252. Chapter 251 Recommendation

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  Chapter 251 Recommendation

  So on the bustling streets of Bianliang City, Fang Bi was wearing a moon-white long coat and carrying a straw stick full of candied haws on his shoulders.

  As he walked, he distributed the candied haws on straw sticks to the children on the roadside.

  So much so that those children began to follow Fang Bie while eating candied haws, and also followed behind the dark and skinny young man.

  Hei Wu didn't care about anything, he just followed Fang Farewell.

  It wasn't until Fang Bie distributed all the full candied haws, and only two were left, that he waved his hand and said to the children, "No more." "Isn't there still more?" The children pointed to it

  . The remaining two chattered.

  "How many? Not much." Fang Bie said with a smile. As he said this, he took off one of them and handed it to Hei Wu, and put the other one in his hand.

  "Look, there really aren't any anymore."

  With that said, Fang Bi handed the straw sticks to the children. Watching the children running away happily carrying the sticks, he turned back to look at Hei Wu; "Does it taste good? ?"

  Hei Wu had just swallowed the first hawthorn wrapped in rock sugar.

  Hei Wu didn't say anything and just ate the candied haws on his own. This showed that the low-energy standby had no impact on his eating.

  Of course, he didn't bother to answer Fang's other words.

  At this moment, an angry man rushed to Fang Bie: "Did you steal my money just now!"

  Fang Bie looked at him while eating candied haws, and saw that he was about thirty years old. With a thin face, an unshaven face and a ginger complexion, as a thief, he has basically entered the end of his career.

  "Didn't I tell you to be careful when walking in the future?" Fang Bie said quietly, and then took a bite of the candied haws.

  At that moment the thief was speechless.

  Yes, if he didn't hit Fang Bing, then the money wouldn't have been stolen.

  Of course - if he hadn't bumped into Fang Bing, he would have stolen Fang Bing's money like this.

  But at this time, he couldn't think about that much anymore. He stepped forward to hug Fang Bi's waist, and then shouted the classic line that he almost never used.

  "Catch the thief!"

  But the ideal is full, but the reality is unexpectedly skinny. Just when he opened his mouth to shout and pounce, Fang Bie quietly spit out the innermost hawthorn seeds, which hit his chest. , at that moment, he only felt that his whole body was exhausted and weak, and his screams that he wanted to shout out suddenly stopped.

  He clutched his chest and fell to the ground. As he walked past him, he threw a money bag in front of him.

  That was the remaining money from buying candied haws.

  "There is heaven outside the world, and there are people outside the world. Just accept it when you see it." Fang Bie's voice came quietly from his ears.

  The thief fell to the ground without forgetting to hold the money bag in his arms.

  When he raised his head, Fang Bie had already disappeared into the vast sea of ​​people.

  Such an episode really doesn't matter to Fang Bie at all. He doesn't have any kind-heartedness to teach the other person to change his ways, abandon evil and promote good. He just punishes him a little if he steals it, but Since he can find it, then just return the remaining money to him.

  After all, those candied haws on a stick are not that expensive.

  Everyone has his own life, and even stealing is a way to maintain a living. Even if it is despised, some people survive by doing this.

  Fang Bie never thought about training him to be a great philosopher who would never be able to work part-time, but the young man never thought that he had the power to judge his fate.

  To put it bluntly, in the end it was you who took his money, not him who took his own.

  When he was thinking like this, Fang Bi had already stopped in front of a house. He saw two stone lions as tall as one person standing on both sides of the house door, looking very powerful.

  The plaque on the door of the vermilion house has the name of Guo Mansion written in large gilt characters.

  Fang Bie bit off the last candied haws, then walked to the door of the mansion with the sticky stick, pressed the ring in front of the door and tapped twice.

  Immediately the door opened, and an old man who looked like a butler in Tsing Yi walked out and looked at Fang Bie carefully: "Who are you?" "

  I'm looking for Mr. Guo Sheng Guo." Fang Bie said quietly, taking the candied hawsful stick in his hand. He handed it to the butler and said, "Give this to him and tell him that the man named Fang is here to have a meal with him." The

  Qingyi butler looked at the candied haws stick in his hand that was still a little sticky after just eating it, and for a moment he felt like he was being People teased.

  But the other party said Guo Sheng's name straight away, and with such a familiar attitude, he couldn't help but hesitate.

  "Go quickly." Fang Bie looked at him and said with a smile, "I'll be waiting at the door. If I'm teasing you, it won't be too late to let the dog out and bite me." Fang Bie always smiled like this

  . , He is neither hasty nor slow when talking to anyone. The young man has a delicate face, and although his clothes are not luxurious, he is absolutely clean and tidy. He is neither humble nor arrogant, so when talking to anyone, he will not feel neglected.

