250.Chapter 249 The winding path leads to a quiet place

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  Chapter 249 A winding path leads to a secluded place.

  It's a pity that Xue Ling is not Fang Bi, and can't say the words "Why are you so skilled?"

  She just took the small white porcelain bottle, and after opening it, a familiar slightly rancid and pungent smell penetrated her nostrils.

  The powder inside is a familiar dark green color.

  Xue Ling didn't ask any more questions. She came to the bodies of Taoist Qingyun and Monk Jiu. After making sure that all the useful objects on each other's bodies had been plundered by herself, she tilted the bottle and gently shook the powder inside. On the wound on his heart.

  I saw a wisp of green smoke coming out quickly, with a pungent smell similar to the smell of burnt feathers. In order to avoid excessive corrosion, Xue Ling deliberately added more weight.

  Then she returned to Huo Ying, stretched out her hand to lift Huo Ying who was standing still, and then came to Sheng Junqian. At this time, Mr. Sheng had completely fainted.

  Of course, the main reason why Mr. Sheng fainted was that unlike Monk Hejiu and Taoist Qingyun, he really didn't panic at all.

  Because I am more relaxed, I sleep more soundly.

  Xue Ling shook her head and picked up Mr. Sheng.

  This also restores the previous pattern of a chicken in the left hand and a duck in the right hand.

  Xue Ling looked up and saw a deep valley with a bright moon hanging high. It was already difficult to go up and follow the original path like this.

  "Should we go back the way we came?" Xue Ling asked.

  "No, we can't go back." Huo Ying said quietly on Xue Ling's shoulder: "Originally, I didn't take the main road just because I was afraid of disturbing these two people." "Since they are dead, there is nothing to be afraid of in the Crock Temple

  . People who are interested can just go out from the Crock Temple."

  Xue Ling nodded, then carried the two people on his shoulders, and walked all the way towards the Crock Temple, first passing through a cave that penetrated the mountain, and then a door that had already been opened. Open the big iron door, go through the door, and you are already in the backyard of the Earthen Pot Temple.

  This ancient Buddhist temple is quiet and quiet, with moonlight shining down. It can be said that it is a place with winding paths leading to secluded places, and the meditation room is surrounded by flowers and trees.

  But who could have imagined that there would be such a unique world behind the Crock Temple.

  There were no monks on watch in the temple. If they met, Xue Ling would probably have to go through a lot of trouble. She just carried two people on her left and right and jumped onto the wall of the Crock Temple, and then flew out. At this time, the surroundings were desolate, and the white moonlight poked its head out from the other side of the mountain, illuminating the entire ridge with a bright white glow.

  Xue Ling stood under the moonlight, feeling the joy of escaping the catastrophe and the depression of discovering that she had accidentally killed Dongchang's master and ruined the emperor's good deeds. The emotions in her heart were extremely complicated.

  But no matter what, I finally found Tianbulao on this trip, and I didn’t return empty-handed.

  "Huo Ying." Xue Ling asked the girl on her shoulder gently, but received no answer.

  Xue Ling looked back and saw that Huo Ying had fallen asleep on her shoulder, dreaming sweetly.

  Xue Ling couldn't help but shook her head and smiled in surprise - Huo Ying was not an invincible person after all. The reason she was able to hold on until now was because she had a special constitution and was slightly resistant to a variety of poisons.

  But now, Xue Ling has made up her mind.

  She strode towards the mountains.

  That cave is located between the several peaks of Baiyun Mountain. It's relatively easy to find. Besides, Jiang Liu'er is still there.



  What happened next was a bit lackluster.

  Xue Ling returned to the cave all the way. The sky had cleared up. Xue Ling arranged for the sleeping Sheng Junqian and Huo Ying, woke up the sleeping Jiang Liu'er, and then briefly told the other party the whole story, and then she went to Huo Ying. Sit beside me and wait.

  It was almost past midnight when Huo Ying woke up, and then Xue Ling went back to sleep. When Xue Ling woke up, it was already past noon.

  Huo Ying has an antidote for Wu Ming Sheng Xiang. Although it does not take effect immediately after taking it, the toxins in the body have begun to be slowly decomposed and eliminated. The four of them had lunch in the cave, and then went down the mountain together and returned to Jiang Heather's hut. Jiang Shinan was naturally overjoyed when Jiang Liu'er came back, but she didn't know who Huo Ying was.

  Huo Ying didn't say much. She first checked Jiang Shinan's leg injury, then operated to drain the toxins and pus from the leg, then bandaged it with medicine. Finally, she gave Jiang Shinan a prescription and asked him to follow the prescription. , after taking it for ten days continuously, you will be able to move freely and recover to the condition of the injury before being bitten by the snake.

