30.Chapter 30 Crisis moment at the age of seventeen

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  Chapter 30 The Crisis of Seventeen

  The cellar is not deep. Because it is used by the kitchen to store food, it is only six or seven feet deep and is filled with potatoes, onions, cabbage and other storable vegetables.

  A slight putrefactive odor can also be smelled.

  At the same time, the sound of the forging hammer echoed very clearly in my ears.

  And Xue Ling also found the source of the sound.

  She saw the northeast corner of the cellar. There was a secret passage that could only be walked by one person, and the sound of forging could still be heard clearly there.

  He didn't seem to notice Xue Ling's arrival.

  Also, when you are forging, it is really difficult to pay attention to and capture the sounds around you.

  Xue Ling was torn between calling Fang Bie and not calling Fang Bie, but finally chose to turn sideways and walk into the secret passage. As soon as she walked in, she felt the fire and heat coming towards her face.

  Amidst the increasingly crisp sound of forging, Xue Ling could see Fang BuEr standing in front of a red stove at a glance.

  In just a moment, Xue Ling felt her scalp was a little numb.


  Xue Ling screamed, turned around and ran away.

  But he didn't expect that after only taking two steps away, he was grabbed by the shoulders from behind.

  Fang Bie's voice came quietly from behind Xue Ling: "What are you doing? It's not good to scare people."

  Xue Ling then realized that she had just made a super high decibel sound and couldn't help but cover it up quietly. He opened his mouth and whispered, "You're not wearing any clothes, okay."

  "No, I am." Fang Bie calmly corrected Xue Ling. "I'm not a pervert."

  "I'm obviously not wearing any clothes!" Xue Ling said decisively without looking back, "I just saw everything!" "

  You obviously didn't see anything." Fang Bie said quietly: "It's really too hot here. Yes, I just wore a little less."

  "If you don't believe me, look back."

  Xue Ling felt her face getting hot.

  "I don't want it!" the girl said decisively.

  Although Xue Ling is already seventeen years old, and although she is now half of the world, Xue Ling is, after all, the only daughter of Xue Ping, the commander of the Jinyi Guards. She has been treated like a boudoir at home since she was a child, so how could she ever have one? The young man exposes himself to taint her eyes.

  It was because Fang Bie had known him for a long time that Xue Ling didn't turn around and scolded Fang Bie for being a gangster while running away.

  And, and - compared to Xue Ling's panic, Fang Bu was really too normal.

  Does he really have no shame at all?

  Xue Ling could only hear the young man behind him sigh: "Okay, let's go."

  Fang Bie let go.

  "Well, thank you very much for today." Xue Ling said without looking back, just looking ahead.

  "Why?" Fang Bie asked.

  "Because." Xue Ling bit her lip: "Because you saved me, didn't you?" "

  If you say rescue, then I have saved you at least twice." Fang Bie said, "I shouldn't be grateful for the grace of saving my life. What you put on your lips should be kept in your heart."

  So is he so steely?

  Xue Ling suddenly felt that Fang Bie was a little unreasonable.

  "Are you really wearing clothes?"

  Fang Bie seemed to be nodding from behind: "You are really wearing clothes. Although you are wearing a little less, you are still wearing clothes no matter how little you wear." "Don't lie to

  me!" Xue Ling said through gritted teeth.

  "I have no reason to lie to you?" Fang Bie asked quietly.

  Xue Ling covered her eyes with her hands, turned around, and then split her fingers.

  Well, I saw Fang Bie's naked chest, and the boy's smooth chest muscles were covered with beads of sweat.

  Xue Ling covered her eyes again: "You are obviously lying!"

  Saying this, Xue Ling turned around and ran away.

  Fang Bie sighed: "The ancients were difficult to deal with, especially the girls of the ancients."

  Xue Ling turned around and said, "What are you talking about me?"

  Only then did Xue Ling see all the attire on Fang Bie's body.

  In fact, there is no costume.

  At this time, Fang Bi's long black hair was completely covered with a black headscarf, and he wore a pair of straw sandals on his feet. Apart from that, this young man was basically undressed, and you could see large chunks of his body. Large, smooth muscles and light wheat-colored skin.

  Don't tell me - it seems to be so pretty.

  And the boy's lower abdomen seemed to be wearing a piece of trousers that were cut too short. The upper part could not cover the navel, and the lower part could not cover the thighs. It was originally a white cloth, but it was quite wet with the dust and sweat. It looked very... Embarrassed.

  However, looking at it this way, it turns out that he is actually wearing something?

  But because Xue Ling only saw a back figure for the first time, which was basically a naked human body from head to toe, her brain basically shut down at that moment, and she could only scream and run away.

  "Why are you wearing so little!" Xue Ling said loudly. "It's immoral!"

  Fang Bie shrugged helplessly: "I originally worked here alone, okay, just like you suddenly rushed in when I was taking a shower, and then said that I didn't wear clothes, is it immoral?" "It's so here

  . "It's hot, I'm bringing trouble on myself by wearing too many clothes."

  Xue Ling turned her head and realized that she looked at the forge with burning charcoal fire and the semi-enclosed space underground. It was really similar to The oven was almost the same, and I only stayed in it for less than a stick of incense before I felt like I was covered in sweat.

  Looking at the red-hot iron block and the sledgehammer next to the forge, it was obvious that Fang was forging iron blocks here before. It was obvious that heavy physical labor would be even hotter.

  "Did Sister Ping show you the way?" Fang Bie continued to ask.

  Only then did Xue Ling react, and she blushed instantly: "Yes, yes."

  In other words, He Ping actually knew what was going on here, and she even guided Xue Ling in - this should be said to be a miracle. Assist?

  "Okay, are you going back after saying thank you?" Fang Bie spread his hands and said, "You can't be here watching me forge, right?" To be honest, Xue

  Ling wanted to see Fang Bie forge here, but after all, this place is still It was a little too hot, and what the boy wore was too risqué.

  Although Xue Ling inexplicably felt that Fang Bie was really super safe, yes, as safe as being a best friend, because Fang Bie was talking to her, even now, she felt extremely calm, without the slightest panic. In comparison, her own performance was simply a shame for a girl.

  But out of a girl's reserve, she couldn't agree to stop watching here.

  "So, what are you doing here?" Xue Ling asked.

  "Didn't I get a piece of black iron in the Dragon King's Palace during the day?" Fang Bie said quietly: "So I plan to cut a piece today to forge it to test its performance, and see if I can make a pair of gloves."

  Fang Bie raised his head and glanced at Xue Ling: "I think you need a pair of gold gloves, but the ones you bought are too expensive and not suitable for use." "

  So I can only give you one set."

  Xue Ling didn't know this moment Is it because the fire made my face so red, or is it because my face is so hot?

  "Why, why are you so nice to me?" Xue Ling bit her lip and said.

  She was really afraid of confessing at this moment. If she confessed, Xue Ling might not be able to bear it?

  "It's nothing." Fang Bie said calmly.

  "I'm just afraid that you will die suddenly."

  "Making you stronger will save me a lot of trouble."

  The boy explained.

  Xue Ling's mind instantly came up with the idea that this was indeed the case.

  (End of chapter)

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