  The housekeeper looked at Fang Farewell, and finally nodded, holding the stick and walking into the house.

  But Fang Bie quietly turned around, put his foot on the stone lion's feet and jumped lightly, then he flew into the air, and then landed on the stone lion's head.

  Wait quietly.

  Not long after, the door reopened, and a young man in his twenties wearing a luxurious black robe hurriedly opened the door and ran out. At a glance, he saw Fangbie sitting on the stone lion.

  "Why did you think of coming to see me?" The other party looked up at Fang Bie and cursed with a smile.

  "It's agreed, let's eat together." Fang Bie said quietly with a faint smile.

  "Then come in." The other party smiled.

  Fang Bie then jumped down from the stone lion's head, and then patted Hei Wu's shoulder.

  "Let's go."

  So Hei Wu followed Fang Bie into the Guo Mansion's mansion.

  ...... Don't say it


  just a meal, then you must have a meal.

  Guo Sheng doesn't know what kind of relationship he has with Fang Bie, but if he can at least enjoy the meal, it means that the relationship is not bad.

  It was just about noon at this time, and maybe Fang Bing came to the door just in time for the meal. In short, Master Guo gave the order, and large hard dishes such as Yellow River carp noodles, peony agarwood, and Sixi meatballs were placed on the table. The whole table was full, but there were only three people at the table, Fang Bie, Guo Sheng and Hei Wu.

  But Hei Wu was sitting at the dinner table, dumbfounded and motionless.

  "Who is he?" Only then did Guo Sheng remember to ask this question.

  "A thug who can eat." Fang Bie said quietly, while holding the tea in front of him and sipping it bit by bit.

  Fang Bie usually doesn't eat other people's food, but when he comes to Guo Sheng, he is willing to drink Guo Sheng's tea. This kind of trust is already quite difficult.

  "Is Xinyang Maojian the only one in your family?" Fang Bie lowered his curled lips and said after taking a sip.

  "I can't help it. I have three tea mountains in Xinyang. Of course I can only drink Xinyang Maojian." Guo Sheng said with a smile, and then pointed at Hei Wu: "Why doesn't he eat? Could it be that he is a fearful monster like you? ?"

  "No one in this world is less afraid of death than him." Fang Bie said quietly: "The reason why he doesn't eat." "The

  main reason is that he is afraid of scaring you." Fang Bie looked at Guo Sheng and said seriously.

  "I'm not scared." Guo Sheng said equally seriously.

  "Okay." Fang Bie sighed: "Hei Wu, you can eat now."

  Fang Bie gave the order. Hei Wu, who was originally as quiet as a virgin and dumbfounded, instantly moved and opened his bows from left to right. Because Guo Sheng's side The chef is a top chef, so he handles the ingredients very carefully. It can be said that there are no bones in the meat and no thorns in the fish. However, Kuromu does not use chopsticks at all, just swipes left and right, wolfing down the food, making it feel like one plate after another. The feeling of something being stuffed into your stomach.

  In particular, Kuromu looked so skinny that he looked like a short boy. No one could imagine that there was a big appetite in a small body.

  Guo Sheng was really shocked.

  He forgot to ask Fang Bie about other things, and just watched Heiwu bombing wildly, and almost wiped out the entire table of dishes in one stick of incense.

  "You, where did you find this loser?" Guo Sheng said incoherently.

  "It's a long story, and since he's not a foodie, he's called a thug who can eat." "

  To be honest, I shot a wild boar last night and he ate half a slice by himself. He also ate a lot of baked buns this morning, so Now he is only half full." Fang Bie said seriously, every word was true, but Guo Sheng listened as if he was hearing a fantasy.

  "Is he good at fighting?" Guo Sheng asked.

  Fang Bu nodded.

  "Can you fight me?" Guo Sheng asked again.

  Don't think carefully this time: "Probably not."

  "It seems that you at least save food." Guo Sheng said seriously.

  "You can do as much as you eat, haven't you heard of this principle?" Fang Bie said quietly.

  "But he also finished your portion." Guo Sheng said.

  "It's okay, then I'll eat less." Fang Bie said calmly.

  "So, what are you going to do in Bianliang this time? Who else is going to be unlucky? Speaking of which, we haven't seen each other for a long time." Guo Sheng said next like a barrage of firecrackers.

  "It's a private matter, and I don't have the intention of bringing anyone bad luck." Fang Bie said calmly, "Ye Chong, do you know this person?" "You

  mean the drug dealer?" Guo Sheng said thoughtfully.