  Originally, Jiang Shinan had no hope for his injury, and it would be an exaggeration to say that he was heartbroken. Naturally, he was overjoyed. He couldn't get up from his legs, so he asked Jiang Liu'er to kowtow repeatedly, but Jiang Liu'er didn't refuse. , immediately wanted to kneel down, but was stopped by Huo Ying: "It is necessary to treat illnesses and save people, there is nothing that can't be thanked for." With that said,

  Huo Ying walked around the Jiang family's hut and finally took away a A small bundle of mountain ginseng is used as the final medical fee.

  Later, the three of them did not accept Jiang Shinan's offer to stay. Because time was tight, the three of them rushed directly to Song County, leaving Jiang Liu'er to stay in Baiyun Mountain.



  but said that after Xue Chong sent Xue Ling Sheng Junqian away, he still watched the beggars practicing martial arts in the ruined temple every day as usual. He was content, eating, drinking and sleeping every day, as if nothing had happened.

  It is only said that after Xue Chong continued to sleep in the ruined temple that day, in his sleep, he felt something cold to the bone lying across his neck, like a poisonous snake wrapped around his neck.

  Xue Chong woke up instantly and shouted angrily: "Who?"

  As soon as he opened his mouth, he felt that the key points all over his body had been tapped. He looked sideways and saw that the other beggars in the ruined temple were all asleep, but he Next to him, stood Xue Lingsheng Junqian and an unknown woman in white.

  Among them, Sheng Junqian was holding the black knife in his hand across Xue Chong's neck, and quietly looked at the one-eyed king who was already controlled by others: "Long time no see, brother Tianwang." "You didn't expect us to come back alive, did you?

  " Jun Qian said coldly.

  Xue Chong looked at Sheng Junqian and said coldly, "Is this how you treat collaborators?"

  "Collaborators?" Xue Ling smiled faintly. She took out the two small wine cups from her arms and waved them in front of Xue Chong. He shook his head and said, "This is what you wanted originally."

  "The painstaking work of Monk Jiu and Taoist Qingyun."

  "We killed them and got the immortality, but the martial arts of both Monk Jiu and Taoist Qingyun were better than expected. It's higher, but that's not important."

  Xue Ling looked at Xue Chong and continued to say coldly: "Do you know who that monk is?"

  Xue Chong stared at the jingling sound in Xue Ling's hand. He held a small wine cup with a greedy and fiery look in his eyes, and then he sighed: "So you know it?"

  Xue Ling sneered, and then took out the plum blossom token from her arms: "This is what I got from Can you explain to me what Taoist Qingyun got in his arms?"

  Xue Chong looked at the token that Xue Ling took out, and looked at the four seal characters of Dongping Shouyu on it, and sighed: "Dongping Shouyu's plum blossom gold token is cast and issued by Dongchang, and is only given to those with the highest status. High-ranking officials can freely enter the palace with this token, just like the masters in the palace."

  Xue Ling quietly looked at Xue Chong who told the truth: "So, do you admit that the monks are all the same? They are from Dongchang."

  "In this case, you still clearly said that you want to take their blood, and if you want us to borrow a knife to kill people, you are so cruel."

  Xue Ling almost gritted her teeth and said this.

  There are no more than twenty people who hold the Plum Blossom Golden Order in the entire Dongchang. They are all masters and important figures who are most respected by the eunuchs of the Dongchang. Under special circumstances, they even have the power to directly face the saint. Usually, The Ouchi masters referred to in this situation refer to them.

  And now, Xue Lingsheng Junqian, under the misguidance of Xue Chong, actually killed two great masters with his own hands. If this was found out, it would be a truly heinous crime.

  What's more, Xue Ling herself is not a real person in the world. Her true identity is Jin Yiwei's undercover Baihu.

  If her father was still alive, Jin Yiwei could have suppressed Dongchang. But now that Xue Ping is dead, Jinyiwei has become a dog under Dongchang. He has to ask Dongchang for instructions before doing anything. At this time, Xue Ling She actually killed two important people in Dongchang. If it were revealed, even the King of Heaven would really be unable to protect her.

  Of course - not absolutely. If Xue Ping was still alive, then this would be a trivial matter of three drinks as a penalty.

  But now that Xue Ping is dead, for Xue Ling, it is a serious crime that almost wiped out the nine clans.

  After all - why would two Dongchang masters holding Plum Blossom Golden Orders huddle in such a remote earthen jar temple for several years?

