Sheng looked at him: "Do you really want to see those auspicious things now?"

  Eunuch Rui was a little surprised by Guo Sheng's sudden change of attitude.

  "If possible, please ask Dongzhu Guo to lead the way." Eunuch Rui said unhurriedly.

  Guo Sheng smiled and stood up.

  "Then let's go."



  In fact, Guo Sheng didn't know that even if Fang Bu was able to do it in time, no, it was no longer in time. This was already the level of a magic weapon descending from heaven with great speed - the two Bring back the auspicious items.

  Then where will Fang Bu take it?

  So after walking out of the door with Eunuch Rui, the first thing Guo Sheng did was to ask Butler Su to lead the way.

  Butler Su is the Tsing Yi steward whom Fang Bie met several times last time. His full name is Su Zhen. He is the chief steward of the Guo Mansion and Guo Sheng's right-hand man. It can be said that Butler Su is almost the person Guo Sheng trusts the most.

  "What are your orders, Master?" Butler Su came to Guo Sheng, bowed and saluted, then looked at Guo Sheng and asked.

  "Eunuch Rui wants to see those few things. Although I said that the warehouse is in a mess, I might stain my father-in-law's eyes." "But my

  father-in-law said that this is a major matter involving Long Live Lord, and he cannot be careless in the slightest. Maybe Eunuch Rui also I'm afraid something might go wrong while we're keeping and guarding these auspicious items."

  "So, come and lead the way for Eunuch Rui."

  "Let us all go over and have a look."

  Butler Su nodded, looked at Eunuch Rui and saluted again: " I've met Eunuch Rui."

  "Thank you for not giving up."

  "Follow me."

  So Guo Sheng and Eunuch Rui both followed Butler Su and walked towards the backyard of Guo Mansion.

  Eunuch Rui walked calmly on the surface, but he couldn't help but murmur in his heart.

  Yes, someone had given him a clue, so he came over to explore the truth in person, and see if he could get some benefits by the way.

  What Eunuch Rui said before was also true and false.

  Because there have been several things happening recently that have made Long Live Lord very worried, everyone in the palace is trying hard to make Long Live Lord happy, and it just so happens that Guo Sheng plans to send auspicious auspicious gifts in autumn to please the saint, so Eunuch Rui As a royal supervisor, there is no logical contradiction in coming to Guo Sheng in advance to find out the cause and effect.

  But if you choose this time to hit Guo Sheng's seven inches, then Eunuch Rui's selfishness is involved.

  If Guo Sheng really kept those auspicious items in a safe place, and the auspicious items had not been stolen by others as Eunuch Rui heard, and Guo Sheng had no way to pursue them, then of course everyone would be happy, and Eunuch Rui would be happy when he returned. Being able to give him the discount and praise Guo Sheng greatly is a win-win situation where everyone gets what they need.

  The so-called win-win does not mean that one person wins twice.

  However, if Guo Sheng really lost the auspiciousness, and Eunuch Rui reported the auspiciousness but did not send it, it would be fine if the emperor did not take it to heart. If he remembered it and asked again later, how much would he really have lost? A head.

  Just like Eunuch Rui said - if you want to die, don't drag us to die together.

  This is also true.

  So I came here to confirm that if Guo Sheng really lost his auspiciousness, then he would naturally have to change the order, but if he changed the order, Guo Sheng would also be held responsible.

  This tea mountain was the deal proposed for this reason.

  It's just about losing money and eliminating disaster.

  At this time, hearing Guo Sheng so confidently let Butler Su lead the way, which was very different from his previous behavior, Eunuch Rui couldn't help but murmur in his heart.

  Anyway, without further ado, the three of them walked to the backyard of Guo Mansion without letting others follow them, and then walked deeper from the side of a rockery, when they suddenly felt that the front was suddenly open.

  It turns out that Bianliang has always been a land with lots of water, and the Guo Mansion was actually built on a natural cave. At this time, the Guo family used this cave to build many portals in it, which served as a natural storage warehouse.

  Even Eunuch Rui couldn't help but praise him when he saw such a handiwork.

  Butler Su held a bunch of keys in his hand and opened the heavy wooden doors in front of him one by one. Eunuch Rui felt the air around him and couldn't help but ask: "This warehouse was built underground. It was supposed to be a cave, but why?" I'm in it, but I don't feel at all stuffy and stale?"

  Guo Sheng smiled and didn't answer, while Butler Su shook the key in his hand and said with a smile: "Eunuch Rui, it's not that we don't talk about it, but this involves us. The basis for survival, so I can only respond in silence."

  Eunuch Rui hit a soft nail, but he also knew that it was a bit abrupt to ask this, so he could only change the topic: "Then, where is the auspiciousness?" "That's it

  . It's in front." Butler Su said this, taking out another exquisite-looking copper key from the keychain, and opened the wooden door in front.

  As the door opened, the skylight suddenly shone brightly in front of them, illuminating the entire cave.

  It turned out that there were twists and turns of sunlight shining down from above the cave, and together with the outside air, the entire cave was illuminated as if it were daytime.

  On the left side of the cave, Eunuch Rui suddenly saw a cage made of tin. In the cage, a pair of white tiger cubs that looked to be only a few months old were eating food mashed into meat sauce. It looks extremely sweet.

  Eunuch Rui was stunned for a moment, and then he couldn't help laughing: "Guo Shaodong's family."

  "Good means, good means."

  "Our family will definitely give you a lot of nice words in front of Long Live Lord."

  "Please wait quietly. Good news."



  Bianliang West Lake Villa.

  Next to a steaming black stone hot spring.

  Qin was sitting in the hot spring with his upper body naked, his black hair disheveled. He had a stack of letter paper in his hand, with black and white writing on it, but the content was unknown.

  But every time Qin read a page, he would hold back the energy in his hand, and the page would be shattered into pieces instantly, turn into fly ash, and then fall into the hot spring.

  After a moment, Qin read all the letters in his hand, and then sighed: "Yin Ye."

  "My subordinate is here." A faint female voice came from behind Qin.

  "What do you think?" Qin asked.

  Half of his body was soaked in the scalding hot springs, but there was not a drop of sweat on his body. His skin color was close to bronze, and there was a shocking scar as big as a bowl on his chest.

  "I don't know what you are asking about," Yin Ye said calmly.

  "Haha." Qin laughed in a low voice: "Are you really stupid or are you just pretending to be confused?" "

  I'm asking about that bitch He Ping."

  "What do you think?"

  Even though he was soaked in the scalding hot springs, Qin's voice was still as cold as ice.

  (End of chapter)

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