  "It's good that you know this name." Fang Bie looked at Guo Sheng: "What's his story?" "

  Anyway, he is a very capable person." Guo Sheng said lightly: "He is now the most powerful person in Bianliang City He not only has access to medicinal materials, but also has backers. He controls 70% of the medicinal materials business in Bianliang City. He has seven or eight herbal medicine shops in Bianliang City alone. Some people say that he has the power of the palace. But no one knows whether it is true or not."

  "But there is a saying that is good."

  "The rumors that are not true or false, let them be regarded as true, anyway, you will not suffer any loss."

  When talking about business, this young master Guo His expression is also very serious.

  "Then I want to go to him to buy some medicinal materials. Can I buy it?" Fang Bie asked again.

  Guo Sheng looked at Fang Bie: "What medicinal material?"

  "You don't need to know the name, but you only need to know that he may be the only one in the entire Bianliang City who has this medicinal material." Fang Bie said.

  "How many taels of silver are needed?" Guo Sheng asked directly.

  "I know you, Master Guo, are rich." Fang Bie smiled and said, "But I won't use your money this time." "

  Really?" Guo Sheng was doubtful: "There was a time when you didn't want the money?"

  "When the money was useful. All you need is money. When the money is useless, you can't eat or drink it. Do you believe that everyone will use paper money in the future?" Fang Bie said with a faint smile.

  "My family also has a lot of paper money. The banknotes from my Guo Family Bank can be exchanged and circulated in the eighteen provinces of China." Guo Sheng looked at Fang Bie and said.

  "That's because the silver is too heavy, and can you pay taxes to the court on your silver notes?" Fang Bie smiled and said, "To put it bluntly, you should understand that the silver notes are your bank's deposit certificates." "Okay, no nonsense

  . There are so many."

  "I want to buy some medicinal materials from Ye Zhong now. Can you help me recommend them?"

  Guo Sheng slapped his thigh: "You are on the right track." "This

  Ye Zhong usually doesn't see outsiders. You can only see it if you get someone else's recommendation letter." After Guo Sheng said this, he suddenly thought of something and then looked at Fang Bie: "I wonder why you kid wants to come to me for a meal!" "Are you looking for me

  ? After passing Ye Zhong, he was rejected?"

  "That's true." Fang Bie said quietly, "I just asked more about it beforehand." "

  Then you still want my information about Ye Zhong?" Guo Sheng pretended to be angry. .

  "There is nothing wrong with having more intelligence sources to compare with each other." Fang Bi smiled: "No matter which intelligence source we look at now, this person named Ye is very difficult to deal with, right?"

  Guo Sheng nodded seriously.

  "Wait a moment, I will write you a letter of recommendation right now." Guo Sheng said this without exchanging pleasantries with Fang. He turned around and walked into the study. Not long after, he took a sealed envelope with lacquer. He gave it to Fang Farewell: "The outside is the seal of my Guo Mansion, and the letter inside contains my private seal." "Ye

  Chong will naturally be willing to see you after seeing this letter." "

  Is there anything else you need help with? The place?" Guo Shengqing said with great sincerity.

  Fang Bie smiled and said, "No need for the time being."

  "So you won't stay at my place tonight?" Guo Sheng continued to ask.

  Fang Bie shook his head: "I won't cause any trouble to you."

  Guo Sheng smiled, knowing that Fang Bie's words were not polite.

  When he says it causes trouble, it means causing trouble.

  "Then I won't keep you. I hope that next time we meet, you still have something I can help with." Guo Sheng said with a smile.

  "It's better to meet less often. After all, we don't go to the Three Treasures Palace for anything." Fang Bie took the letter in Guo Sheng's hand, patted Heiwu who had finished eating, turned around and walked out the door.

  He came to Guo Mansion actually just for this letter of recommendation.

  Guo Sheng also understood, so since he had accomplished his goal, there was no need to stay long.

  Heiwu immediately stood up and followed Fang Bie. He had been in an inefficient standby state, but he was still eating unambiguously.

  Fang Bie had already walked outside the door.

  Guo Sheng suddenly stopped Fang Farewell.


  Fang didn't look back.

  Guo Sheng looked at this handsome and lonely young man and felt that this person had never changed much in the past few years.

  It seems that his growth ended too early, so over the long years, all that is left is sedimentation.

  "Don't die." Guo Sheng said quietly.

  Fang Bi started laughing.

  "I won't die."

  The young man turned and left.

  Only a month's white back remains.

  (End of chapter)

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