  To put it bluntly, it is for the sake of immortality and the purity of Liuli Fang. To put it more clearly, they are doing things for the saints.

  This is why Xue Ling returned to Song County without stopping after taking care of the matter in Baiyun Mountain, and came to Xue Chong at night to settle accounts.

  If Xue Chong cannot give Xue Ling a satisfactory answer, then there are some things that God knows and earth knows, you know and I know.

  The less people in the world know about Xue Ling's murder of Qingyun Taoist Master Jiu, the better.

  And at least Xue Chong can never know.

  At least not alive to know.

  "Yes, they are from Dongchang." Xue Chong held the sharp knife in his throat, but slowly calmed down: "Their official positions are Qianhu, but they do not have actual duties. They can only be regarded as fifth-grade imperial guards with swords." Xue Chong said

  . Ling now doesn't want to recall what rank Zhou Haitian, the Minister of Household Affairs, is.

  In fact, even if you don’t recall it, you know that Zhou Haitian, the minister of the Ministry of Finance, is the second-ranking adjutant of the Ministry of Finance, second only to the Minister of the Ministry of Finance, that is, the third rank. It was precisely because Hive had the courage to assassinate such a high-ranking and powerful court official that he aroused the anger of the saint, and then Triggered a series of bloody storms.

  And now, Xue Ling can proudly say that she killed two high-ranking fifth-grade officials in Dongchang.

  The girl really wants to die.

  If it had been known in advance that these two people were from Dongchang, and were members of the fifth-grade Qianhu of Dongchang, and had sword-wielding guards in front of them, Xue Ling would not have dared to kill them even if they had ten thousand courages.

  After all, she is not really a member of the Jianghu. In essence, she is still a member of the Jinyiwei Baihu.

  Now hundreds of Jinyiwei families have killed thousands of Dongchang families.

  It’s so respectable.   “ Then do

  you know what you are doing?”

The more there are, the more dangerous it is." Xue Chong said quietly: "He and the girl know this plum blossom golden order in Da Nei, and the origin is not ordinary." "

  You don't need to worry about my affairs." Xue Ling said through gritted teeth.

  This time she had stirred up such a big hornet's nest, and she was very unhappy, extremely unhappy.

  Although she would still do this even if the thing happened again, unless someone told her the identities of Taoist Qingyun and Monk Jiu before she came, otherwise at that time, it would be either you or me, so how could she care so much.

  "If you can't give me a satisfactory answer, then you should know that you will never survive." Xue Ling continued to say coldly.

  And Xue Chong was lying on the bed and smiled quietly: "To this day, I don't think I can give the girl any satisfactory answer."

  Because Xue Chong told the truth, now that Taoist Qingyun and Monk Jiu are dead, God Immortal is also lost. Once Dongchang discovers the death of these two important figures, there will definitely be another bloody storm.

  What Xue Ling can do is to let the world know that she killed these two people, and the fewer people the better.

  Anyway, the other party's body has been turned into corpse powder, so it is truly unconfirmed.

  Now Xue Ling knew why Fang Bie liked using corpse powder so much. The more she used it, the more addictive she became. It was a must-have medicine for killing people when traveling at home.

  "Then tell me, who are you?" Xue Ling looked at Xue Chong and said.

  "Does it make sense?" Xue Chong asked with a slight smile.

  He looked directly into Xue Ling's eyes without any fear on his face.

  "Of course it makes sense." Xue Ling said: "Who are you? How can you know so many things that you shouldn't know?" "

  Penglai Pavilion is not involved in the martial arts world and is less involved in the affairs of the court. What on earth are you doing?" Who is he? And what is his relationship with those two people?"

  "Did you really come to Baiyun Mountain just for the sake of immortality?"

  Xue Ling asked a series of questions, and Xue Chong couldn't help but laugh softly.

  "If you really want to know, then it's okay to tell you."

  "Of course I am a member of the Penglai Pavilion. This is absolutely true, but at the same time, I am also a member of the Jinyi Guard Qianhu. I also came to Baiyun Mountain by the emperor's order to seize the opportunity. Heaven is immortal and pure colored glaze comes."

  Xue Ling was not surprised.

  Because this answer is the answer closest to the real solution.

  "Then why?" Xue Ling looked at Xue Chong: "You were seriously injured in the end and lived in seclusion here instead of flying away?" "

  As for this." meaning.

  "May I ask, girl, have you ever heard of the name of Commander of the Jinyi Guards, Xue Ping?

  " He said: "The first-class prince and grand master who once dominated the government, the commander of the Imperial Guard, and the most popular person in front of the sage emperor." "

  Who doesn't know this?"

  (End of this chapter)

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