306. Chapter 304 Run away, Ayesha

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  Chapter 304: Run away, Ayesha,

  how can I trust you?

  Huo Ying looked straight at Ning Xia with her black eyes and said.

  This woman from the Western Region is so beautiful that she can be called a celestial being.

  But Huo Ying looked at her with almost no emotion at all.

  It's like being able to see through Ningxia's skin.

  Obviously Ningxia is the older one.

  The candle shadow swayed quietly by the window.

  Ningxia finally laughed, her voice soft.

  "I don't know."

  "Because after I was rescued, I was brought to that person." "

  He asked me, how do I want to choose my future path?" "

  Do you want to die with your family? Or live alone? To this world?"

  Huo Ying did not speak, but just looked at Ning Xia.

  "And since I've lived until now." Ning Xia smiled slightly and said, "Of course I chose the latter." "

  Then what?" Huo Ying looked at Ning Xia and said, "Or, what about before?" "

  Whether it's after It was still a long story before." Ning Xia said lightly: "But if you want to hear it, or you told a long story before, then I will give you a very long story in return. It’s a long story.”

  “The origin of the story starts from the small village next to the oasis. When I was a child, I often went to herd sheep with my brother, watching the lambs as white as clouds eating among the green grass. I once thought that this would probably be my whole life." "

  Although many people think I'm good-looking now, at that time I never felt any different about myself. If it develops normally, I would just An ordinary shepherdess who milks goats and horses every day will not have so many changes and weirdness in her life." "

  Perhaps this is what is meant by fate tricking people." "

  Maybe you only know how to cherish after losing it. , In fact, many times when I wake up from sleep, the scene I dream about is either running in the sea of ​​fire, or herding in the grassland." "Life is hard because you can't get what you want." Huo Ying said quietly


  Ning Xia smiled: "Yes, you can't ask for it. In this world, the things you can't ask for are sometimes too much." "Anyway, I still

  remember that evening, when I brought my younger brother back from herding sheep. The sunset that day was particularly red, and you could see large swaths of flaming clouds that turned half the sky red." "

  On the hillside, we saw those masked men riding horses rushing into the village and starting one after another. Killing."

  "We heard the screams of adults and the desperate cries of women, and we saw the fire coming out of the village." "

  My younger brother was trembling in my arms and asked me what to do." "What

  if I should do that? Do you know what to do? I am just a nine-year-old shepherdess who has not received any education. I am illiterate, do not know martial arts, and do not know any big principles. In my life, I can only herd sheep, cut wool, and milk cows. , herding sheep, cutting grass, and feeding sheep."

  "I originally thought I would grow up like this, then marry a young man in the village, have children, and continue to herd sheep, cut wool, milk goats, herd sheep, and cut grass with my children. Feeding sheep."

  "I once thought this was all there was to this world."

  "But now, someone has broken into my world, shattered everything I was familiar with, and forced me to enter a brand new world."

  Ningxia looked at Huo Ying: "I don't know if you can understand."

  "But for me."

  "I will never forgive that person."

  Huo Ying somewhat understood, but not completely.

  In some ways, two people are similar, but completely different.

  According to what Ning Xia said, the environment in which Ning Xia lived when she was a child was really a completely pastoral life. She didn't need to be smart or strong.

  Because everyone is like this, everyone can be like this.

  So she grew up ignorantly and happily in it.

  Although if you think about it carefully, this life of sheep herding can be a really hard life.

  But live in it, enjoy it, and make these become your daily routine.

  It seems valuable again.

  "Then what's next?" Huo Ying couldn't help but ask.

  "What's next?" Ning Xia smiled: "I didn't understand anything at the time, and I couldn't do anything." "

  But I knew at that time that my parents were in the village and they would all die. I couldn't do nothing. "

  Then, I waved my sheep whip and drove all the lambs that had been with me for several months or several years into the village. I watched the groups of white sheep blocking the roads in the village and blocking the way to the village. "

  I took my brother's hand and ran among the sheep, and finally ran to the door of my house." "

  I saw my father lying in front of the door, holding a rusty sickle in his hand. His chest was completely cut open with a machete, and I saw his broken white ribs, exposed red heart, and colorful intestines flowing out of his stomach." "He opened his eyes and stared ahead, refusing to close his eyes

  . There was a large pool of blood underneath him."

  "I rushed up to hug him, but found that he stopped talking to me." "

  Behind my father, I saw my mother, whose clothes were torn and covered with blood."

  " She scratched her face completely with her nails, her hair was disheveled, and she looked crazy. She probably looked like she was going crazy, so those horse thieves let her go." "They wanted to burn her alive.


  "I rushed into my mother's arms, but she slapped me away." "

  She looked at me blankly and murmured: Ayesha, you are already in heaven, why do you want to come back to this hell?"

  "Yes, my name is not Ningxia, my name is Ayesha." "

  I said that I want to be with my mother and my father, even if I die, I am willing to do so." "

  Listen to what I say, my mother will come back again In front of me, he gave me another slap."

  "Live, Ayesha, run away, Ayesha."

  "There is a bigger place in this world than this grassland." "

  But you can only see it if you survive. ."

  "With that said, she pushed my brother and I out of the door, and then we saw raging flames rising from the house." "My

  brother was crying heartbroken behind me." "

  He asked me if it was Why do our parents want to drive us away because they don't like us?"

  "Did we do something wrong to end up like this?" "

  If I did something wrong, I'm a good boy. Can't I change it?"

  "When I heard him say that, I realized."

  "I am a sister, and I have the obligation to protect him."

  "I turned around and carried him behind my back, and started running towards the outside of the village." "

  Behind me was the village burning with raging fire." "

  And the heart-rending screams and Wail."

  "I told my brother."

  "We did nothing wrong."

  "They were the ones who did the wrong."

  "And one day."

  "We will kill every one of them."

  "One No one left, no one left."

  "At this time, I heard the sound of horses galloping behind me."

  "The horse thief is catching up."

  (End of this chapter)

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