148. Chapter 147 Huashan Linghu Chong (fourth update)

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  Chapter 147 Huashan Linghu Chong (fourth update)

  Under the moonlight, two figures stood in the shadow behind the rockery.

  Standing like a silent sculpture.

  In front of them was a brightly lit small building. In the small building, three figures could be seen at the table, changing cups and enjoying a meal.

  "Is Shang Jiuge inside?" A man with a somewhat irritated voice whispered.

  "Not only Shang Jiuge, but also Sheng Junqian, the top one on Jianghu Ranking List, and a girl whose origins are unclear are all there." A woman's voice sounded quietly.

  "Sheng Junqian is at the top of Jianghu's second-level rankings, a genuine and powerful second-level player." The man said.

  "Shang Jiuge may be stronger, but she was injured by Hei Wu yesterday, and she fought with Hei Wu for the second time today. I'm afraid her 100% strength is less than 70%." "But even

  so, two second-grade masters , it’s not something we can handle.” The woman said.

  "Have they been poisoned?"

  "It's already been poisoned. I put poison in the batch of dishes I sent in before. They are colorless and tasteless. As long as they take one bite, they will be poisoned and die within an hour. ." The man said confidently: "In the hive, when it comes to martial arts, you and I may not even be in the top 100, but when it comes to using poison, I can at least be in the top ten." "After all, I am joining the hive

  . Before, he had the nickname of Medicine Master of Hundred Poisons."

  "That's good." The woman didn't take the man's boasting too seriously: "In short, our mission is to kill Shang Jiuge. Sheng Junqian and that girl are not here They are on the assassination list, but we still killed them all so as not to leave the informants alive."

  "Yun Niang, you are right." The man complimented softly: "In short, the organization finally issued a Tianzihao mission. If we can get it, If you get the top spot, you will really become famous in the organization, and even being promoted to Golden Bee is not impossible."

  "Don't think too far ahead." Yun Niang said coldly.

  At this time, I suddenly heard the sound of heavy objects falling to the ground in the house, and the panicked cry of a man: "There seems to be poison in this food." Looking towards the small building, I could no longer see

  anything through the window paper. All the sitting figures had obviously fallen to the ground.

  "I hit it," the man said excitedly.

  "Wait for one more incense." Yun Niang said.

  As BeeWing, she has the responsibility of coordinating BeeSting operations.

  The man nodded yes.

  Waiting for a stick of incense means waiting for the toxicity in the human body to fully activate, so that the assassination can be completed effortlessly.

  As an assassin in the hive, every one of them can survive until the next mission, relying on enough caution.

  While waiting, a stick of incense does not take long.

  The two people made sure that there was no movement in the room, so they walked gently to the front of the room one after another.

  "I'll come as soon as I go." At this time, under the light, you can see the man with a loud voice, masked in black and with a strong physique.

  Yun Niang nodded. As Bee Wing, she was only responsible for assisting on the periphery and would not actively participate in the assassination mission.

  Because in this case, even if the bee needle mission fails, the bee wings can fly away quickly without folding themselves inside.

  The reason is also very simple. After all, when a bee stings a person, it can at most break the stinger inside. How can it be that the whole bee cannot fly away?

  Yun Niang waited quietly outside the door. Now it was a simple matter. She only had to go in and stab someone in the chest, then cut off Shang Jiuge's head and take it back to life. This might be the simplest Tianzihao in the history of the hive. Mission accomplished.

  After all, the reason why Shang Jiuge is on the top list of Jianghu is more because of her superior status and background than simply her martial arts.

  For such an enemy with unlimited potential, there are countless people in this world who want her dead for various reasons.

  And Hive just does such a white-glove job on behalf of those who are inconvenient to take action.

  But Yun Niang waited for half a stick of incense, only to feel that there was no movement in the room, just like a big open mouth, and the bee sting was swallowed immediately after entering it.

  "How is this possible?" Yun Niang was puzzled and thought to herself.

  At this time, calling out the name of Feng Zhen may be the best solution.

  But Yun Niang took a step back unconsciously.

  The rule of the Hive Assassin is that in any situation where the situation cannot be understood, the best policy should be taken.

  Because the unknown is the scariest thing in this world.

  But to run away without knowing it seems to be too timid.

  And know nothing.

  After thinking for a moment, Yun Niang reached out and took out a dark and heavy ball from her arms, weighed it in her hands, and then threw the ball hard. It hit the window paper and fell into the small building. , but Yun Niang didn't stop any longer, turned around and soared into the sky towards the outside of the small courtyard.

  Behind her, there was a flash of fire in the small building, and a huge explosion sounded.

  But Yun Niang didn't look back and ran towards the outside.

  Whether she completes the task or not is no longer the most important thing to her.

  All she had to do was report it truthfully.

  The bee stinger entered the room where three people had been poisoned, but there was no response after half a stick of incense. This was suspicious enough.

  Now, if three people are really poisoned, this thunder will be enough to kill them all, and their mission will be completed.

  If there is really something fishy inside and the person is not dead, then I will just go and deliver food.

  After all, like the Hundred Poison Pharmacist, who is good at using poison, she is not a frontal combat assassin.

  As for the Hundred Poison Pharmacist.

  Yun Niang sighed: "He is a barely good partner."

  "At least he is more compatible with me."

  At this time, in the moonlit night, Yun Niang suddenly heard the melodious sound of the flute.

  The sound of the flute was long and whimpering, far away and now near. It was originally pleasant, but Yun Niang was disturbed by it.

  Because the sound of the flute was obviously directed at her.

  Yun Niang stood still on the eaves, her shadow cast thinly under the moonlight.

  "Who are you, your Excellency, to embarrass me?"

  "It's hard to say." A cold male voice sounded quietly in the moonlit night.

  Yun Niang saw a man wearing black clothes and a bamboo hat walking slowly under the moonlight. He had a long sword on his waist and a green bamboo flute in his hand.

  "Are you Yun Zhong Lei Yun Niang?" the man said quietly, his words were cold.

  Yun Niang had already put her hand into her pocket and held the four palm thunders, while looking at the other person warily: "Since you know who I am, then who are you?" "The world is so big, you go your own way, and

  I'll go My single-plank bridge, our well water does not interfere with the river water, why do you come to provoke me?"

  The man smiled.

  Looking at Yun Niang.

  The hat and black clothes covered his appearance.

  "I'm Linghu Chong from Huashan Mountain."

  "I heard that you are planning to do harm to my little sister-in-law."

  "How can I sit back and ignore it?"

  ps: The fourth update is over today.

  I originally wanted to challenge the fifth update, but it seems to be a bit difficult. Let’s try it again tomorrow.

  (End of chapter)

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