262. Chapter 261 Conversation between the Witch and the Heroine

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  Chapter 261 The conversation between the witch and the heroine:

  The morning rain in Luocheng is light and dusty, and the guest house is green and green.

  After a summer shower, the entire Luo City was as clean as ashes, and the air was filled with a fresh smell. The sun was slowly rising from the east, and its golden rays filled the earth.

  Xiaohun Inn, the broken wall, is now being slowly repaired by several masons in gray clothes, because it needs to be repaired carefully. After all, when the business is open, it is impossible to leave an obvious trace of repair, so it is necessary Slow work produces fine work.

  The Xiaohun Inn was originally unable to operate, because now that there are no cooks and no handymen, the business cannot be maintained in the first place.

  While Xiaohun Inn is closed, the grocery store opposite Xiaohun Inn is open and doing business.

  This is a small shop, but it is clean and tidy. The so-called grocery store means that as long as someone buys anything, it is sold here.

  In fact, it is equivalent to talking about convenience stores in later generations.

  So needles and threads, fruits and vegetables, melon seeds for snacks, soy sauce, vinegar and cooking oil, the small shop was filled with all kinds of goods, attracting a lot of customers.

  However, unlike ordinary grocery stores, these customers are crowded, but they are not the ordinary army of aunts, but bad guys crowded at the door, just want to buy a bottle of vinegar and a bottle of soy sauce, or a bag of salt and a can of sunflower oil.

  Nothing but because the boss lady is so pretty.

  Ningxia was standing at the counter of the grocery store paying money, her smile calm and professional. She is a woman who can smile with eight teeth. Her smile is impeccable, her voice is soft, her eyes are light, she quotes, sells, collects money, and checks out. No matter how many people came, she was orderly and unhurried.

  Behind her stood a black-haired girl in plain white clothes. Shang Jiuge pursed his lips and helped Ningxia make soy sauce and pretend to be jealous. These tasks were a bit overqualified for Shang Jiuge, but the girl didn't mind.

  As it approached noon, the guests gradually dispersed. Shang Jiuge sat on the bench of the grocery store and looked at his hands quietly.

  The girl's hands were still white and tender, and even the calluses from holding the sword were not left behind, but there was a hint of confusion in Shang Jiuge's eyes as black as paint.

  Usually this girl never seems confused.

  Ning Xia's injury got better, and she gradually became familiar with her current state.

  From being unable to walk at first, to now being able to carry out some regular daily activities, Shang Jiuge is like a toddler, re-adapting to this slowed down world.

  And now it is He Ping's request to come to the grocery store to help.

  Because this more precise way of picking up the goods and pouring the soy sauce can better train Shang Jiuge's precise movements and allow her to practice further.

  Of course - the girl holding the sword will not be able to hold it in the short term, and there is nothing that can be done about it.

  In fact, Shang Jiuge himself doesn't mind being such a small worker at all, especially if he can learn something.

  "Ningxia." Shang Jiuge looked up at the woman from the Western Region sitting opposite him.

  The two of them were sitting in this somewhat cramped grocery store, surrounded by miscellaneous things such as firewood, rice, oil, salt, fruit, steamed buns, needles, thread, and brains.

  Ningxia hummed.

  "Why are you here?" Shang Jiuge asked.

  Ning Xia smiled: "I thought you wouldn't ask such a question."

  "Why?" Shang Jiuge asked back.

  "Because you don't look like the person to ask this kind of question." Ning Xia said softly.

  In fact, her back injury has not healed, but she can still do some basic movements. The two patients are now working together, and they can't help but feel that they are in the same boat. After spending the past two days together,

  Ningxia actually feels the same about Shang Jiuge. fine.

  After all, Brother Shang is such a refreshing person.

  "I just don't get curious easily." Shang Jiuge shook his head and said, "Now, I'm a little curious about you." "The less

  curiosity in this world, the better." Ningxia looked at Shang Jiuge and said: "It's not important why I stay here. What's important is that I stayed."

  "Yes." Shang Jiuge nodded: "So what are your plans for the future?"

  "I can't believe you asked this question Yes." Ning Xia looked at Shang Jiuge and said helplessly.

  Because Ningxia knows a little about Shang Jiuge, this girl has never been such a meticulous person.

  "Should we talk a little?" Shang Jiuge asked with a smile: "I don't want to sit here bored and daze now." "

  In fact, I am very good at daze, but sometimes, I don't mind talking to people."

  "And I think you are quite interesting."

  Shang Jiuge has always been able to speak out his reasons with confidence. Now that there are only two people sitting here, of course they can only chat a little, even if they are both probably famous in the world. Huashan heroine, demon sect witch.

  But now that we are sitting in a grocery store selling things, it doesn't matter if we just chat with each other.

  "I don't have any plans." Ning Xia shook her head and said, "Actually, I didn't even think I would survive." "Don't

  give me a chance to survive."

  "Then I'll live and see."

  "That's all. "The witch from the Western Region said with a little melancholy.

  "It's really not like what you would say." Shang Jiuge shook his head.

  The girl's lips were faintly red, but her eyes were dark. Even though Shang Jiuge couldn't hold the sword at all now, she was still as sharp as a sword.

  "The reason why I chose to stay here is because I feel it will be helpful to me."

  Shang Jiuge said quietly.

  "Help?" Ning Xia looked at Shang Jiuge and asked.

  "Help." Shang Jiuge nodded and said, "He Ping is very strong, isn't he?" "

  Although my senior brother is also very strong, He Ping's strength is completely different from his." "

  I feel that He Ping and I are very strong. We are from the same place, and now it seems that we are indeed from the same place." "In

  this case, I can learn a stronger sword and become stronger."

  Ning Xia listened to Shang Jiuge's quiet words and looked at the sitting man Little Sister Huashan in the grocery store: "What's the point of becoming stronger?"

  "When you become stronger, you can see farther scenery." Shang Jiuge said quietly: "You can let more people hear your voice. You can do what you want."

  "So I need to become stronger, and I also want to become stronger."

  "It doesn't sound like what a woman said." Ningxia said with a smile.

  "Is there any difference?" Shang Jiuge looked at Ning Xia and said.

  "Of course there is." Ning Xia said: "There are only two women among the top ten on the Jianghu list." "

  Then there will be three in the future." Shang Jiuge said calmly: "I have always believed that the quality of martial arts has nothing to do with men and women. Difference."

  Ningxia smiled: "After all, you are Huashan Shang Jiuge."

  "It has nothing to do with this." Shang Jiuge shook his head and said.

  At this moment, someone came to the grocery store counter and tapped the counter lightly with his hand.

  "I heard that Shang Jiuge is here?"

  Ning Xia and Shang Jiuge looked up at the person at the same time.

  (End of chapter)

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