341. Chapter 339 Humans are not grass and trees, how can they be ruthless?

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  Chapter 339 Humans are not grass and trees, how can they be ruthless?

  Ning Xia looked at her senior brother who fell in the rainy night, and then walked step by step towards Ning Xiao's fallen body, but until now, Ning Xia's expression still did not relax.

  "Senior brother, if you pass out obediently, then I won't kill you." Ning Xia said slowly.

  The sound echoed in the rain.

  "If you want to take this opportunity to give me a final blow, then our brother-sister relationship ends here." Before

  Ning Xia finished speaking, she saw Ning Xiao sighing in the rain.

  He didn't smile, but said yes.

  Then he fainted completely.

  Ning Xia, on the other hand, came to Ning Xiao's side unhurriedly, and lifted him up on her shoulder with one hand. The stature difference between the two of them was like a white fox carrying a colorful tiger, but Ning Xia still didn't care. Without any effort, the Pingpingtingting ground gradually disappeared in the rain.



  Fang Bie waited for a long time at Xiaohun Inn, but in the end, Ningxia was waiting alone.

  The clothes of this woman from the Western Region were full of water stains. Although they were not soaked to the point of drowning, they were not much different.

  "Where are the people?" Fang Bie looked at Ning Xia and asked.

  "I stopped him on the road," Ning Xia said.

  "Why?" Fang Bie looked at Ning Xia and asked. The young man's expression didn't show much surprise.

  "Because he's probably the only one who doesn't deserve to die." Ning Xia said quietly.

  "Don't all the people from Luo Jiao deserve to die?" Fang Bie burst out laughing.

  "Hei Wuya and I are both members of the Luo sect." Ning Xia looked at Fang Bie and said.

  Fang Bie nodded: "Actually, even if he comes, he may not die." "

  But I clearly know that he is no opponent, why do I still let him come?" Ning Xia asked.

  "Even I can stop him, let alone Shang Jiuge now?"

  "Besides, Hei Wu, you and He Ping are both here. Even if the master comes in person, he may not be able to gain favor by going here alone. Fang

  Bie looked at Ning Xia: "Then what are you going to do next?" "

  I'll stop him. If he is willing to listen to my advice and leave Luo City, then the next thing will have nothing to do with him." Ning Xia quietly said "If he insists on staying in Luo City, then what happens next has nothing to do with me."

  The woman from the Western Region made the two possibilities of the matter very clear.

  Fang Bie sighed softly: "You clearly dislike Ning Huaiyuan so much, and you personally killed Ning Guimei and Ning Buxi. Why are you so kind to this senior brother?" "Every senior brother has every senior brother

  . It's different." Ning Xia said quietly.

  "He is the only senior brother who really treats me as a junior sister, rather than a mere accessory of the master." "

  And, in fact, many of my senior brothers claim to have saved my life." "

  But in fact, in my opinion, He is the only person who has saved me."

  Fang Bie nodded slowly: "I understand." "

  But does it have anything to do with you that he killed the Jin Yiwei people?" Fang Bie asked.

  Ning Xia shook her head: "This was the first time I met him after coming to Luo City."

  "Yes, I understand." Fang Bie nodded: "You can go back to sleep. Tomorrow will still be an uneasy day."

  Although Fang Bie Saying this, Ningxia did not move.

  "Do I deserve to trust you?" Ning Xia said, looking at Fang Bie's pretty face.

  "Why do you say such things?" Fang Bie looked at Ning Xia and asked.

  "Would you like to ask if that's okay?" Ning Xia smiled.

  There was a hint of confusion on this woman's pretty face.

  "Okay." Fang Bie replied calmly.

  Not that it’s worth it, but that it can.

  Ning Xia smiled, then raised her palm, and Fang Bie also extended his right hand and gave her a high-five in the air.

  The sound is crisp and pleasant.

  The two passed each other.



  Then there was only one person left in the dark night, and the rain gurgled outside the curtain.

  Fang Bie let out a long sigh.

  "Dog Huo Ying." He cursed lightly.

  He himself will also be tired.

  All the pressure is on himself, and he is not really capable of doing anything even by adding blood.

  If Huo Ying was around at this time, that guy could help him share a lot of things.

  It's just that women are really unreliable sometimes, and they will really play tricks on him and leave as soon as he wants, without stopping at all.

  But Fang Bu had no excuse to keep her.

  The two people really don't owe each other anything.

  If I really wanted to say it, it was Fang Bie who owed Huo Ying, not Huo Ying who owed Fang Bie.

  So now that she is scolding Huo Ying like a dog, she is really exhausted mentally and physically.

  Fang Bi looked at the dark rain curtain, and the young man pursed his lips slightly.

  Yes, of course he is quite powerful, but he is not so powerful that he can truly be invincible and kill anyone with one sword.

  Moreover, even if Fang Bie really reaches that point, the young man will not stand up and become the target of the world's number one that everyone covets.

  There are many honors in this world, but being number one in the world is completely unattractive.

  Originally, in Fang Bi's plan, Ning Xiao should die tonight. He believed that Ning Xia had the ability to kill him. Even if Ning Xia couldn't kill him, as long as Ning Xiao came back to Xiaohun Inn, he would definitely be a deadbeat. ending.

  But he never expected that Ning Xia not only found Ning Xiao and defeated him, but in the end did not choose to take Ning Xiao's life, but gave him an additional choice.

  Regardless of whether Ning Xiao accepts Ningxia's kindness or not, at least Ningxia has done so.

  But this was not what Fang Bing expected.

  This is the variable.

  Now in Xiaohun Inn, Shang Jiuge is a real fool. Of course, Shang Jiuge is not really stupid. On the contrary, Shang Jiuge is not stupid at all, and is even a little witty, but she is everything Too lazy to think. If she thinks too much, her sword will become dull, so Shang Jiuge would rather think less.

  Therefore, Shang Jiuge is destined to be a person who cannot be discussed.

  If Heiwu is not in standby mode, Heiwu is actually a smart person. However, the problem is that Heiwu's standby time is too long, and it is pitifully short when he is awake.

  Moreover, his and Hei Wu's goals are not exactly the same, so they can only be regarded as a cooperative relationship.

  Ningxia is smart enough, but today's Ningxia is not worthy of complete trust. Moreover, everyone is flesh and blood, not just a tool, just like Ningxia will choose to let Ning Xiao live today, not to mention that the upcoming Ning Huan is Ningxia The biggest variable in the body.

  Then there is Xue Ling. To be honest, Xue Ling has made great progress in the past few months and has been able to help Fang Bu share a certain amount of pressure. But when it comes to asking Fang Bu to discuss anything with her, Xue Ling now , obviously not qualified.

  Not to mention Sheng Junqian, Mr. Sheng is currently more of a brick, moving wherever it needs to be.

  Only Huo Ying is the most suitable person to solve Fang's problems.

  But she ran away.

  This made Fang Bie feel angry.

  At this moment, the girl's cold voice came from the rain curtain.

  "You scolded me."

  (End of chapter)

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